Dos empresas controlan el dinero de todo el mundo. Es probable que nunca hayas oído hablar de ellas.
Se esconden detrás de todas las Big Tech y de todas las grandes compañías del mundo.
#Vanguard #BlackRock
Yogthos wrote the following post Sun, 29 Sep 2024 15:58:40 +0200
World’s top 1% own more wealth than 95% of humanity, as “the shadow of global oligarchy hangs over UN General Assembly,” says Oxfam.
#UN #wealth #humanity #capitalism #imperialism #oligarchy #finance #debt #money #power #blackrock #vanguard #deepstate #banksters #poverty
British nuclear missile test fails and crashes into sea
A recent Royal Navy test of the missile that carries Britain's nuclear deterrent failed within seconds, it has emerged, raising new questions about the deterrent's viability at a time of elevated #nuclear tensions.
First revealed by the Sun newspaper, the US-manufactured #Trident missile was launched from the #submarine HMS #Vanguard off the east coast of the US.
However, instead of flying the planned thousands of miles before coming down in the southern Atlantic Ocean, it crashed into the sea near the launch site.
Oxfam Novib: ‘Suprematie van miljardairs zorgt voor steeds meer politieke macht’
Ongelijkheidsrapport - De toenemende macht van superrijken en hun bedrijven heeft de ongelijkheid in de wereld weer verder vergroot. Hoe sleets de boodschap van Oxfam Novib ook mag klinken, de cijfers blijven verbazen. (...)
Bij de start deze maandag van het World Economic Forum, de politiek-economische hoogmis in het Zwitserse Davos, constateert Oxfam wederom dat de rijken de afgelopen jaren nog rijker werden, en de armen nog armer. „Aan de start van het jaar 2024, is het zeer reële gevaar dat deze buitengewone extremen het nieuwe normaal worden”, aldus Oxfam. (...)
(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)
Klaus Schwab, oprichter van het World Economy Forum in het Zwitserse Davos, luistert naar een presentatie over een vredesplan voor Oekraïne aan de vooravond van het WEF.
De rijkdom van de vijf rijkste miljardairs ter wereld (Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault en familie, Jeff Bezos, Larry Ellison en Warren Buffett) is sinds 2020 meer dan verdubbeld: van 405 miljard dollar naar 869 miljard dollar (794 miljard euro). En dat terwijl 60 procent van de mensheid, een kleine vijf miljard mensen, in dezelfde periode juist armer is geworden. (...)
In het voorwoord bij het rapport met de titel Inequality Inc. (vrij vertaald: De BV Ongelijkheid) zegt de Amerikaanse senator Bernie Sanders het als volgt: „Nooit eerder in de geschiedenis van de mensheid hebben zo weinig mensen zo veel bezit gehad. Nooit eerder in de geschiedenis van de mensheid is er zo’n ongelijkheid in inkomen en vermogen geweest. [...] Nooit eerder in de geschiedenis hebben we een klasse van miljardairs gezien met zoveel politieke macht.” (...)
Als voorbeeld van de groeiende macht van het bedrijfsleven (en haar eigenaren) schetst Oxfam de concentratie die heeft plaatsgevonden in de afgelopen decennia. Waar eind vorige eeuw nog zestig farmaceuten de wereldtop vormden, zijn dat er nu nog tien. In de techsector is het niet veel beter: driekwart van het geld dat aan online advertenties wordt uitgegeven, loopt via Meta, Alphabet en Amazon. En in de financiële wereld loopt ongeveer eenvijfde van de mondiale geldstroom door drie bedrijven: BlackRock, State Street en Vanguard beheren samen 20.000 miljard dollar.
De toenemende concentratie van bedrijfsmacht is een van de grote aanjagers van méér ongelijkheid, stelt Oxfam. Dat gebeurt op vier manieren. Allereerst gebruiken de superrijken de macht van hun bedrijven om de rijken (veelal de aandeelhouders) te belonen, en niet de werknemers. Ze verzetten zich zelfs tegen wetgeving die de positie van werknemers moet verbeteren. Ten tweede maken de grote bedrijven gebruik van fiscale routes om zo min mogelijk belasting te hoeven betalen. (...)
Ten derde waarschuwt Oxfam voor de aanhoudende golf van privatiseringen van publieke diensten zoals onderwijs, watervoorziening en gezondheidszorg, die de kloof tussen arm en rijk vergroten. En tenslotte dragen de superrijken via hun bedrijven onevenredig veel bij aan klimaatverandering, terwijl ze juist profiteren van de winsten van industrieën die veel bijdragen aan CO2-uitstoot. (...)
En dat terwijl de prijs van klimaatverandering veelal betaald wordt door de minderbedeelden: die wonen vaker in gebieden die getroffen worden door klimaatverandering. (...)
[Het gaat] in essentie om een fundamentele keuze die gemaakt moet worden: kiest de wereld voor een nieuw tijdperk van suprematie van miljardairs, gecontroleerd door monopolisten en financiers, of voor een geleidelijke verschuiving naar publieke macht die gebaseerd is op gelijkheid en waardigheid. Overheden hebben die keuze, stelt de organisatie. Om bedrijven strenger te reguleren, om beleid te maken dat ongelijkheid verkleint, om met andere fiscale stelsels de belastingontwijking tegen te gaan, om te investeren in publieke voorzieningen.
Tags: #nederlands #ongelijkheid #superrijken #bedrijfsconcentratie #Meta #Alphabet #Amazon #BlackRock #State_Street #Vanguard #farmaceutische_industrie #aandeelhouders #arbeiders #kapitaal #arbeid #belastingontwijking #vakbonden #overheid #publieke_sector #privatisering #Elon_Musk #Bernard_Arnault #Jeff_Bezos #Larry_Ellison #Warren_Buffett
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The Threat Posed by #Vanguard & #BlackRock. The #Plan Is To #Privatise #EVERYTHING
737 maîtres du monde contrôlent 80 % de la valeur des entreprises mondiales
Une étude d’économistes et de statisticiens, publiée en Suisse cet été, met en lumière les interconnexions entre les multinationales mondiales. [...] Résultat : 80 % de la valeur de l’ensemble des 43.000 multinationales étudiées est contrôlé par 737 « entités » : des banques, des compagnies d’assurances ou des grands groupes industriels. Le monopole de la possession du capital ne s’arrête pas là. « Par un réseau complexe de prises de participation », 147 multinationales, tout en se contrôlant elles-mêmes entre elles, possèdent 40 % de la valeur économique et financière de toutes les multinationales du monde entier.
#BlackRock #Vanguard #JPMorgan #StateStreet #entreprise #entreprises #capitalisme #capital
"Virtually Everyone In The World Either Directly Or Indirectly Takes Orders From 2 Investment Firms"
"If you don't have knowledge of the power of #Vanguard & #Blackrock, it is worth the time to get an education."
Avons-nous encore besoin des #banques ? | 42, la réponse à presque tout | ARTE
C'est amusant comme le #reportage ne se demande pas comment interdire les paradis fiscaux... (Arte, bien sûr) :)
#Banque #Finance #Spéculation #Crise #BCE #BanqueCentrale #CréationMonétaire #Fraude #Off-shore #EuroDollars #ParadisFiscaux #StateStreet #Vanguard #BlackRock #Profit #Argent #Corruption #Riches #Pauvres
The blame for the destruction of West #Maui is falling upon Hawaiian Electric who knew as early as four years ago that there was a risk of fire due to their own negligence of maintaining power lines. But did nothing. Hawaiian Electric, who is owned by #Vanguard and #BlackRock, has been shifting their focus to clean energy. But in order to Build Back Better, they must first #destroy the #old system. And so the #power was left on to #feed the #fires.
The outdoor siren warning system on Maui is one of the most advanced and maintained warning systems on Earth. Residents are accustomed to monthly tests and on the day of the fire, no sirens went off. The director in charge of this warning system was at a FEMA disaster seminar in Oahu as the fires were devastating the people of Maui.
When asked if he regretted not sounding the alarm, he said no. Because he was worried that the people would run into the fire.
But instead, they burned to death. Including an untold number of children who were home alone that morning because of a school cancellation.
The #water wasn’t on. #Fire #hydrants were #dry.
And the Deputy Director of Water Resource Management, who was named an Obama Foundation Leader, refused to release water for the west Maui fires until it was too late. He says that in order to share water, Hawaiians need to discuss equity.
Without any warnings and without any water, the people tried to flee. But they were stopped by the police who had orders to keep people from escaping.
The Maui chief of police, John Pelletier, was the incident officer at one of the biggest cover-up operations in US #history; the 2017 Las Vegas shootings.
Residents are not allowed to leave unless they get a permission slip from the federal government. But the government recently decided to shut that option down.
While the fires burned, a book was published about the entire event. The book blamed climate change and was written by a Dr Miles Stones. The definition of milestone is; an action or event marking a significant change or stage in development.
#Hawaii is being #usurped #by the same #billionaires pushing for the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. They have been #planning on turning Maui into a test bed for their Artificial Intelligence #Smart Grid. But the #people were in their way, so they #burned them #out. Maui will either be a major milestone for the ruling class, or a line in the sand for we the people.
The federal government offers a one-time payment of seven hundred dollars to each family that has lost their home. And the Governor of Hawaii tells reporters that the state plans on acquiring the land.
And if it wasn’t for the local community, the survivors would be left alone to die in the ashes of their neighbors.
EXCLUSIVE: Maui wildfires death toll climbs to 480 locals claim, as Hawaii morgue workers run out of body bags and survivors are left to recover the charred remains of their loved ones
Locals have been forced to carry out their own search and recovery efforts in the aftermath of the deadly Lahaina wildfires amid the slow response from officials, has learned
Maui resident and volunteer Allisen Medina, 24, has also claimed authorities are underplaying the death toll: 'I know there are at least 480 dead here in Maui and I don't understand why they're not saying that'
She said the slow recovery process has led to family members being left to find the charred corpses of their loved ones themselves, including a friend of hers who lost four family members
I still remember the bull**** line of for days after this happened, we have only inspected 3%. Dont be suprised if the death count goes well over 1000. There is something very wrong here as we can all see in the previous posts.Don't be suprised for the native local people in the future to find there justice in other ways. Its an island remember, their island.
Cette vidéo ressort sur les réseaux, un truc de dingue ! Plus d'un million de vues ! 😳 - #Bizouskes #StefanCuvelier
Mais après je me suis dit :
"Ben ouais, c'est toujours d'actualité.
Et peut-être que certains ne savent toujours pas !"
Donc plutôt deux fois qu'une ! 😉
Belle journée ! ❤️
#humour #politique #santé #GAFAM #Vanguard #FondDePension
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#Theonepercent #NutzloseEsser #Blackrock #Vanguard #WEF #NWO #TheGreatResist #Erddemokratie #VandanaShiva
***TEILE & HERRSCHE - Der Plan der 1%, dich ÜBERFLÜSSIG zu machen* **
Vandana Shiva - Vortrag von 2021
Vandana Shiva (geboren am 5. November 1952) ist eine indische Wissenschaftlerin, Umweltaktivistin, Physikerin, Verfechterin der Ernährungssouveränität und Anti-Globalisierungs-Autorin. Shiva lebt in Delhi und hat mehr als 20 Bücher geschrieben. Shiva gründete 1982 die Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Natural Resource Policy (RFSTN), eine Organisation, die sich der Entwicklung nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlicher Methoden widmet. Sie ist um die Welt gereist, um eine kraftvolle Botschaft der Einheit und Verbundenheit zu verbreiten.
Teilen ist gerne erlaubt!
well, if these two are managed opposition shills buying trust, they're succesfully making a fairly large purchase here with me and those #healthy #rants.
"This _Deregulation is what makes this wealth transfer happen
- absolutely dont become a victim of fear-mongering
- rebuild community
- see through the deceptions that generate fragmentation
- rebuild innovatively for life and freedom
- better ideas, diversely
- become aware, eating well, eating good food, is the single most important ingredient to health
- grow food in the right way, and combine with this awareness of good food eaten well for health
- taking care
- love all people
- respect your butterfly wings, flap them well, in civildisobedience
- develop strategies to get rid of the robber barons
- acknowledge we dont have the luxury to be hopeless
- cultivate hope
- saveseeds
- grow your own food, know your farmer
- do what you can. help those who cant
- invigorate lived democracy for when electoral democracy fails us.
- remain hopeful
#vandanashiva #mercola #drmercola #navdanya #liveddemocracy #electoraldemocracy #mediacontrol #narrativemanagement #earthdemocracy #freedom #peoplesfreedom #illusionoffreedom #deregulation #selforganising #health #evolution #fractal #choices #justice #freedomandjustice #legalframework #practical #subsidies #look #equity #imposition #scaredbunchoftrillionaires #trueeconomies #cbdc #forcevaccination #nochoicenodemocracy #preservechoicepreservedemocracy #preservedemocracypreservelife #preservechoicepreservelife #globalisationisderegulation #democraticlaw #environmentalprotectionlaws #healthprotectionlaws #righttoeducation #workersrights #labourlaws #blacklivesmatter #justicematters #wakeup #narrative #divideandconquer #securitiesofdemocracy #societalprotectionlaws #freedomtodestroy #insurancecompanies #bigpharma #deregulationofourtimes #community #democraticsystems #sovereignty #monopoly #biofortification #ayurveda #problemreactionsolution #ruthless #vicious #money #dictatorship #technologybarons #barons #personalgreed #violentsystems #agrichemicals #hitler #genocide #domination #exploitation #notneutral #progressives #hierarchy #technologyasservant #convergentinterests #crisis #bookburning #ruthless #embraceextendextinguish #merger #destroyedentireindustries #intention #deregulation #globalisation #onenessvstheonepercent #investment #lifesciencesindustry #monsanto #bayer #financialtools #digitaltools #billionaires #assetfunds #controllingtheworldseconomy #corporations #psychopaths #owned #thetwelve #blackrock #vanguard #wealthtransfer #amazon #microsoft #fauxlanthropy #topdown #foodwithoutfood #toxic #control #nofreedom #weareinalotoftrouble #wakeup #lookup #mendthis #ecocide #finalissue #justice #shutdown #lockdown #deathofbirth #codexalimentarius #waronlife #themostvulnerable #vulnerable #therightstep #class #billionhungry #capitalism #monopolism #anthrocide #WHO #regulatorycapture #governments #philanthropy #hunger #sickness #humancull #nocullnecessary #forprofit #forweathextractionmaximisation #wealtextraction #wealthextractionmaximisation #homelessness #intentional #calous #throwawayclass #genocide #softkill #hardkill #panopticon #distraction #dumbdown #lobotomy #morecontrol #moreconcentration #centralisation #withoutrepresentation #withoutdemocracy #patriarchy #arrogance #billgates #zuckerberg #jeffbezos #destroying #planetaryscale #planetary #humanity #worsethingsthandeath #homeless #homelesspopulation #twoclasssystem #threeclasssystem #fourclasssystem #comorbidities #socialills #moneyoverpeople #greed #consequences #causality #society #nosociety #destruction #ecologicalcrisis #industrialism #pandemic #plandemic #colonialism #wellfare #dismantlingofprotection #dismantlingofsocialprotection #inequality #endofsociety #oneness #united #brutalviolence #poverty #criminals #apartheid #trusts #orwellian #taxdeduction #interesting #rockerfella #messcatalyst #molecularbiology #intelectualcapture #puppets #greenrevolution #greenwashing #corporateterrorism #stateterrorism #fascism #corporatism #controlleddebate #controlledclimatedebate #compulsorydigitaltransactions #nationaltaxsystems #nationaltaxsystemsusurped #gatesglobaltotalitarianresearch #agnotology #mostdevious #imaginationless #singularfocus #inhuman #inhumane #aware #facethehorror #therearepsychopaths #embraceextentextinguishonlife #mothernature #symbiosis #momentum #scamplan #worlddomination accounting #accountability #noaccountability #serious #extractiveeconommy #peoplemining #statesystem #wepaidforit #theyprofit #wedie #notinourname #reversetax #trickleup #imbalancedredistribution #iniquitous #collapse #intentionalinflation #strategicinflation #undemocraticinflation #WEF #greateconomicreset #imposed #notanaccident #wetriedtowarnyou #butyoucalledusconspiracytheorists #psyop #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #ecologicaldestruction #ripoffnature #disempowerment #wecanmendthis #empowerment #empowereverybody #pitchforksvstorches #languageappropriation #soil #neglect #regreen #recycle #earth #naturally #healthily #regenerate #regeneration #runfromthecure #noosphericattack #spin #organic #GMO #geneeditting #crispr #geneticallymodifiedorganism #fakelife #latteralgenetransfer #terminatorgenes #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #seriously #theplantoownalllife #includingyou #financialisationofnature #manufacturingdisposablepeople #circularreasoning #nocullnecessary #manufacturedscarcity #tyranicaltautology #suffering #youdeservebetter #theylie #theylietheylietheylie #fuckthat #fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellme #declareindependence #patents #patentfraud #wipo #reductivism #totalitarianism #users #spyware #biospyware #allocation #vaers #worthy #humanrights #undoingwhatgenerationsfaughtfor #alert #bealert #myiopia #myopiclossofwealth #terrormyopia #usory #economicsuicide #suicide #suicideeconomy #defysuiciding #stay #mendthis #democracy #economy #humanity #startthinking #startthinkingaboutit #defendfeircly #freedomandlife #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #attercoparchy #createlocalmarkets #scientistssay #pestcontrol #illegal #illegalineffectivepestcontrol #apatientcuredacustomerlost #forprofitmedicine #forprofitpestcontrol #racket#protectionracket #biologicalprotectionracket #soarrogant #1000sofwaysofdoingfarming #gatesag1 #totallycontrolled #controlledseeds #farmerbrainscontrolled #staringdownthebarrelofeternaltyranny #bigdemand #manufactureddemand #hehadagraph #donttrusthim #distrusthim #ruthlesspsychopath #notphilanthropist #consciousness #consciousnessrising #awakeningconsciousness #lifejusticehumanity #vs #deathdestructiongreed #civilisation #culture #disease #social #individual #civildisobedience #robberbarons #worsethingsthandeath #growyourown #knowyourfarmer #solidarity #confidently
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Thomas va faire un test PCR.
Il est réveillé par son téléphone Android, allume la lumière grâce à Engie et va prends un café Nespresso.
Il enfile des vieilles NIKE, un masque 3M, et descend dans l’ascenseur OTIS. Il entre dans sa Renault, passe faire le plein dans une station essence Total et conduit jusqu’au centre de dépistage.
Il paie grâce à sa carte MasterCard sur un terminal de paiement Ingenico, se fait faire son test avec un kit Hologic qui sera analysé sur une machine Abbott, on y recherchera des variants découverts avec des logiciels comme NextGen.
En sortant, il se passera une solution hydroalcoolique Aniosgel, se mouchera avec un Kleenex, fumera une Gauloise, et mâchera un Hollywood Chewing Gum **avant son rendez-vous **Tinder dans un Starbucks Café.
Il discutera du choix du meilleur vaccin entre Moderna, Pfizer, Astrazeneca ou J&J et de la gestion désastreuse de l’épidémie par le Gouvernement Français.
Il finira la soirée avec une Heinekein pour lui et de la Guiness pour elle, il jouira dans une capote Durex.
Toutes les sociétés mentionnées dans cette histoire ont un point commun, #BlackRock , #Vanguard et #StateStreet réunis en constituent les investisseurs institutionnels majoritaires. Ensemble, ils forment un immense réseau pyramidal ou les petits investisseurs appartiennent à des plus gros qui appartiennent aux plus gros : le sommet visible de cette pyramide ne comporte que deux sociétés, BlackRock et Vanguard, possédant non seulement une partie des actions de presque toutes les grandes entreprises, mais aussi les actions des investisseurs dans ces entreprises.
Vanguard est l'actionnaire majoritaire de BlackRock et de #GoldmanSachs , c'est une société privée dont nous ne pouvons pas savoir qui sont les actionnaires. Ces deux sociétés gèrent en 2021 un montant d'actifs de 17 000 milliards (dollar US), soit 121% de la masse monétaire de l'€ (M3) au même moment.
When we have massive corporations owning big corporations, owning medium corporations, owning small corporations, it doesn't take as many conspiritors as a person might imagine to control vast numbers of people and affect significant influence in the world. This is true for many human oganisational structures that rely on a pyramidal hierarchy for order.
#blackrock #vanguard #statestreet #environmentalsocialgovernance #uk #esg #usa #woke #wokeideology #eu #corporatism #conspiracy #schwab #builderberg #worldeconomicforum #wef #bigcorp #biggov #bigtech #usa #elitism #nietzscheanism #control #conspiracies #bigpharma #CCP #un #statecapitalism #collusion #crime #cronycapitalism #globalism #elites #corruption #cfr #harvard #oxford #lse #cityoflondon #manhattan #nyc
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#Who #Rules The #World And Starts #Wars And #Pandemics? This Mep Has The Answer:
Who rules the world? Who starts wars and pandemics? Is it Biden? Is it Putin? Believing that the pharmaceutical industry wants healthy citizens is like believing that the military industry strives for world peace, #MEP #MislavKolakusic said in the #European# Parliament.
#BlackRock, #Vanguard and State Street — investment funds most #people have #never heard of — manage more than $15 trillion in assets. These asset managers have interests in all major pharmaceuticals, #media, #transport companies, #arms #manufacturers and #banks.
#Insatiable #Greed
They are the largest shareholders of #Pfizer, #Moderna and Johnson & #Johnson, among others. They have a majority stake in six of the 10 largest pharmaceutical giants. They have a majority stake in all the companies that have manufactured corona vaccines.
The fact that we are experiencing skyrocketing #inflation, which affects ordinary citizens the most, is not an economic phenomenon, but the result of the insatiable greed of the owners of these asset managers who set prices, Kolakusic argues.
Completely clear
They also have the #military industry in the pocket. BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street own the largest weapons manufacturers, including Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrop Grumman.
It's absolutely clear who rules the world and makes all the important decisions, be it wars or pandemics, says Kolakusic.
Blackrock & Vanguard are both connected to #WEF #Agenda2030 & #NetZero2050 #Tyranny!
findsender post
If 30% of the #Ukraine belongs to #Cargill #Dupont #Monsanto, then it becomes clear, whey it is not desired to negotiate for peace and with that eventually have to give up territory. It would also give another reason for why the Ukrainians have to fight to the last Ukrainian.
I wonder if someone can provide some tables about the Ukrainian government is selling land is or not?
#GMO #Vanguard #blackstone #Blackrock
Latest Max Igan video. 10:09 minute mark - snacks made from #bugs and bread made from powdered #crickets. 12:40 - ports are empty- no ships/food shortages. Black Rock and #Vanguard have taken over our #food production. 36:05 - human-animal hybrids called #chimeras. China successfully grew human-monkey #embryos and sustained them in a lab for 20 days. 39:00 - silicon babies that function like real babies. 49:08 - they have developed a robotic finger that has skin cultured from human skin cells.
Qui est le principal actionnaire ?
3min :
Source : Stefan #Cuvelier (qui lit ce qu'une personne lui a écrit).
#Actionnaire #BigPharma #GAFAM #Vaccin #Covid #Google #Facebook #Vanguard
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#Blackrock and #Vanguard rake in billions: #Omicron variant makes #Moderna and #Pfizer shareholders more than $10bn.