

#flag #us
- Not a perfect Republic, but with freedom there is given the opportunity to become better.
The flag of the Union Army in the Civil War. They won.


Nothing is Real

From very large and significant matters to very small and trivial ones, the media is constantly massaging your perceptions of reality:

#VanityFair #France has apologised after it was found to have #photoshopped an image of actor #GuyPearce, removing a pin of the #Palestinian #flag that he wore at the #Cannes Film Festival. The ‘Time Machine’ and ‘Prometheus’ star posed for a photo shoot wearing a #badge displaying the Palestinian flag on his jacket. The item was reportedly visible in the #French magazine edition of Vanity Fair, but absent from images shared by the publication’s website and #Instagram account.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter in the slightest if an #actor wears a #Palestine pin or not. But his doing so violates the #Narrative, which is that all good and right-thinking people support #Israel’s right to defend itself by #bombing #refugee #camps full of #women and #children situated on #foreign #territory, and therefore his action has to be disappeared before it reaches the public eye.

Never forget that if the #media is reporting it, it is almost certainly #false or #misleading in some way.


Updates to palestine-flag mini-project:
* palestine-flag is now responsive to the aspect ratio of the browser window, so will show the flag in vertical/portrait mode when on a mobile phone
* added opengraph meta-tags so that there is a a preview when pasting on social media sites (like diaspora)
* ignoring darkreader (using <meta name="darkreader-lock">)


#Palestine #flag


Sirens blare in Spanish civil war town of Guernica in solidarity with Gaza | AJ #shorts

Hear the moment an air raid siren blares in Guernica, Spain as protesters form the Palestinian flag in the same market square that was bombed by Nazi and fas...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Guernica #Nazi #Palestinian #Spanish #air #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #blares #civil #fascist #flag #latestnews #newsheadlines #protesters #raid #siren #war
Sirens blare in Spanish civil war town of Guernica in solidarity with Gaza | AJ #shorts


history of the flags of #Iran (official name was adopted in early 1900s by Reza Pahlavi, the first king of Pahlavi dynasty).

The official flag of IRI was adapted in 1980s and modified later to include "aallaho Akbar" on the top and bottom of the White section in the middle. The emblem is made out of multiple half moon and a a sword making it the world Allah, many people in Iran refer to it as Kharchange (the crab).

#Hostory #Persia #IRI #Flag


Man arrested for #wearing #Palestinian #flag
They've actually started doing it ....
Video in tweet 45 secs.

Watch: Man Arrested For Wearing Palestinian Flag At British Protest

Manchester, England police were filmed arresting a person this week for simply wearing a Palestinian flag around his neck at a demonstration.

Police reportedly declared the individual violated common law by breaching the peace.

“What crime?” bystanders asked officers walking the guy into a paddy wagon. “He has done #nothing #wrong!”

#UK Home Secretary THE VERY EVIL #Suella Braverman told The Guardians of the satanic death cult , Wednesday displaying the Palestinian flag or chanting in support of a free #Palestine could both cause Brits to be arrested.

The home secretary sent a letter to chief constables across England and Wales asking they take action against any citizens engaging in the previously listed acts.

The anti-free speech politician didn’t want poo #lice to stop with Hamas supporters as she even called for a crackdown on people simply singing for Palestine to “be free.”

Braverman wrote, “It is not just explicit pro-Hamas symbols and chants that are cause for concern. I would encourage police to consider whether chants such as: ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ should be understood as an expression of a violent desire to see Israel erased from the world, and whether its use in certain contexts may amount to a racially aggravated section 5 public order offence.”


UK democracy in action : Waving Palestinian flag may be a criminal offence, Braverman tells police

Home secretary also suggests clampdown on pro-Arab chants in letter that will concern free speech advocates

Waving a Palestinian #flag or singing a chant advocating freedom for Arabs in the region may be a criminal offence, Suella Braverman has told senior police officers.

In a letter to chief constables in #England and #Wales, the home secretary urged them to clamp down on any attempts to use flags, songs or swastikas to harass or intimidate members of the Jewish community.

Her words, which follow deadly attacks by #Hamas on Israelis and a #military response, will deeply concern #freedom of speech advocates and members of the #Muslim community.

In the letter, #Braverman said police should not restrict themselves to potential offences related to the promotion of Hamas, a proscribed organisation.

#Europe #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Hypocrisy #Inhumanity #Fascism
