

Don't think that Russian hybrid ops in Estonia end with the suspects currently detained

The Internal Security Service (ISS), known in #Estonian as the #Kapo, announced Tuesday that, based on information amassed in the course of criminal proceedings, Russia's security services have been coordinating a hybrid operation against Estonia's security.

This operation includes the activities carried out by those suspects currently detained.

While smashing the windows of a family car is hardly a sophisticated action, recruiting willing volunteers inside Estonia has not proven difficult for the #FSB and/or other Russian security organs.

Speaking to ETV current affairs show "Ringvaade," Läänemets said that the intention on the part of Russia's security services is to sow fear and discord, both in Estonia and elsewhere.

"This is the goal of the #Russian secret services and also that of Russia as a whole: To destabilize Estonian society and sow fear.

"Russia has dedicated units to carry out such operations. Estonia is not the only place where this has happened. It happens in the other Baltic states, and elsewhere ", the minister went on.


#RussianAggression #Imperialism #war #Hybrid #HybridWarfare #civilians #EU


Newly declassified US intel claims Russia is laundering propaganda through unwitting Westerners

“These influence operations are designed to be deliberately small scale, the overall goal being US [and] Western persons presenting these ideas, seemingly organic,” a US official authorized to discuss the material told CNN. “The co-optee influence operations are built primarily on personal relationships … they build trust with them and then they can leverage that to covertly push the FSB’s agenda.”

The campaigns have sometimes been effective at planting Russian narratives in the Western press, according to the intelligence. Maxim Grigoriev, who heads a Russian NGO, made multiple speeches to the UN presenting a false study that claimed the humanitarian group the White Helmets – which operates in Syria – was running a black market for human organs and had faked chemical attacks by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, with whom Russia is allied. Those claims eventually found their way into a television report on the far-right OANN in the United States, according to open-source materials provided by the official.

Yep, even here on the #fediverse ... sadly

#Russia #propaganda #FSB #CNN #news


Russian State Media, RIA Novosti on #Telegram:

— "The #FSB has revealed the intelligence of the American intelligence agencies, carried out using #Apple devices.

The department reported that in the course of ensuring the security of the Russian telecommunications infrastructure, anomalies were identified that are characteristic only for users of Apple mobile phones and are caused by the operation of previously unknown malicious software.

Several thousand telephone sets of this brand were infected, the FSB said.
The information received by the Russian special services testifies to the close cooperation of Apple with the #US intelligence community, the Russian department noted."

#Russia #CIA #FBI #NSA #Spying


Explosion auf der Krim-Brücke: FSB veröffentlicht neue "bulgarische Spur" | DW | 13.10.2022

Russlands Geheimdienst FSB behauptet, der Sprengstoff, der die Brücke zur Krim beschädigt hat, sei aus Bulgarien gekommen. Doch die Angaben aus Moskau sind voller Unklarheiten. Was steckt hinter der Kampagne?#Bulgarien #Russland #KrieginderUkraine #Krim #FSB #Geheimdienste #Sabotage #NukleareBedrohung
Explosion auf der Krim-Brücke: FSB veröffentlicht neue "bulgarische Spur" | DW | 13.10.2022


Russischen Angaben zufolge explodierte ein Lastwagen auf der Brücke. Dadurch sollen weiter entfernt auf der Brücke gleich sieben Kesselwagen eines Güterzugs mit Diesel in Brand geraten sein. In der Folge stürzten Teile der Brückenautobahn ins Meer. Mindestens drei Menschen sollen getötet worden sein.
Tatsächlich konnte der Besitzer des Lkw nach russischen Angaben identifiziert werden. Es handele sich um einen Einwohner der südlichen russischen Region #Krasnodar, erklärten russische Ermittler, ohne den Namen des Mannes zu nennen. Demnach wurden an seinem Wohnsitz Ermittlungen eingeleitet, die dokumentierte Fahrtroute des Lastwagens werde überprüft.

#russland #krieg #krim #fsb #ukraine


Forty days after the unexplained explosion at the #Olenivka #prison in Russian-occupied #Donbas that killed over 50 Ukrainian prisoners of #war, the families of the defenders of #Mariupol and of the Azovstal Steelworks imprisoned by the Russians, have still not been told how many men were killed, and whether their loved ones were among them. #Russia is continuing to violate international law by preventing the International Committee of the Red Cross [ #ICRC] from visiting the site and speaking with surviving POWs. While more movement on a UN fact-finding mission has been announced, there is nothing to suggest that this equates to actual progress. On 3 August, #UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres announced plans for a fact-finding mission, saying that an independent investigation had been requested by both #Ukraine and Russia. On 22 August, we even learned the make-up of such a mission and the members’ credentials, however it was also reported that the UN believed the situation around the prison was too dangerous for such a trip to be undertaken.

It is difficult to see how reporting such illusory progress can help anyone but those responsible for the attack, and during their press conference on 6 September, the relatives of #Azovstal defenders imprisoned at Olenivka expressed frustration at the impotence of international bodies. Such lack of any progress makes it clear that all the POWs are in grave danger, and they demanded that more effective methods be applied to secure their release before it is too late.

https://khpg.org/en/1608811125 #uno #pmc #wagner #fsb #military


Wie hoch sind die menschlichen Verluste auf Seiten Russlands? Offizielle Zahlen zu Gefallenen in der „Spezialoperation“, die in #Russland von Gesetz wegen nicht als #Krieg bezeichnet werden darf, werden seit März nicht mehr veröffentlicht. Doch Schätzungen zufolge sind etwa 80.000 russische Soldaten im russischen Angriffskrieg gegen die #Ukraine verwundet oder getötet worden. In den Straßen größerer russischer Städte wirbt derweil das private Militärunternehmen TschWK #Wagner mit Plakaten um neue Söldner. Einige Söldnertruppen bestehen laut Recherche der Novaya Gazeta Europe zu etwa einem Drittel aus verurteilten Straftätern und Vorbestraften, manche Rekrutierer versprechen den Bewerbern Straferlass.
Diese „verdeckte Mobilisierung“, so schreibt die Novaya Gazeta Europe, laufe auf vollen Touren. Die weiterhin im Land arbeitenden Korrespondenten der Zeitung haben dazu verdeckt recherchiert und auch mit #Militär|experten gesprochen, um herauszufinden, wie die Rekrutierung funktioniert und welche Ausbildung die Söldner bekommen, bevor es an die Front geht. In ihrer umfangreichen Recherche gibt die Novaya detailliert Einblick in ein „zynisches und unmenschliches System“ der Söldneranwerbung in Russland.

https://www.dekoder.org/de/article/rekrutierung-soeldner-armee-ukraine-krieg #fsb #gefängnis #kadyrow #butscha #pmc #donbas #belarus #nazis #tschetschenien #russitsch


Ekaterina Schulmann, Politologin:
22 Jahre Straflager unter verschärften Haftbedingungen plus 500.000 Rubel [etwa 8200 Euro – dek] Geldstrafe und zwei Jahre eingeschränkte #Freiheit nach Entlassung aus der #Haft. Doch irgendetwas sagt mir, dass er das nicht absitzen wird – denn weder der Emir noch der Esel leben ewig, und die Mauern sind nicht so undurchdringlich, wie sie zunächst scheinen.

https://www.dekoder.org/de/article/safronow-urteil-hochverrat-reaktionen #medien #russland #repression #krieg #fsb


Mord gehörte von Beginn an zum Wesenskern des Systems #Putin, das ließe sich an weiteren Beispielen zeigen. Am 24. Februar, mit der Aggression gegen die #Ukraine, ist daraus Massenmord geworden. Die Opfer sind vor allem ukrainische Bürgerinnen und Bürger, aber letztlich auch die „eigenen Leute“, die der #Kreml in dem Krieg verheizt.
Wie immer lohnt es sich, die Frage zu stellen: Wem nützt der Tod der Darja #Dugina? Der Ukraine erkennbar nicht, dem Kreml offensichtlich. Mit ihm lässt sich die perfide Umkehrung von Täter und Opfer erneuern, mit der Putin den #Krieg gegen das Nachbarland rechtfertigt. Der russischen Bevölkerung suggeriert der Anschlag erneut: Es ist #Russland, das angegriffen wird. Russland, das sich verteidigen muss.

https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/fakten-und-inszenierung-mord-als-mittel-der-maechtigen/28620204.html #fsb #kaukasus #terror #rechte


Generally speaking, in August 2021, the Russian Armed Forces had 168 battalion tactical groups (BTGs). These are the ‘permanent readiness’ forces that were more trained and equipped for combat operations than any other. Considering that the number of personnel in each BTG was 800 to 1,000, the total number of Russian ‘permanent readiness’ troops fell in the range of 134,500 to 168,000 on the eve of the #war. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the total invasion force initially numbered 190,000 men, which, alongside BTGs, also included battlefield-ready National Guard units, with ‘Kadyrov’s men’ among them, and the units recruited in the #Donetsk and #Luhansk regions. At the same time, it is still difficult to provide an estimate of the reserves that #Russia had at that time, but it is unlikely to exceed an additional 100,000 men for the armed forces. Considering that these reserves were used by the end of the fifth month of the war, the US #military believe that #Moscow had already engaged 85% of the total available army, one way or another. Hence, the loss of 70,000−80,000 men, whether killed or wounded, in the context of the ongoing war raises the question of whether such an #army can ever return home.

https://ridl.io/the-finite-army/ #ukraine #weapons #crimea #fsb


#Russia is continuing to deny that the massive explosions at a Crimean military base at #Saki that destroyed up to nine of its warplanes were caused by an attack. As the Institute for the Study of #War noted, “the #Kremlin has little incentive to blame Ukraine” since, by doing so, it will admit to serious weaknesses in Russia’s air-defence system. Instead, the Chair of the Crimean Tatar #Mejlis, Refat Chubarov, believes, Russia opted to avenge itself for the humiliation experienced by new mass arrests of Crimean Tatars on fabricated charges One of the motives for the armed searches and arrests of Crimean Tatars has, from the outset, been #propaganda aimed at presenting the main indigenous people of #Crimea, who do not conceal their strong identification with #Ukraine, as a threat. The arrests are also known to bring bonuses or promotion to the #FSB officers and may, therefore, have been planned, but the timing now might well be deliberate.

https://khpg.org/en/1608811021 #repression #Hizb-ut-Tahrir #terror


Screams from soldiers being tortured, overflowing cells, inhuman conditions, a regime of intimidation and murder. Inedible gruel, no communication with the outside world, and days marked off with a home-made calendar written on a box of tea.
This, according to a prisoner who was there, is what conditions are like inside #Olenivka, the notorious detention centre outside #Donetsk where dozens of Ukrainian soldiers burned to death in a horrific episode late last month while in Russian captivity.
Anna Vorosheva – a 45-year-old Ukrainian entrepreneur – gave a harrowing account to the Observer of her time inside the jail. She spent 100 days in Olenivka after being detained in mid-March at a checkpoint run by the pro-Russian Donetsk People’s Republic ( #DNR) in eastern #Ukraine.

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/06/russian-prison-camp-ukrainians-deaths-donetsk #war #russia #mariupol #azov #fsb #zelenskiy #redcross