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Snow Landscapes in Lesotho [ANF] - South Africa, 2020.

Snow in Africa

❄️ -> https://snowbrains.com/sahara-desert-fresh-snow/

#snow #Lesotho #SouthAfrica & #Sahara #desert #landscapes #africa #photo #art

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Snow Falls in Africa’s Sahara Desert - Photo by Mustapha Chagos Hajji, 2021.

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First Sahara Desert Snow In 37 Years - Photo by Karim Bouchetata, 2017.

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Snow Falls in Africa’s Sahara Desert - Photo by Alan Lee, 2022.

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Snow in Lesotho [ANF] - South Africa, 2020.


#China Has Opened Up Secret #Police Stations in These Countries

source: https://www.newsweek.com/china-overseas-police-service-center-new-york-city-crime-1753242

In the United States, the report's open-source data indicated one such service center in #NewYork City. In #Canada, three were established in #Toronto.

In South #America, there was one each in #Quito and #Guayaquil, #Ecuador; #Rio de Janeiro and #SãoPaulo, #Brazil; #BuenosAires, #Argentina; and #Viña del Mar, #Chile.

Most of the Chinese overseas police stations were located in #Europe, including nine in #Spain, the most of any country on the list: three in #Madrid, three in #Barcelona, two in #Valencia and one in #Santiago de Compostela.

#Italy was hosting the second-most stations in Europe with four: #Rome, #Milan, #Florence and #Prato.

In #France, three service centers were operating out of #Paris. #Portugal also hosted one each in #Porto, #Lisbon and #Madeira. In United Kingdom, the report found two in #London and one in #Glasgow.

The #Netherlands was hosting two such centers in #Amsterdam and #Rotterdam, respectively, while the #CzechRepublic had two in #Prague. #Budapest, #Hungary, also had two, one for each of the #Fuzhou and #Qingtian police bureaus—a common phenomenon across Europe.

European countries each hosting only one Chinese police station included #Dublin, #Ireland; #Bratislava, #Slovakia; #Frankfurt, #Germany; #Athens, #Greece; #Stockholm, #Sweden; #Vienna, #Austria; #Odessa, #Ukraine; and #Belgrade, #Serbia.

In #Africa, #BeninCity, #Nigeria; #Maseru, #Lesotho; and #DarEsSalaam, #Tanzania, each hosted one.

In Asia, at least one police center was operating out of #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia; #Sirdaryo, #Uzbekistan; #BandarSeriBegawan, #Brunei; #Tokyo, #Japan; and #PhnomPenh, #Cambodia.

China wants to be the new world police 😱

#news #fail #law #problem #humanrights #international #crime #USA #UK


Protégeons les femmes au travail!

Au #Lesotho, plus de 120 femmes travaillant dans des fabriques #textiles ont révélé avoir été violées par leurs responsables hiérarchiques. Pour certaines, au sein même de l’usine.

Elles ne sont pas les seules. Selon un sondage, 80% des travailleuses de l’industrie textile au #Bangladesh ont été victimes - ou témoins - d’ #abus et de #violencessexuelles au #travail, comme des millions de #femmes dans le monde entier.

Mais nous avons quelques semaines pour contribuer à faire adopter un traité révolutionnaire et soutenir des réformes nationales ambitieuses qui pourraient protéger les femmes du monde entier contre les violences au travail!

6 pays ont déjà ratifié ce traité, mais il en faudra bien plus pour en faire la norme dans le monde entier. Faisons entendre un soutien retentissant aux pays en pointe sur la question tels que l’Espagne, l’Argentine ou l’Équateur avant le prochain sommet international sur les #droitsdesfemmes et sonnons l’alarme tout autour du monde.
Signez maintenant!

(Et n'oubliez de ne plus acheter de vêtements neufs ou fabriqués dans ces pays)

#sexisme #patriarcat #conditionsdetravail #pétition #avaaz