

What #Mastodon #server could I #choose?

It's a real #problem you don't know much about the #administration of the servers. A Mastodon server could be a "Trojan Horse" to get your data. Now that they are leaving #Twitter many new servers appear and many admins will close their server next year again because it's too expensive or too much #work.

So here are some points you can check:

  • Don't go to #fosstodon because I am there. Choose fosstodon only if most of the ther points of this list fitt your needs.
  • The donain of the server shouldn't include "Mastodon" because most of the new users search their server via #Google. If they all choose servers with "Mastodon" inside of the #domain it's against #decentralization and the servers are soon overcrowded with much work for the administration.
  • Check the server #information and #background. It's better to choose a server operated by a #community and not a single person. The server should have been only before the #hyoe because not many of the new servers will survive one year.
  • Check the domain. It should be #cool and fitting to the spirit of your posts.
  • Check the servers blocked on your server. Don't choose a server where nothing is blocked because then you know there is no #moderation on your server. If right wing servers are not blocked you are maybe choosing a server of a right echo chamber. If your server is blocked on many others there is something wrong with the administration.
  • At the end its the best to open your own server and be your own #admin. But don't forget that Mastodon isn't running properly on a raspberry pi. The server needs money and time for updates and moderation. So think of donating to your server if possible.
  • Learn about the #Fediverse. You are here on #Diaspora and now you think about going to Mastodon because Elon #Musk is killing Twitter. But why should you go to Mastodon only because the #press #filterbubble is talking about it? Maybe you can be wiser than all the lemmings out there and learn something first with a search engine of your #trust. With #Friendica you can post to the Fediverse and read it on Diaspora and Mastodon.
  • At the end it would be nice if you can follow me on Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@anonymiss - @anonymiss@fosstodon.org :)

Please let me know what you think in the comments and thank you for reading :)

#knowledge #wisdom #internet #instructions #news #software #education #help #todo #tutorial #advice #privacy #security #online #communication #trend #trending #ElonMusk #economy #corporation #freedom #donate #alternative #blog #microblogging #microblog


Currently this node is aware of 15,852 nodes (2,461,557 active users last month, 3,817,404 active users last six months, 8,549,203 registered users in total) from the following platforms:

#Friendica (438/22324)
#Akkoma (193/5290)
#BirdsiteLIVE (74/61470)
#BookWyrm (41/2180)
#Castopod (50/114)
#Diaspora (137/746983)
#Funkwhale (146/7213)
#GNU Social/Statusnet (49/2985)
#GoToSocial (315/323)
#Hometown (98/7678)
#Honk (45/59)
#Hubzilla/Red Matrix (208/6555)
#Lemmy (73/33728)
#Mastodon (8347/6769208)
#Microblog (184/185)
#Misskey (425/46902)
#Mobilizon (114/14337)
#Nextcloud (36/38)
#Nomad projects (Mistpark, Osada, Roadhouse, Zap) (22/399)
#Owncast (148/148)
#Peertube (1194/304286)
#Pixelfed (342/103610)
#Pleroma (1412/102198)
#Plume (55/25393)
#ActivityPub Relay (73/498)
#SocialHome (4/1498)
#WordPress (899/32635)
#Write.as (1/1)
#WriteFreely (475/57191)
Other (254/193774)

Ich habe bei mir etwas umgestellt und suche jetzt mit ↳ MetaGer und ↳ searX. Mit MetaGer arbeite ich schon etwas länger und serX ist neu dazugekommen.

Suchmaschinen: Welche respektieren die Privatsphäre?

"Als #Alternative zu Google wird häufig DuckDuckGo genannt. Doch wieso soll man plötzlich einem Anbieter vertrauen, dessen Sitz in den USA ist und wie alle dort ansässigen Unternehmen dem Patriot Act unterliegen? DuckDuckGo ist generell verpflichtet, mit Behörden wie dem FBI, NSA und CIA zusammenzuarbeiten. Wo liegt also der Mehrwert, wenn als Alternative zu Google ständig DuckDuckGo empfohlen wird? Okay, dann bekommt vielleicht Google nicht eure Daten, aber womöglich andere Stellen. Von daher kann ich die Empfehlung für DuckDuckGo absolut nicht nachvollziehen – gerade dann, wenn es um Privatsphäre bzw. Datenschutz geht."
#Microblog von #Mike-Kuketz von 2017


#Kuketz #Blog #Suchmaschine/n #NoGoogle #Google #Datenschutz #Internet #Netz #Privatspäre #DuckDuckGo #Startpage #MetaGer #Searx #Vertrauenfrage #Diaspora #Fediverse #Community


Nochmal zum Thema #Snowflake.

Snowflake: Menschen bei Umgehung von Internet-Zensur helfen

"Je mehr Nutzer Snowflake installiert haben, desto schwieriger können die Verbindungen blockiert werden. Jeder Proxy hat eine eigene #IP-Adresse, die die Zensoren blockieren müssen. Bei der Vielzahl an IP-Adressen, die ständig wechseln und damit ungültig werden ist es nicht möglich alle zu sperren."

#Kuketz #Microblog #Internet #Zensur #Proxy #Tor #Netzwerk #Anonym #Firefox #Chrome #Chromium #Browser #Addon #Information #Desinformation #Fediverse #Community


JILL 2019 - « L'automatisation avec Ansible et AWX» par Baptiste Ivol, @Linagora Canada

Baptiste Ivol de Linagora Canada a présenté sur Ansible et AWX.

The AWX Project — AWX for short — is an open source community project, sponsored by Red Hat, that enables users to better control their Ansible project use in IT environments.

#WPtoDiaspora #sqil #jill #sfd2019 #facil #linagora #ansible #awx #canada #montréal #montreal #microblog

Cet article est disponible ici: https://magicfab.ca/2019/09/jill-2019-lautomatisation-avec-ansible-et-awx-par-baptiste-ivol-linagora-canada/