

Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us

#Zelensky #set the #trap that #threatens to #destroy us #Ukraine #NATO #US #UK #Germany #France #EU #Russia

"Bandera’s Ukraine, which has been furiously privatizing its remaining state properties left to it by Russia and the USSR, already has a large part of its valuable black lands in the hands of #Blackrock , #Monsanto and other U.S. interests. These are joined by energy, mining, agro-industrial and real estate ownership.

Now, to finance the war effort, the illegitimate Zelensky, who is currently usurping the position of president (I can already see the meaning of that kiss from von der #Leyen, the usurpers recognize each other), is preparing to sell what he still has left. The exigencies from the IMF and from financial agreements with the European Union always require privatizations and the businesses in question are, in some cases, important natural monopolies."



reposting public from someone's limited post. i think this seems too important not to share openly.

The Bayer-Monsanto Protection Act on Steroids is Rolling Out Across the Country. Is Your State Passing the Legislation? - GMO / Toxin Free USA
Bayer-Monsanto has been hardest hit by pesticide litigation. Roundup lawsuits, which have been in the news for the last several years, are a huge financial drain. Approximately 167,000 lawsuits have been filed by people who claim they developed cancer, primarily non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, from their exposure to Roundup. The litigation has cost the company billions of dollars and its shares have plummeted, with a market capitalization now at less than half of what it paid to acquire Monsanto. And it’s not over by a long shot.

Bayer’s latest strategy is to pass laws, state by state, that take away farmers’ and other individuals’ ability to sue if they get sick. If passed, the bills would protect Bayer (and others) against claims it “failed to warn” people about the potential health harms of Roundup, or any other pesticide produced, as long as the product is labeled in accordance with EPA regulations. This means that Bayer’s cancer victims would no longer be given their day in court and no future lawsuits would be allowed.

#ToxinFree #USA #Bayer #Monsanto


The #Monsanto Tribunal took place in 2016-2017 in The Hague. Five judges delivered a legal opinion and concluded that Monsanto’s (now, #Bayer) activities have a negative impact on #basic human-rights. Better regulations are needed to protect the victims of multinational #corporations. International law should be improved for better protection of the #environment and include the crime of ecocide. The entire process is documented in a brochure and a documentary titled "The Monsanto International Tribunal, the Making of".
Monsanto Tribunal


Gluten, l'ennemi public ? | ARTE
(spoiler : non)
https://piped.video/watch?v=MuvAWDOGmg0 Rediffusé jusqu'au 13/11/2023

Jadis élancés, les blés ont rapetissé. Pourquoi ? Parce que les variétés naines s’accordaient mieux avec les engrais à base de nitrates et de phosphates, matières à explosifs dont il fallait écouler les stocks accumulés durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale… Ces "petits blés" contiennent moins de gluten mais dotent celui-ci d'une élasticité renforcée que nous tolérons moins bien. Ce gluten tenace, niché dans de nombreux produits transformés, n'explique pourtant pas à lui seul l'épidémie actuelle. Les résidus grandissants de glyphosate, un herbicide, dans les aliments à base de céréales ont une part écrasante de responsabilité.

Claude Bourguignon expliquait déjà en 2005 le fait qu'on a raccourci les blés :

Nous ne faisons plus de culture en #Europe, nous gérons de la #pathologie végétale. [...] On ne mettait pas un #pesticide en 1950 sur les blés en Europe...
On met des #hormones pour raccourcir les tiges, comme ça les blés sont bien plus bas qu'autrefois. Autrefois les blés faisaient 1m50, maintenant ils font 70cm...

Rappel : L'agriculture biologique produit autant sinon plus que l'agro-industrie. (2012)
#Agroécologie #écologie

#Alimentation #Alimentaire #Nourriture #Industriel #Agriculture #Santé #Gluten #Bio #Blé #Farine #Bière #Bières #Pain #Pâtes #Pasta #Régime #SansGluten #Maladie #Cœliaque #Civilisation #Reportage #Documentaire #Engrais #Nitrate #Phosphate #Guerre #Bombe #Pesticides #Glyphosate #Fongicide #ClaudeBourguignon #Progrès #Scientifique #Multinationales #Monsanto #Bayer #Capitalisme #Profit #Lobby #Lobbies #UE #EU #OMC #JacquesSapir #CETA #Réglementations #Économie #PAC #EFSA #DansLeMur...


Auf der Suche nach Alternativen zu Glyphosat

Unkrautvernichter - Auf der Suche nach Alternativen zu Glyphosat

Glyphosat ist heftig umstritten. Das Unkrautvernichtungsmittel sei krebserregend und gefährde die Artenvielfalt, sagen Kritiker. Gibt es Alternativen?#TolleIdee #ForschungAktuell #Glyphosat #UMWELT #UMWELTSCHUTZ #Artensterben #Bienensterben #BAYERN #Monsanto #Profit
Auf der Suche nach Alternativen zu Glyphosat


La Commission européenne vient de proposer la prolongation du #Glyphosate de 10 ans.
Voir le flash info de la chaîne de propagande de l'UE : https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/112540-188-A/arte-journal-20-09-2023/
Ce porte-parole de la Commission Stephan #Keersmaeker nous précise que :

La protection de la santé humaine et de l'environnement constituent l'essence même de nos règles, en matière de sécurité alimentaire.

On n'avait pas besoin d'illustration sur la saleté qu'est cette #institution #UE #EU, mais si certains avaient besoin d'une piqûre de rappel, là voilà.
#Herbicide #RoundUp #Monsanto #Bayer #Santé #Alimentaire #Criminel #Cancer #Nature #FNSEA #Biodiversité #DerLeyen #Lobby #Lobbies
