

Einigung der #EU : #Autoindustrie lobt neue #Abgasnorm

Die #noCDU und der #Lobbyverband begrüßen die Einigung auf die neue #EU-Abgasnorm .
Experten kritisieren dagegen „schamlose Kapitulation“ vor der Branche.

#taz #schöneberg #NOx


"2018 starben in der EU mehr als 70.000 Menschen aufgrund der langfristigen Belastung mit #Feinstaub und #Stickoxiden aus dem #Straßenverkehr ."


Nach mehr als fünf Jahren
#Hamburg hebt #Dieselfahrverbote wieder auf
Als erste Stadt in Deutschland erließ Hamburg Dieselfahrverbote für zwei große Straßen.
Nun wird die Regelung abgeschafft. Anderswo ist es noch nicht so weit.

#diesel #feinstaub #ruß #COx #NOx #Feinstaubandi #Auto #Verkehr


ächtz..... mal ab, daß es eh nur 2 Straße waren.....
"die Luft ist wieder ok - wir brauchen das Verbot nicht mehr!" - was is das für eine geile Logik?
"Es gibt weniger Verletzungen der Insassen bei Autounfällen - wir brauchen die Gurtpflicht nicht mehr"
"Weniger Kiner haben schlimme Lungenerkrankungen - Gebt die Zigaretten ab 6 frei!"


Fossil fuel firms among biggest spenders on Google ads that look like search results

The Guardian

One in five ads served on search results for 78 climate-related terms placed by firms with interests in fossil fuels, research finds.

Fossil fuel companies and firms that work closely with them are among the biggest spenders on ads designed to look like Google search results, in what campaigners say is an example of “endemic greenwashing”. (...)

Advertisers pay for their ads to appear on the search engine when a user queries certain terms. The ads are appealing to businesses because they are very similar in appearance to search results: more than half of users in a 2020 survey reported they could not tell the difference between a paid-for listing and a normal Google result. (...)

However, Shell’s net-zero strategy relies heavily on carbon capture and offsetting, according to a Carbon Brief analysis, which says: “Despite its ‘highly ambitious’ framing … Shell’s vision of a continued role for oil, gas and coal until the end of the century remains essentially the same.” (...)

“Since at least the 1980s in the US, there has been a very concerted effort by public relations agents to help polluting companies develop strategies to ‘go green’ while maintaining business as usual.

“Many of the initiatives companies are taking are very piecemeal and will not amount to any kind of long-term or systemic change.” (...)

The analysis also looked at “snippets”, which are not paid-for but are chosen by Google’s algorithm as the most relevant result. The Guardian found the snippet chosen for “fracking” linked to the website of an oil and gas lobby group, the Independent Petroleum Association of America. (...)

A years-long piece of research by the US Environmental Protection Agency concluded in 2016 that in some cases fracking had harmed drinking water supplies.

Unlike Facebook, Google does not have a publicly accessible ad library, meaning it is difficult to analyse advertising on the platform. (...)

Complete article

> See also: The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing (The Guardian)

Screen shot of Google search results

Tags: #capitalism #environment #pollution #waste #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #cop26 #global_warming #aur_pollution #neoliberalism #market_fundamentalism #inequality #cerrado #desert #rivers #amazon #co2 #nox #fossil_fuel #deforestation #brazil #brasil #flooding #heat_dome #extreme_weather #forest_fires #media #carbon_footprint #oil_industry #lobby #desinformation #economic_growth #consumerism #citizen #protest #Fridays_for_Future #Green_New_Deal_Rising #Extinction_Rebellion #ExxonMobil #Royal_Dutch #shell #Aramco #Goldman_Sachs #google #greenwashing #McKinsey #Independent_Petroleum_Association_of_America #alphabet #snippets #google_snippets #lobby


The forgotten oil ads that told us climate change was nothing

The Guardian

Since the 1980s, fossil fuel firms have run ads touting climate denial messages – many of which they’d now like us to forget. Here’s our visual guide.

Why is meaningful action to avert the climate crisis proving so difficult? It is, at least in part, because of ads.

The fossil fuel industry has perpetrated a multi-decade, multibillion dollar disinformation, propaganda and lobbying campaign to delay climate action by confusing the public and policymakers about the climate crisis and its solutions. This has involved a remarkable array of advertisements – with headlines ranging from “Lies they tell our children” to “Oil pumps life” – seeking to convince the public that the climate crisis is not real, not human-made, not serious and not solvable. The campaign continues to this day. (...)

Complete article

Collage of advertisemnets

Tags: #capitalism #environment #pollution #waste #climate #climate_change #climate_crisis #cop26 #global_warming #aur_pollution #neoliberalism #market_fundamentalism #inequality #cerrado #desert #rivers #amazon #co2 #nox #fossil_fuel #deforestation #brazil #brasil #flooding #heat_dome #extreme_weather #forest_fires #media #carbon_footprint #oil_industry #lobby #desinformation #economic_growth #consumerism #citizen #protest #Fridays_for_Future #Green_New_Deal_Rising #Extinction_Rebellion