

Les chercheurs ont par exemple demandé aux personnes interrogées si elles étaient d’accord avec la proposition « Les gens ne devraient pas fumer dans les zones densément peuplées où d’autres personnes respirent leurs fumées de cigarette ». Résultat : 75 % d’entre elles acquiescent. En revanche, si l’on remplace « cigarette » par « voiture », l’affirmation devenant « Les gens ne devraient pas conduire dans les zones densément peuplées où d’autres personnes respirent leurs gaz d’échappement », seules 17 % des personnes interrogées sont en accord avec l’affirmation.

Nous sous-estimons les effets négatifs de la voiture sur la santé

#santé #automobile #pollution #motonormativité #biaisculturel #nuisance #pollutiondelair #nuisancesonore #externalitésnégatives #aménagementduterritoire #artificialisationdessols #environnement #biodiversité #accidentalitéroutière #mortalitéroutière #accidentalité #accident #mortalité #systèmevoiture #transport #mobilité


Massive explosion shook Telaviv on the night between Thursday and Friday, the explosion caused panic in some areas close toe the military facility where the explosion happened and people were afraid of a possible rocket attack or car bomb.

Israeli media has put a gag order on all national news and social networks to prevent any news coming out a obout the incident that happened inside a military facility in the suburbs of Tel Aviv. The explosion seems to have created a crate about 70m in diameter and created a huge cloud and smell of burning chemicals that could be felt in most of the city.

The images are from a few hours after the explosion shared by Palestinians on social media.

#Israel #Explosion #TelAviv #Military #Politics #GagOrder #Palestine #Accident


L' #Histoire Fascinante des #Villes #Secrètes #Russes - Enfants de l'Est

Le #contexte de la #guerre froide a poussé l' #URSS à développer ses premières #armes #atomiques dans les conditions les plus secrètes. Afin d'assurer la #confidentialité totale, des villes entières de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'habitants ont été formées autour des centres de #recherches #stratégiques sans pour autant apparaître sur les #cartes ni recevoir de nom. J'ai grandi dans l'une d'elles.

0:00 Contexte : la bombe atomique soviétique
2:37 Les villes cachées du #monde
10:15 #Snejinsk, ma ville d'enfance
14:47 Aparté : la #bombe #Tsar
18:04 Le #quotidien des villes secrètes
27:00 #Oziorsk et l' #accident de #Kychtym
32:55 Les années troubles
37:14 Le bilan

#documentaire #ville #secret #atomique #USA #enfantsdelest


Waymo’s Safety Statistics After 1 Million Driverless Miles

After one million driverless miles experienced by Waymo robotaxis in San Francisco and Phoenix, the Alphabet subsidiary has released a small safety statistics with more details. In it, the company goes into detail about the collisions and incidents Waymo vehicles have been involved in.
#featured, #accident, #car, #autonomous, #waymo


American Chernobyl is not worth mentioning by fhe fake environmentalist "liberal" minister

It's like a bad copy of USSR under the first days of #Chernobyl, but 3 weeks after the worst environmental disaster in IS modern history, the right wing media and those who caused the relaxed regulations and anti union legislation are winning the propaganda war against the stupid and somehow criminal Biden administration.

It's just unbelievable how badly they are handling this and how united and agressive are the right wing trolls to put the blame of the disaster caused by Trump and conservatives changes in safety requirements for hazardous material transport and outdated, unsafe and faulty private train transport in the US.

#Environment #Buttigieg #Ohio #Catastrophe #Chernobyl #Propaganda #Capitalism #Trump #Trains #Accident


Panne de direction assistée sur peugeot 207

J’ai eu une panne de direction assistée sur ma 207, j’ai eu beaucoup de chance, j’arrivais sur un rondpoint, dans une légère courbe, je me suis retrouvée sur la voie de gauche, il n’y avait personne en face. Ça s’est terminé sans blessé ni casse matérielle hormis la pompe électrique à l’origie de la panne.
C’est une panne qui peut conduire au cimetière car vous perdez le contrôle de votre voiture, vous pouvez vous retrouver en face d’un camion, d’un mur, .... Après quelques recherches il s’avère que la fragilité de ce type de pompe est connue de Peugeot. À ma connaissance le constructeur n’a pas fait de rappel des voitures équipées de ce modèle de pompe (le problème a été corrigé sur les modèles suivants).

  • Si vous connaissez des gens qui ont une 207, un conseil : qu’ils demandent à leur garagiste le modèle de pompe installé.
  • Si vous avez été concerné par cette panne sur une 207 et que vous souhaitez apporter votre témoignage, merci de me contacter par message privé,

#207 #Peugeot #pompe #panne #accident #automobile #garagiste #QueChoisir #AutoMoto


Yeah, let us cause a small #nuclear #accident and then beat the #Russian /Sarcasm

Some representatives of the establishment in London and Washington started talking about the possible involvement of #NATO in the conflict with #Russia.

Tobias Ellwood, a member of the British Parliament, said that "any deliberate damage to the Ukrainian nuclear reactor with a possible radiation leak would be a violation of NATO Article 5."

A similar statement was made by Adam Kinzinger a member of the US House of Representatives. In his opinion, a radiation leak that "will kill people in NATO countries" will automatically trigger Article 5 of the Alliance's charter.

Selenski: I held very substantive negotiations on many topics today with President of Türkiye Erdoğan.
We can and should think only about how to win - address by the President of Ukraine.
Selenski: The Russian army is spending enormous resources to capture at least one more kilometer in Donbas.

So let all Ukrainian men and willing women run to the front and fight to the end to stop the Russians.

#Willingness to negotiate was low before the war started and still is. The Russians are spending a lot of resources. Ukraine doesn't have many resources left, but still sends its people to attack Russia's meat grinder resources.
I have heard many theories about the reason for this war, but I still can't believe that something like this happens in these "modern" times.


Two and one half years ago one of the pilots in my flying club died in a crash. The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is charged with investigating (among other things) all aircraft accidents, but they’re not very speedy about it. On this quiet Sunday morning I looked again, and found they had published a slew of findings, although no conclusion (in NTSB parlance, a “statement of probable cause”).

The findings include notes and photographs on the disposition of the accident aircraft, found embedded in a river adjacent to the departure airport, horribly wrecked. They document the pilot’s background and history; Tom was a very experienced pilot, although this was only his second flight in our club’s Mooney M-20. They talk about the weather (poor, with high winds, low level wind shear, and icing conditions), provided an analysis of the engine monitor data, which they could retrieve despite the device spending a few days in the mud at the bottom or a river. They also performed a routine toxicology screen on the pilot (a doctor), who was found to have clonazepam in his system, an SSRI that has side effects severe enough to be on the FAA’s banned medications list.

Upon reflection, you can paint a picture of all the factors that lead to the accident. An experienced pilot with little time in the accident aircraft, flying in poor weather, influenced by a medication that he knew disallowed him from flying.

A few days before the accident I flew that aircraft over Lake Michigan to Grand Rapids, Michigan to visit family. While in the past I have experienced engine problems in that aircraft, including being stranded on the way home from Colorado on due to an oil leak one occasion, and making a precautionary emergency landing on another, it performed flawlessly on the trip to Michigan and was a delight to fly across country.

I’m saddened by Tom’s tragic death, a few months before his planned retirement, and his contributions to it that could have been so easily averted. I’ll miss him, and I feel for his wife and kids.

#aviation #ntsb #accident


« On prend du plaisir dans l’acte de chasse. J’en ai rien à foutre de réguler ! »
https://twitter.com/hugoclement/status/1458339069524578305 ou https://nitter.42l.fr/hugoclement/status/1458339069524578305
#WillySchraen, le président des #chasseurs #français, a tombé le masque hier sur RMC.
Au moins, maintenant, c’est clair.

PS : Un petit papier administratif, pour toi, pour quand tu vas te balader en #forêt....
#Chasse #France #Accident