

#Covivre #Radio est une #webradio-associative fondée en 2020. Intrinsèquement liée à l’ #association Covivre dont l’ADN est la mise en lumière de causes #sociétales et #environnementales #actuelles, ainsi que la mise en place d’ #actions sur le #terrain, aux côtés d’autres #structures soutenues par l’association, Covivre Radio a pour vocation de donner la #parole aux #acteurs du milieu #associatif, aux porteurs de #projets qui dés aujourd’hui, écrivent le #monde de demain, mais également, tous les #citoyens concernés et engagés qui contribuent au futur de notre #planète. Véritablement inscrite dans un esprit ”Feel Good”, Covivre Radio, ce sont des #portraits, des #talks, des #missions #thématiques et une #programmation pointue, sélectionnée par des #professionnels de la #musique.

Dans le prolongement des actions de l'association, Covivre Radio ne se restreint pas aux murs de ses #studios, mais poursuit elle aussi, sa mission sur le terrain avec des #initiatives telle que "Covivre Kids", "Covivre Teens" et "Covivre +" (pour les séniors) dont le but est non seulement de partir à la rencontre des ces différentes #générations afin de recueillir leur #vision du monde d'Hier et d'Aujourd'hui, mais également leurs #espoirs pour Demain.

La radio se veut donc #engagée et active sur le terrain ! Fermement #inclusive, Covivre s'affirme en outre comme un #média #collaboratif où chacun peut s'emparer du #micro !



A quotation by Tolkien, J.R.R.

‘A time may come soon,’ said he, ‘when none will return. Then there will be need of valour without renown, for none shall remember the deeds that are done in the last defence of your homes. Yet the deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.’

J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) English writer, fabulist, philologist, academic [John Ronald Reuel Tolkien]

The Lord of the Rings, Vol. 3: The Return of the King, Book 5, ch. 2 “The Passing of the Grey Company” [Aragorn to Éowyn] (1955)

#quote #quotation #actions #anonymity #bravery #deeds #doom #honor #unknown #unremembered #valor

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/tolkien-jrr/54625/


A quotation by Tolkien, J.R.R.

The road must be trod, but it will be very hard. And neither strength nor wisdom will carry us far upon it. This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere.

J.R.R. Tolkien (1892-1973) English writer, fabulist, philologist, academic [John Ronald Reuel Tolkien]

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Book 2, ch. 2 “The Council of Elrond” [Elrond] (1954)

#quote #quotation #actions #deed #great #real-world #small #task #weak

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/tolkien-jrr/52014/


Is China Really a Threat? Noam Chomsky Slams Biden For Increasingly Provocative Actions in Region


'The #Biden #administration is continuing a #reckless #foreign #policy, despite taking a softer tone than the #Trump administration. “The trajectory is not #optimistic,” #Chomsky says. “The worst case is the increasing #provocative #actions towards #China. That’s very #dangerous.”

#democracynow #amygoodman #noamchomsky #australia #military #nuclear #war



The Connectivity Project

Do you ever wonder, “Does what I do make a difference in the world?” The answer is YES, it does! Physicists, scientists and indigenous traditions all acknowledge the interconnected nature of our existence. As everything in this life is connected, every action we take has the potential to reverberate through the world as we know it.

The Connectivity Project helps to build awareness of this interdependence, encouraging a deeper understanding of the potential impact of our actions - large and small - with empowering films, engaging curriculum and a curated collection of related resources.

The Connectivity Project film series presents stories of the ripple effects of our actions, large and small, and sheds light on the interconnected nature of life, society and our very survival. This engaging project combines documentary storytelling with beautiful imagery, in-depth curriculum and a curated collection of compelling resources to inspire ways to participate intentionally towards creating a better world for ourselves and for others. These acclaimed and thought-provoking films are composed of interviews with indigenous leaders, farmers, scientists, activists and students, expanding awareness of the impact of our choices and voices.

Seeing the effects of our actions

Being immersed in the wonders of the natural world for much of my life as a botanist, herbalist, teacher and filmmaker, I have spent a lot of time observing and marveling at the intricate systems that transpire all around us. The Connectivity Project was created in order to present stories, foster conversations and inspire curiosity about the ripple effects of our actions. If indeed all of life is interconnected, it stands to reason that we have real opportunities to make a difference in our own lives and in the lives around us.

I hope you enjoy the work.

— Rose Madrone, Founder, Connectivity Project

#TheConnectivityProject #documentary #film #series #awareness #interdependence #actions #interconnected #nature #life #society #survival #connection #reconnection #LindseyGrayzel #MelissaGregoryRue #HeidiZimmerman #RobertConsentino #RoseMadrone


I`m #newhere, 23-years old. I graduated from the Faculty of History in the direction of #history. I have also been studying #architecture of different periods of #Russian history for more than 3 years. At the same time, I have been photographing for 6 years as an amateur, but if necessary, I can also do it professionally. I have been interested in #politics since 2014, since 2016 I have been working as a signature collector, since 2017 I have been participating in #protest #actions, since 2018 we have been actively protecting historical and cultural heritage together with public figures and local historians. The first participant of the youth-democratic movement #Viasna, who registered in this social network. Let me explain, I am the regional coordinator of this movement in the #Altai Territory.

Дороу. Я #новичок. Окончил исторический факультет по направлению #история. Я также более 3 лет изучаю #архитектура разных периодов российской истории. В то же время я фотографирую уже 6 лет как любитель, но при необходимости могу делать это и профессионально. Я интересуюсь политикой с 2014 года, с 2016 года работаю сборщиком подписей, с 2017 года участвую в акциях #протест, с 2018 года мы активно защищаем историческое и культурное наследие вместе с общественными деятелями и краеведами. Первый участник молодежно-демократического движения #Весна, который зарегистрировался в этой социальной сети. Поясню, я являюсь региональным координатором данного движения в #Алтайский_край.


Education pour le bien des enfants : Collectif des professionnels de l’éducation

Qui sommes-nous ?

Nous sommes un collectif rassemblant des professionnels de l’éducation (Enseignants de la maternelle au supérieur, ATSEM, AESH, Animateurs périscolaires, Animateurs d’ALSH, Éducateurs, CPE, Surveillants scolaires, Agents communaux…).

Nous ne nous reconnaissons ni dans les mesures sanitaires actuelles, ni dans ce que devient l’éducation. Selon nous, il est temps qu’une autre voix se fasse enfin entendre.

Nous avons rédigé collectivement un Manifeste pour réaffirmer nos missions au service de l’enfance et de la jeunesse.

Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre et à exprimer vous aussi votre positionnement en le signant massivement en ligne et en le partageant largement.

Que nous soyons professionnels de l’éducation, parents, étudiants majeurs, élus ou citoyens, NOUS, adultes d’aujourd’hui, sommes responsables de la protection et de l’avenir des enfants et de la jeunesse.


#coronavirus #covid-19 #covid #covid19 #DictatureSanitaire #Libertes #droits #actions #masques #masque #EnfanceEtLibertes #EducationPourLeBienDesEnfants #GestesBarrieres #Depression #Suicide #Enfance #Enfants #Education #Enseignant #Enseignants #Ecole #College #Lycee #MesuresSanitaires #Maternelle #Elementaire #Secondaire