

Angelika Zahn will den Nachwuchs fit machen für den Umgang mit künstlicher Intelligenz. Die Inhalte dürften Grundschulkinder dabei manchmal überfordern. Eine Rezension

Dieses Buch vermittelt jungen Lesern, dass künstliche Intelligenz keine Zukunftstechnologie ist, sondern ihnen im Alltag längst begegnet. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Was ist Künstliche Intelligenz? von Angelika Zahn)#künstlicheIntelligenz #Kinder #KI #BigData #DeepLearning #Roboter #ChatGPT #Smartphone #AI #Chatbot #Datenschutz #maschinellesLernen #MINT #neuronaleNetze #Programmieren #Software #Sprachassistenz #Turing #ITTech #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Was ist Künstliche Intelligenz?«: KI ist immer und überall


Character AI allows you to create your own chatbot or to converse with many others, including famous ‘personalities’

Phone screen showing titles "Bring anyone to life" and "Create a character" with an avatar of a your girl and the name Aya Raven below it.
Character AI says it is bringing to life the science-fiction dream of open-ended conversations and collaborations with computers. Their dialogue agents are powered by their own proprietary technology based on large language models (so not ChatGPT), built and trained from the ground up with conversation in mind.

Needless to say, a hallucinating supercomputer is not a source of reliable information. Still, they hope that you find Character AI a useful tool for imagination, brainstorming, language learning, and a host of other purposes they have themselves not yet imagined.

For creation of your own character, they support two different creator experiences. Their Quick mode allows creators to create interesting Characters in less than a minute. Their Advanced mode allows adventurous creators to perfect their Character by using more powerful tools. Note that character creators do not see any of your conversation with their characters.

The apps for iOS and Android (and website) is essentially free and fully featured. It does not look like the paid service is actually exempting you from the ad-driven service, though.

What drew me to reading more about this service was it was featured in Google’s Play Store Editors’ Choice for 2023, and has an average rating of 4.6 stars from 425,000 reviews. So, clearly there are many who enjoy using it. You can actually test it a bit on their website without registering.

See https://beta.character.ai/
#Blog, #chatbot, #entertainment, #technology


WEF-Bilderberger Yuval Noah Harari on How A.I. Could Create a #Religion in a Few Years “In a few years there might be religions that are actually correct. Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by A.I. That could be a reality in a few years.”

Quote Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly found a place in our homes, schools and work. Now, it is preaching sermons to a congregation in a #German #church.

Churchgoers at St Paul’s in the #Bavarian town of #Fuerth were greeted by an #AI-avatar of a bearded Black man on a #screen, #preaching a Lutheran church service generated by ChatGPT.

More than 300 people showed up for the experimental Friday morning service almost entirely generated by the #chatbot, as reported by the Associated Press (AP).


#Snapchat’s new #AI #chatbot is already raising alarms among teens and parents

Source: https://edition.cnn.com/2023/04/27/tech/snapchat-my-ai-concerns-wellness/index.html

Other users shared concerns about how the tool understands, interacts with and collects information from photos. “I snapped a picture … and it said ‘nice shoes’ and asked who the people [were] in the photo,” a Snapchat user wrote on Facebook.

#technology #teenagers #children #education #problem #ethics #moral #society #economy #software #news #openAI


ChatGPT wieder in Italien verfügbar – Nun mit Altersprüfung | DW | 28.04.2023

Im März hatte Italien Aufsehen erregt, als es als erstes westliches Land gegen die KI-Anwendung ChatGPT vorging. Nachdem der Anbieter seinen Internet-Auftritt geändert hat, ist er in Italien nun wieder zugänglich.#Italien #ChatGPT #Chatbot #OpenAI #Datenschutz #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Garante #Kinder
ChatGPT wieder in Italien verfügbar – Nun mit Altersprüfung | DW | 28.04.2023