

North Korea’s Kim marks founding day with parade, promises to China, Russia.

North Korea has held a parade to mark the 75th anniversary of its Founding Day.Kim Jong Un hosted a high-level delegation from China to observe the event.He ...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #China #KimJongUn #NorthKorea #Russia #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #foundingday #parade #FoundingDay
North Korea’s Kim marks founding day with parade, promises to China, Russia.


This is the essence of Americam foreign policy: Ted Cruz calls for sanctions on Lula (PT); the senator accused the Biden administration of “embracing” leaders who are “actively hostile” to the United States

🗣 “I’m deeply concerned that the Western Hemisphere is being overwhelmed by anti Americanism, and that countries across the region are aligning themselves with our adversaries and our enemies [...] Lula is an anti American chavista who embraces the Chinese Communist Party, Vladimir Putin and the Iranian regime,” Cruz said.

Senator Cruz recalled that, in February, Lula allowed two of Iran’s most advanced warships to dock in the port of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

⚠️ He also said that the Lula’s government’s corruption played an important role in his decision to ignore the Biden administration and allow the ships to reach the port.

#US #Politics #Brazil #Iran #Sanctiond #Imperialism #Lula #China #TedCruz #Dumbfickistam


09.09.2023 Es geht abwärts

Konfrontation zieht Aktienkurse runter

Abwärts ... nicht nur mit der deutschen Wirtschaft. Selbst ein Teil der Big5, der Konzern Apple musste in der letzten Woche negative Zahlen hinnehmen. Nach dem Verbot Technologie des chinesichen Huawei Konzerns in die USA einzuführen und in eigener Technik zu verbauen, kam jetzt die Retoure aus China.

Es wird "angedeutet", dass die chinesische Regierung das iPhone für Millionen Staatsangestellte verbieten könnte. Allein diese Andeutung hat die Apple Aktie bereits um 3% abstürzen lassen - für Apple ist das ein ganz ungewöhnliches Verhalten.

Nzz.ch schreibt: Da Apple mit einem Börsenwert von 2,8 Billionen Dollar das wertvollste Unternehmen der Welt ist, zog das den amerikanischen Tech-Index Nasdaq ins Minus und viele andere Indizes in den USA und weltweit.

Dass Konfrontation statt Kooperation schlecht fürs Geschäft ist, hat nicht nur der US Markt im letzten Jahr gemerkt. Auch China selbst bleibt von den Turbolenzen nicht ungeschoren. Wieder nzz.ch: Nachdem der chinesische Immobilienkonzern Country Garden bereits Ende August in Schieflage geraten war, meldete Ende vergangener Woche ein noch grösserer, Evergrande, Insolvenz an.

Das ist für die chinesische Wirtschaft ein wichtiger Index, da die Bauindustrie für ein Viertel der chinesischen Wirtschaftsleistung verantwortlich ist. Nzz.ch weist abschließend darauf hin, dass die Verbindlichkeiten der in Konkurs gegangenen Evergrande-Gruppe allein so hoch wie das Bruttoinlandprodukt der Schweiz sind. Und bei der Schweiz schließt sich der Kreis, denn wir erinnern uns noch gut an die Nachricht aus dem letzten März: Der Schweiz bleibt nur noch eine Großbank - da gingen auch Milliarden den Bach runter.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.nzz.ch/finanzen/apple-hat-probleme-in-china-die-us-tech-boerse-ist-auf-dem-rueckzug-ist-jetzt-die-zeit-short-zu-gehen-ja-sagt-michael-burry-der-kultinvestor-aus-dem-hollywood-film-the-long-short-ld.1755347
und https://www.nzz.ch/finanzen/reisst-china-die-boersen-in-den-abgrund-stand-jetzt-nein-dennoch-ist-die-chinesische-immobilien-krise-fuer-europa-und-die-schweiz-eine-schlechte-nachricht-ld.1753310
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3w8
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8518-20230909-es-geht-abwaerts.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8518-20230909-es-geht-abwaerts.html
Tags: #Aktienkurse #Abwärtsspirale #Apple #iPhone #Big5 #China #USA #Huawei #Wirtschaft #Immobilienblase #UBS #Schweiz #Evergrande


Why is the Shalamcheh-Basra railroad so important to Iran and Iraq?

the battle to liberate Shalamcheh was one of the bloodiest batles during the early days of Iraq invasion of Iran, the fact that Iran is building a railroad (no Iraq is not helping much there, despite their much talk). Because it is in Iran's interest to use the new connection to the rest of Iranian railroad system that is in really bad shape and need massive amount of money to modernize it, in order to be able to be part of the new Silk Road, to be ale to bypass the US sanctions and connect Russia and China to Arab countries without having Azerbaijan or Turkey involved.

#Railroad #Iran #Iraq #Economy #Politics #Russia #China



A shocking new discovery about China's successful ability to manufacture 7nm System on Chip in a local factory, based on domestic CPU and GPU architecture.

The technology blogs and "experts" are all in shock, because they had no idea what China was able to produce such advanced SoC like "Huawei's HiSilicon Kirin 9000S" that is powering the company's flagship mobile phone P60 Pro.

Ever since the US started the campaign to sanction and boycott Huawei a few years ago, the company has turned away from using American based products and any technology that could be controlled by the American/Western sanctions.

The impressive (yet not so fast with today's levels) SoC is nothing but a wake up call for the western companies dominating the #CPU, #GPU and #SoC market, from #Intel, to #AMD, #NVidia and of course #Qualcum.

The technology war that the US started, is not going to end well when China manages to create even more efficient and powerful CPUs to power not only expensive mobile phones, but also mid range and low cost ones as well as tablets and ultra portable tablets.

The treatment of #Russia after the War in #Ukraine and how the whole western world tried to isolate and corner Russia was a wake up call for China in so many fronts, and they seems to be making giant leaps rather than baby steps.

Huawei's HiSilicon Kirin 9000S looks to be a quite complex SoC packing four high-performance cores (one at up to 2.62 GHz and two at up to 2,150 MHz) and four energy-efficient cores (up to 1,530 MHz) based on the company's own TaiShan microarchitecture (which still looks to be found on the Armv8a ISA ) as well as the Maleoon 910 graphics processing unit operating at up to 750 MHz, based on screenshots by Huawei Central. CPU and GPU cores run at relatively low clocks compared to frequencies of Arm's cores featured in previous generations of HiSilicon's SoCs.

But low frequencies can be explained by the fact that SMIC makes the new SoC on its unannounced 2nd generation 7nm fabrication process, which could be a breakthrough for #SMIC, Huawei, and China's high-tech industry. Although TechInsights calls this fabrication technology SMIC's 2nd generation production node, state-controlled Global Times claims that China's foundry champion uses its 5nm-class manufacturing technology to make the SoC. But these two names seem to describe the same thing, which was once known as SMIC's N+2.

#Technology #SoC #Huawei #7nmTechnlogy #ChipManufacturing #China #US #Politics #Economy



"He said freedom of speech was “an important theme in the US"

"The US likes to preach democratic standards and human rights standards around the world. And yet, because of this case, it’s allowed the Chinese to be able to say, ‘Well, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.’ "

“There is no better ally of the United States in the region and, in that context, this is not a big ask.”

Assange’s brother, Gabriel Shipton, said the prime minister should tell Biden that “this is an issue for us back at home; we need some goodwill between friends on this”.
Yes we do.

#Free-Assange #Julian #Assange #Australia #USA #China


China's ownership of US Treasury debt is down almost $481B from peak levels. The rate of selling is accelerating.

For many years the experts always doubted that China would dump our debt because of the impact on their own economy and currency.

You can see how the line is steepening. #China is getting out of #US #debt and buying #Gold instead.

#economy #politicsv


#China’s Central Bank Adds More #Gold for a Ninth Straight Month

— "China raised its gold reserves for a ninth straight month in July as central bank purchases continue to underpin prices of the precious metal.

Bullion held by the People’s Bank of China rose by 740,000 troy ounces, the central bank said on Monday. That’s equivalent to about 23 tons. Total stockpiles now sit at 2,137 tons, with around 188 tons added in a run of purchases that began in November.

China has led central bank buying in recent months as it continues to diversify its reserves. That’s helped keep prices buoyant despite rising interest rates around the world, which typically sap demand for non-interest bearing bullion."

#Economy #WorldEconomy #GoldReserve #Politics




Bailong Elevator, also known as the Hundred Dragons Elevator

Bailong Elevator, also known as the Hundred Dragons Elevator, is a glass elevator located in the Wulingyuan area of Zhangjiajie, China. It is considered to be the world’s tallest outdoor elevator, standing at a height of 1,070 feet.