

Suspected Chinese Hackers Expose Sensitive Data at #Japan's #Cybersecurity Agency for 9 Months

source: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/295735/20230830/suspected-chinese-hackers-expose-sensitive-data-japans-cybersecurity-agency-9.htm

This breach has sent ripples of concern through both governmental and private sectors, as the breach targeted a core agency responsible for cybersecurity, and it raises questions about Japan's ability to protect itself from cyber threats.

#defense #china #hack #hacker #internet #security #problem #news


Iran and China have signed a $2.7 billion deal to expand Imam Khomeini International Airport in Tehran.

This is the largest contract between the w countries that is signed in a "barder" system, that China will help with expanding southern Tehran airport with 2 new runaways and multiple new terminals, in exchange for Iranian oil

#Brics #Iran #China #economy #Tehran #Airport


Nicht kommentarlos zitierbarer Artikel der Nachdenkseiten

Soeben habe ich folgenden Leserbrief an die Nachdenkseiten-Redation geschrieben:

Sehr geehrtes Nachdenkseiten Team,
"Die Grünen und die Landesverräter" - dieser Artikel ist meiner Meinung nach nicht kommentarlos zitierbar, und zwar wegen der Aussagen über das Hofreiter-Zitat.
Dass Hofreiter grundsätzlich recht hat, wenn er sagt, die AfD sei gefährlich für Deutschland, ist offenbar keine Erwähnung wert. Das kommt zwischen den Zeilen so rüber, als wäre sie eine wirkliche Alterntive, die man gut wählen könnte.
Außerdem kann man im Hofreiter-Zitat nicht einfach "AfD" durch "Grüne" und "Russland" durch "USA" ersetzen, um das Zitat zu einer Eigendiagnose der Grünen zu machen. Die USA mögen zwar aggressiv sein, aber sie als Diktatur zu bezeichnen, was durch ein Austauschen dieser Begriffe geschehen würde, ist nicht korrekt, abgesehen davon, dass die Aussage durch das Verbleiben des Wortes "China" im Text zusätzlich absurd würde. Auch sind die USA keine "gegnerische Macht", und zwar ganz einfach deshalb, weil Deutschland sich offiziell an der Seite der USA befindet.
Will Tobias Riegel hier mit gleicher Manipulations-Münze heimzahlen? Wenn dem so ist, dann sollte das explizit gemacht werden und nicht einfach so zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen sein, als wäre es die Meinung des Autors.
Wenn schon reißerisch formuliert wird - in Antort auf eine ebenso reißerische und teilweise unsinnige Politikeraussage - dann sollten die Aussagen inhaltlich hieb- und stichfest sein.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
J. S.

Artikel: https://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=102977

Ich finde den Artikel bedenklich, und er scheint mir eine Tendenz auf den Nachdenkseiten abzubilden, die hin zu immer reißerischen Formulierungen und fatalen Flüchtigkeitsfehlern geht. Das ist schade, denn dieNachdenkseiten waren für mich sonst eine einigermaßen gute Quelle für Informationen jenseits des Mainstreams.

#nachdenkseiten #leserbrief #ukraine #russland #afd #politik #jounalismus #hofreiter #usa #china #krieg #diktatur #propaganda


Understanding “Dictatorship” Beyond Propaganda

The average person living in the U.S. has a negative perception of the word “dictatorship.” And why wouldn’t they? Corporate media’s purposeful use of the word has been relegated solely towards U.S. enemy states (ie. the Democratic People’s Republic of #Korea, People’s Republic of #China, #Zimbabwe, The Islamic Republic of #Iran, #Cuba, #Nicaragua, etc.). This helps solidify the image of the U.S. as a beacon of ‘democracy’ defending ‘human rights’ globally; the “shining light on the hill”. However, it’s important to place #dictatorship in context and proper perspective. In order to understand the “role” of a dictatorship, it’s important to understand that the term, itself, is neutral and dependent on the class character of the state.

A dictatorship is a form of government where one individual or a small group holds absolute power and authority over the state and its citizens. Dictatorships can vary in their ideologies and methods of governance. Yes, repressive regimes exist. But this does not mean that “dictatorship” can be defined as inherently that way, nor that the term itself is inherently negative. How “dictatorships” are understood should be determined by a state’s use of it.


There We Go Again : After the #BRICS summit, a NATO member says they will "dismantle" Brazil if Lula continues to align with the "hostile axis of genocide" of #Russia, #China, and #Iran.

Gunther Fehlinger, President of the European Committee for #NATO Growth, also referred to #Lula as a "corrupt socialist" and posted a map of Brazil divided into four to illustrate his post.

"After this #BRICS summit, I start to wonder if Socialist Corrupt Lula is not the hope of the Free World but will lead Brazil 🇧🇷 into the same direction as Russia, China, Iran 🇮🇷. I make it very clear: if you @LulaOficial join the hostile axis of Genocide, I will call to dismantle Brazil 🇧🇷?" he tweeted.

PS. I don't agree with the post, but it is so farfetched that I'm sure there are some lunatics who already looking at it as a solution./Farhad


Saudi Arabia is considering a Chinese bid to build a nuclear power plant in the kingdom amid frustration over the United States’ stipulations for supporting Riyadh’s quest for nuclear power, the Wall Street Journal has reported.

#China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC), a state-owned firm, has proposed the construction of a nuclear plant near the border with #Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, the newspaper reported on Thursday, citing unnamed Saudi officials.

It shows us how the #USA loosing, slowly but surely, its influence over Golf countries and so the Middle East.

#NuclearTechnology #SaudiArabia #UAE #Politics


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#triquetra #cross

The #Carolingian Cross is but one variation in the vast historical imagery of Christian symbolic representations of the Crucifixion of Jesus, going back to at least the ninth century.[1] All crosses and Christian symbols have an inherent meaning arising from a multitude of sources and distinct features that set them apart from other religions.[2] From both a design aspect and a theological perspective, the Carolingian Cross consists of a mixture of Christian and pre-Christian concepts built over a long history of cultural adaptation, religious iconography, liturgical practices and theological premises. German graphic designer Rudolf Koch in 1932 published a collection of 158 plates of drawings of Christian symbols. Under the heading of "Cross", this includes twelve drawings of Christian cross variants. One of these, the "Carolingian Cross" (Karolingisches Kreuz) shows a cross of #four #triquetras

Iron Age
The term triquetra in archaeology is used of any figure consisting of three arcs, including a pinwheel design of the type of the triskeles. Such symbols become frequent from about the 4th century BC ornamented ceramics of #Anatolia and #Persia, and it appears on early #Lycian coins.[1]

The triquetra is found on runestones in Northern Europe, such as the Funbo #Runestones, and on early Germanic coins.[citation needed] It bears a resemblance to the valknut, a design of three interlacing triangles, found in the same context.

Insular art
The triquetra is often found in insular #art, most notably metal work and in illuminated manuscripts like the #Book-of-Kells. It is a "minor though recurring theme" in the secondary phase of Anglo-Saxon sceatta production (c. 710–760).[2] It is found in similar artwork on early Christian High Crosses and slabs. An example from early medieval stonework is the Anglo-Saxon frithstool at Hexham Abbey.[3]

The #symbol has been interpreted as representing the #Holy #Trinity, especially since the #Celtic revival of the 19th century. The original intention by the early medieval artists is unknown and experts[who?] warn against over-interpretation.[2] It is, however, regularly used as a Trinitarian symbol in contemporary Catholic iconography.

Buddhist tradition
The triquetra has been a known symbol in Japan called Musubi Mitsugashiwa.[citation needed] Being one of the forms of the Iakšaku dynasty signs, it reached #Japan with the dynasty's Kāśyapīya spreading technology and Buddhism via Kingdom of Khotan, #China and #Korea.[citation needed]

Modern use
The triquetra is often used artistically as a design element when Celtic #knotwork is used, especially in association with the modern Celtic Nations. The triquetra, also known as a "trinity knot", is often found as a design element in popular Irish jewelry such as claddaghs and other wedding or engagement rings.

Celtic pagans or neopagans who are not of a Celtic cultural orientation may use the triquetra to symbolise a variety of concepts and mythological figures. Due to its presence in insular Celtic art, Celtic Reconstructionists use the triquetra either to represent one of the various triplicities in their cosmology and theology (such as the tripartite division of the world into the realms of Land, Sea and Sky),[5] or as a symbol of one of the specific Celtic triple goddesses – for example the battle goddess, The #Morrígan. The symbol is also sometimes used by #Wiccans, #White Witches, and some New Agers to symbolise the #Triple #Goddess, or as a #protective symbol.[6]
https ://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triquetra


#China’s economic malaise is causing #disillusion among the young

source: https://www.economist.com/leaders/2023/08/17/why-are-chinas-young-people-so-disillusioned?etear=nl_weekly_2&

Scarce #jobs and punishing property prices have dashed their hopes of buying a home and starting a family. We scraped social #media and found that the mood is growing darker. Disillusioned youth talk of tangping (lying flat) and bailan (letting it rot), synonyms for giving up.

#news #economy #youth #news #politics #work #perspective #job


BRICS Gets Bigger

The anti-Western economic alliance just expanded by 383 million people:

Six nations will become full-fledged members of the #BRICS group of nations starting January 2024, after their candidacies were approved by leaders of the current member states, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has announced. The expansion topped the agenda of the summit in #Johannesburg this week.

#Argentina, #Egypt, #Ethiopia, #Iran, #SaudiArabia, and the #UnitedArabEmirates were welcomed as new members on Thursday. The bloc currently consists of #Brazil, #Russia, #India, #China, and #SouthAfrica.

Ethiopia really stands out as a rather bizarre choice, until one takes into account that it is the 14th most populous state on Earth, ahead of both #Vietnam and #Turkey, two states that I was expecting to join BRICS. Argentina is also a little odd, as I would have expected #Venezuela, with its #oil riches, to join first, but it’s possible that its problems with #foreign #interference into its elections and its government might have prevented it from applying to the new organization.

Anyhow, what this indicates is that BRICS is as interested in raw numbers as it is in oil or technological advancement. So #Pakistan, #Indonesia, #Nigeria, and perhaps even #Bangladesh would appear to be on the short list, although conflict with India might keep Pakistan out and Nigeria appears to be among the #African nations most firmly attached to the #G7 states.