


I'm really annoyed by the #Internet of today:

  • #Trackers and #data #collection everywhere
  • #JavaScript-heavy #Web #applications instead of document-oriented #websites
  • No #JavaScript most often translates to an empty page with a single sentence: "Please activate JavaScript"; the page content however is often nothing that actually requires JavaScript, the website creators just want to feel like actual #application #developers, so they re-build much of what the #browser already supplies with #inefficient and #bug heavy JavaScript code
  • Content almost always behind a #login wall
  • More often than not only very superficial #information
  • #Ads
  • Thousands of 3rd party JS files included, most of which have the only purpose of tracking you across websites
  • #Misinformation and #biased #information everywhere
  • Deliberately misleading advertisment, sich as "save 80% now", and artificial time pressure)
  • "Best viewed on #Google #Chrome"
  • "Login with Facebook"
  • Newsletter subscription and cookie pop-ups featuring #dark #patterns
  • #Search #engine #optimization ( #SEO ) acts in the worst interest of the user by skewing search results
  • Artificial restriction of web #app functionality to promote their native apps
  • Large parts of the Web are only accessible by #smartphone
  • You have to provide your #phone #number to login
  • If you didn't provide a phone number, your account is being blocked right after the initial login because we suspect you being malicious actor because why not (=> #Instagram, #Facebook)
  • #Proprietary #platforms are required to participate in public #online life (Amazon, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube)
  • One-sentence-paragraphs and sloppy language (especially found in #Medium #articles)
  • "We care about your #privacy" actually means: "We were forced by law to do this shit, we just want to collect and store as much information on you as possible to make money off of you now or in an undescript future"
  • JavaScript code minimizer
  • Large font sizes, much whitespace, large illustrative, but useless images, HD screen required to browse most websites
  • Lack of #government #regulation and #law #enforcement, too many malicious actors (#spam, #phishing, etc.)
  • Emotional content to increase #interaction, #clickbait

Once being an open platform geared towards information exchange and bringing people into contact, most of the public Internet today is nothing but annoying useless #marketing, #advertising and #data #collection. Providing information, connecting people, and making life convenient is definitely NOT the primary goal of whoever is big on the Internet today. It's shocking to see how much of it is only to sell you stuff or to sell your information.

And the worst is: we are even paying them to do this shit. #Marketing spending will be reflected in product prices, and with much of marketing being done in 1st world countries, a substantial amount of the price goes into this destructive industry.

I could go on with this for hours. Really sick of it.


Does anyone know if there's a #Chrome #browser #extension that lets you configure where to save downloads based on the visited URL?

Firefox does that automatically by remembering the last download location for a site, which is super convenient.


Um den Chrome Browser weiter verwenden zu können, müssen Nutzer:innen von #Mac das Betriebssystem aktualisieren. Der Grund ist, dass Google den #Chrome Browser für ältere macOS-Versionen nicht mehr weiterentwickelt. Welche Modelle davon betroffen sind, erfahrt ihr hier:



TW-T22-0141 - Google Chrome: Mehrere Schwachstellen

Sicherheitshinweis, Risikostufe 3, 10.06.2022

Betroffene Systeme: Google Chrome < 102.0.5005.115

Empfehlung: Die zeitnahe Installation der vom Hersteller bereitgestellten Sicherheitsupdates, um die Schwachstellen zu schließen.

Beschreibung: Chrome ist ein Internet-Browser von Google.

Zusammenfassung: Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in Google Chrome ausnutzen, um beliebigen Programmcode auszuführen und vertrauliche Informationen offenzulegen.

Quellen: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2022/06/stable-channel-update-for-desktop.html

#chrome #google #sicherheitshinweis


TW-T22-0134 - Google Chrome: Mehrere Schwachstellen

Sicherheitshinweis, Risikostufe 3, 25.05.2022

Betroffene Systeme: Google Chrome < 102.0.5005.61

Empfehlung: Die zeitnahe Installation der vom Hersteller bereitgestellten Sicherheitsupdates, um die Schwachstellen zu schließen.

Beschreibung: Chrome ist ein Internet-Browser von Google.

Zusammenfassung: Ein entfernter, anonymer Angreifer kann mehrere Schwachstellen in Google Chrome ausnutzen, um beliebigen Programmcode auszuführen, Informationen offenzulegen, den Browser zum Absturz zu bringen oder Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu umgehen.

Quellen: https://chromereleases.googleblog.com/2022/05/stable-channel-update-for-desktop_24.html

#chrome #google #sicherheitshinweis


Has anyone done a privacy study of Vivaldi in comparison to Chrome or Firefox? I've been using Vivaldi for a while, and like it's performance, but I'm not sure what is a reliable source of information regarding it's take on privacy.
#browsers #chrome #vivaldi


Why I do not use the #browser #BRAVE

1) The business model involves modern robber baronry. Although they filter out #advertising, they want to sell the freed-up space to other advertising #media. Source: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/newspapers-to-brave-browser-dont-mess-with-our-ads-or-else/

2) Brave manipulated links without informing users and made profits from it. Source: https://nitter.1d4.us/cryptonator1337/status/1269201480105578496

3) The browser engine is based on #Google #Chrome. Of course, Google only collects our data to improve the quality of its service. Thanks to #Snowden, we know that the data also flows to the #NSA. Unfortunately, Google cannot be trusted. The browser engine is being rebuilt in such a way that filtering out this monitoring and new tracking possibilities will become more difficult.

4) There are better browsers to protect #privacy: https://privacytests.org/private.html

5) Brave is not about providing a secure free browser but about making profit. There is nothing wrong with that in a capitalist world, if they would communicate it openly.

#internet #web #www #news #surveillance #software #profit #economy