


The Cause of #Depression Is Probably Not What You Think

..."Increasingly, some scientists are pushing to reframe “depression” as an umbrella term for a suite of related conditions, much as oncologists now think of “cancer” as referring to a legion of distinct but similar malignancies. And just as each cancer needs to be prevented or treated in ways relevant to its origin, treatments for depression may need to be tailored to the individual.

If there are different types of depression, they may present similar symptoms — such as fatigue, apathy, appetite changes, suicidal thoughts, and insomnia or oversleeping — but they might emerge from completely different mixes of environmental and biological factors. Chemical imbalances, genes, brain structure and inflammation could all play a role to varying degrees. “In five or 10 years, we won’t be talking about depression as a unitary thing,” Sen said.

To treat depression effectively, medical researchers may therefore need to develop a nuanced understanding of the ways it can arise. Nemeroff expects that someday the gold standard for care won’t be just one treatment — it will be a set of diagnostic tools that can determine the best therapeutic approach to an individual patient’s depression, be it cognitive behavioral therapy, lifestyle changes, neuromodulation, avoiding genetic triggers, talk therapy, medication or some combination thereof.

That prediction may frustrate some physicians and drug developers, since it’s much easier to prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution. But “appreciating the true, real complexity of depression takes us down a path that is ultimately going to be most impactful,” Krystal said. In the past, he said, clinical psychiatrists were like explorers who landed on a tiny unknown island, set up camp, and got comfortable. “And then we discovered that there’s this whole, enormous continent.”


‘Post-Avatar #depression #syndrome’: why do fans feel #blue after watching James #Cameron’s #film?

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/dec/15/post-avatar-depression-syndrome-why-do-fans-feel-blue-after-watching-james-camerons-film

It seems that Avatar does uniquely provoke similar feelings among disparate people, but the feelings it provokes – sorrow from feeling disconnected from nature, worries about the future of our own planet and feeling dissatisfied with modern life – are all very normal feelings to have given how we have built our world and societies.

#nature #life #entertainment #health #environment #society #future #earth #technology #feeling #problem


Warum sollte ich hier mitteilen, dass die #Depression heute recht heftig mit mir durchknallt?

Der einzige Grund ist, dass Du Dich damit nicht ganz alleine fühlst.

Dass die Depression »endogen« sei ist m.E. #victim blaming.

(Bild: Blaues »D« auf dunkel-blaugrauem Hintergrund)


Depression can be a crippling condition, and it can be hard to navigate solutions. Many patients struggle with they question if they should try taking medication for their mental health problems, and this predicament itself can produce much anxiety and increase the problem.
Still, we should not close our eyes to the side effects and limits of pharmaceutical medications, and try to make informed choices. SSRI Stories is a collection of over 7,000 stories most of which were published newspapers or scientific journals, where drugs were a contributing factor to some negative outcome.

#ssri #depression #sideeffects #mentalhealth



the world getting a lesson in supply side economics... governments around the world creating money out of thin air at unprecedented rates while increases regulations that kill the supply - we get hyper inflation as we compete for the dwindling supply of goods. #Econ101

FedEx Parks Planes, Maersk Cancels Sails: World Trade Appears To Be Rapidly Deteriorating

Economic storm clouds are gathering worldwide as some of the largest shipping companies warn about sliding global trade. US shipper FedEx and Danish shipping giant A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S have been vocal about emerging signs of a global slowdown. Both of these companies are widely seen as a barometer for international trade.

The latest to warn about weakening economic growth is FedEx CFO Michael Lenz telling an audience Tuesday at the Robert W Baird Global Industrial Conference that the company has reduced flights and parked planes to cut costs in response to soft demand for package delivery.

#inflation #TheGreatReset #WEF #inflation #Depression #politics #economics


Is that a #fact?

U.S. Secretary of State Anthony #Blinken has said that #?Germany should replace low-priced Russian pipeline gas with high-priced U.S. LNG gas. To import this gas, Germany will have to spend over $5 billion quickly to build port capacity to handle LNG tankers. The effect will be to make German industry uncompetitive. Bankruptcies will spread, employment will decline, and Germany’s pro-NATO leaders will impose a chronic #depression and falling living standards.



Ich stelle mal die These auf, dass die zunehmende #Depression in der #Gesellschaft und die mangelnden Therapieplätze gewollt sind, da sich depressive Menschen nicht mehr wehren können und alles ertragen. Des weiteren stelle ich die These auf, dass unsere angeblicher Rechtsstaat total versagt hat weil dies das Menschenrecht auf #Gesundheit eindeutig verletzt.

#Politik #Armut #Krise #Menschenrechte #System #Ausbeutung #Krankheit #Verbrechen #Skandal #Justiz