

#Slovakia's prime minister, Robert Fico, was shot several times outside the House of Culture in the town of #Handlova, Slovakia, while meeting with supporters.

Fico, who is currently in a life-threatening condition, was taken to a local hospital before being airlifted to a medical facility in Banska Bystrica.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estoka described it as a politically motivated assassination attempt.

Mr Fico is a divisive figure at home - and controversial in the EU - for his calls to end military aid to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia.

But condemnation of the shooting has come from far and wide and it has been described as an attack on democracy.


#Terrorism #Politics #Europe #Ukraine #EU #Russia


War for profiting

It is important to know who are those who like to win.

According to the Monitor, “Ukraine has become a giant testing ground for #drones from all over the world – the United States, #Germany, #Poland, and other partner countries. Countless new companies are taking shape around the technology; teams of engineers are tinkering on prototypes, trying to clear the Ministry of Defense and NATO checklists of technical requirements, hoping to nail a military contract…Oleksandr Yakovenko, CEO of TAF Drones [said] the company already has four factories spread out across #Ukraine – despite suffering a sabotage attack that destroyed equipment worth $300,000 in July. The bulk of its supplies (90%) come from #China or #Taiwan. The remainder comes from suppliers in #Europe and the #US. ‘We have to create products that are cheaper than the targets,’ he says. ‘Otherwise, we will not win because our #enemy has more resources than our country.’ ”

#UK government records for a parallel-named Piranha Tech company, operating in the Liverpool area on “computer related activities” and “information technology consultancy activities”, indicate the possibility that the #Israel'is and their Ukrainian partners were considering a British company front during their start-up.

source & more


Étienne Chouard sur X : "L'eurodéputée allemande Christine Anderson : "Les futurs régimes totalitaires n'auront plus besoin de clôtures en fil de fer barbelé électrifié. Tout ce dont ils ont besoin, c'est d'un téléphone, d'un code QR, d'une identification numérique, et ils pourront ensuite faire de vous…" / X ⬅️ URL principale utilisée pour la prévisualisation Diaspora* et avec plus de garantie de disponibilité.

URL Nitter poast ⬅️ URL théoriquement plus propre : moins de pistage mais moins de garantie de disponibilité dans le temps.

#politique #europe #unioneuropéenne #christineanderson #identiténumérique

‼️ Clause de non-responsabilité v1.0


Severe geomagnetic storm WARNING
A geomagnetic K-index of 7 or greater is expected
Valid From: 2024 May 10 1715 UTC
Valid To: 2024 May 10 2359 UTC
Onset NOAA Scale: G3 or greater
Bright aurora could be visible far south across central #Europe tonight... and probably again tomorrow.


Les fascistes au pouvoir en #Israël sont entrain de détruire Israël en même temps que l’espérance d’une #Palestine.

L’ #Europe et les #USA, qui soutiennent ce pouvoir fasciste, en répondront devant l’Histoire, si nous existons encore en tant que pays organisés dans quelques années.


#SORTIR de l' #UE : mode d'emploi - #DroitMaturge


En pleine #campagne pour les #élections #européennes, le sujet du #frexit est évoqué par plusieurs #candidats.
Mais la #France a-t-elle le #droit de quitter l' #UnionEuropéenne ? à quelle condition ?

Ce sont les deux questions auxquelles je vous réponds dans cette nouvelle vidéo, en m'appuyant sur les #traités #européens et sur l'exemple du #Royaume-Uni.

00:00 Introduction
1:06 1. En #principe, tout le monde peut sortir
2:11 2. Un divorce par consentement mutuel
5:21 3. Éternelles négociations
6:39 4. Une majorité très qualifiée
7:30 5. Toute sortie est définitive

#bardella #politique #actu #actualité #europe #macron #asselineau #glucksmann #zemmour #aubry #melenchon #marechal #news #vote #elections2024 #européennes2024 #brexit #vonderleyen #ursulavonderleyen #france #franceinsoumise


#EU pledges $1 bn for #Lebanon, urges curbs against illegal #migration

Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/eu-announces-1-bn-in-aid-for-lebanon-to-shore-up-economy/ar-AA1o1Ixl

Eight rights groups including #AmnestyInternational and #HumanRights Watch warned before von der #Leyen's #Beirut visit that #Syria was not safe for returns.

EU assistance "geared to enabling or incentivising returns to Syria risks resulting in forced returns of #refugees", a statement said.

#corruption #politics #europe #ethics #deal #news


Campaign in #France to silence, intimidate voices critical of #Israel must be stopped

Geneva - The escalating campaign in France of gagging, repressing, and intimidating pro-Palestinian voices and those critical of Israel entails a flagrant violation of the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the right to peaceful assembly.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor has monitored the intensification, over the past few days, of official and institutional repression against university students in France who are peacefully protesting against Israel’s genocidal war in the Gaza Strip. The French government has used various forms of intimidation to silence activists speaking out against the genocide, including the targeting of pro-Palestine political figures.

#HumanRights #FreedomOfSpeech #Gaza #Censorship #Europe #EuroMed

Press release: https://euromedmonitor.org/a/6298


#Iran #Palestine #UnitedStates #Europe #censorship
