

#Fatah #Hamas #Palestine #Israel

Quoting Firas 🇵🇸 @FirasPalestine on Twi…X:
————— schnipp —————

🚨BREAKING: Fatah responds to Hamas criticism of new formation of PA government ‘without consulting Hamas’:

Palestinian National Liberation Movement "Fatah" affirmed that whoever caused Israel's reoccupation of the Gaza Strip, and caused the Nakba that the Palestinian people are experiencing, especially in the Gaza Strip, does not have the right to dictate national priorities, stressing that the real disconnect from reality and the Palestinian people is the leadership of the movement. Hamas, which until this moment has not felt the magnitude of the catastrophe that our oppressed people are experiencing in the Gaza Strip and in the rest of the Palestinian territories.

Fatah expressed its astonishment and disapproval at Hamas’ talk of exclusion and division, and wondered whether Hamas consulted the Palestinian leadership or any Palestinian national party when it made its decision to undertake the adventure of last October 7, which led to a catastrophe more horrific and cruel than the catastrophe of 1948? Did Hamas consult the Palestinian leadership, while it is now negotiating with Israel and offering it concessions after concessions, and that it has no goal other than for its leadership to receive guarantees for its personal security, and to try to reach an agreement with Netanyahu again to maintain its divisive role in Gaza and the Palestinian arena? The question is whether Hamas consulted anyone when it carried out its 2007 coup. On Palestinian national legitimacy in 2007, it rejected all initiatives to end the division.

Fatah affirmed that President Mahmoud Abbas has the right, in accordance with the Basic Law, to do everything that is in the interest of the Palestinian people, stressing that the President’s assignment to Dr. Muhammad Mustafa falls at the heart of the President’s political and legal responsibilities, and that the priorities set in the assignment are the priorities of the Palestinian people, and every rational person who is not separated from his people and from the reality of the terrible tragedy experienced by our people who are exposed to great injustice in the Gaza Strip, they realize this, stressing that the priority of all Palestinians today is to stop the war immediately, prevent displacement, provide relief to our afflicted people, rebuild the Gaza Strip, end the division, and reunify the Palestinian homeland, and it is as it demonstrates. Hamas said in its statement today that the above is not its priority.

Fatah confirmed that the Prime Minister-designate, Dr. Muhammad Mustafa, is armed with the national agenda and not with false agendas that have brought nothing but woes to the Palestinian people and have not achieved a single achievement for them. Fatah asked: Does Hamas want us to appoint a prime minister from Iran or for Tehran to appoint him for us?

Fatah criticized the actions and practices of the Hamas leadership and its behavior towards the genocidal war, noting that it seems that the comfortable life that this leadership lives in seven-star hotels has blinded it from what is right, wondering why most of Hamas’ leaders live abroad, and why they and their families fled and left the Palestinian people to face... A brutal war of extermination without any protection.

Fatah called on the leadership of the Hamas movement to stop its policy of being dependent on foreign agendas, and to return to the national side in order to stop the war and save our people and our cause from liquidation, and in order to provide relief to our people and rebuild Gaza, leading to complete withdrawal from the land of the State of Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital.



Kommentar zur Gaza-Hilfe: Internationaler Druck hilft

Kommentar zur Hilfe für Gaza - Diplomatie wirkt!

Die diplomatischen Bemühungen für Hilfslieferungen in den Gazastreifen zeigten Wirkung, kommentiert Benjamin Hammer. Es brauche weiter kritische Solidarität.#Nahostkonflikt #Gazastreifen #Israel #Hamas #Westjordanland #GAZA #Fatah #KRIEG #Invasion #7Oktober2004 #TERROR #TERRORISMUS #HAMAS
Kommentar zur Gaza-Hilfe: Internationaler Druck hilft


Hamas, la fabrique d’un monstre

Vers 24min55 :
Ami Ayalon, Ancien dirigeant des renseignements intérieur israéliens : Le pouvoir israélien d' #extrême-droite a tout fait pour diviser la société palestinienne, afin d'empêcher des négociations et donc les accords d'Oslo qui visaient la création de 2 états.
Il affirme que la stratégie de division de #Netanyahou est :

« Il est dans notre intérêt que le Hamas dirige #Gaza, tandis que l'autorité palestinienne, c'est à dire le #Fatah, contrôle la #Cisjordanie »

Et il ajoute :

Mais quand vous faites ça, même sans le vouloir, vous renforcez le pouvoir du Hamas.

#Politique #Israël #Qatar #Hamas #Palestine #Palestiniens


Attaque israélienne à Beyrouth

(et en Iran ?)

L'explosion survenue dans la banlieue pro-Hezbollah de Dahyieh, au sud de Beyrouth mardi soir a provoqué d'importants dégâts matériels dans un rayon de 500 mètres, décrit le correspondant de France 24. "La défense civile et la Coix-rouge ont été dépêchés sur place et un important dispositif sécuritaire a été établi autour de la zone de l'attaque".

euronews : Saleh al-Arouri, haut responsable du Hamas et n°2 de l'organisation, a été tué ce mardi soir dans une explosion.

Ouest-France : le chef du Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, a pris la parole ce mercredi 3 janvier 2024 pour définir la nature de la réponse de son parti chiite, soutenu par l’Iran, à l’État hébreu.
Dès hier soir, ce puissant mouvement islamiste libanais a affirmé que cet « assassinat ne resterait pas sans riposte ou impuni », le qualifiant de « grave agression contre le Liban ». Initialement prévu pour marquer le quatrième anniversaire de la mort du général iranien, Qassem Soleimani, le discours de Hassan Nasrallah a débuté par un hommage rendu aux victimes de l’attentat qui a endeuillé une cérémonie prévue à cet effet en Iran.

France 24 : Double explosion en Iran : des dizaines de morts près de la cérémonie d'hommage à Souleimani

Au moins 103 personnes ont été tuées et 141 blessées dans un attentat perpétré mercredi près de la tombe de Qassem Soleimani, architecte des opérations militaires iraniennes au Moyen-Orient dont l'Iran célèbre le quatrième anniversaire de la mort.

#attentat #israel #palestine #liban #iran #hezbollah #hamas #fatah


Any attempt to run Gaza like the West Bank will fail – and Hamas will benefit

The Guardian

The next administration is more likely to appear by default than by design, something that doesn’t bode well for Palestinians. (...)

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of bombardment
Smoke rises from the Gaza Strip during an Israeli bombardment, 6 December. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images.

Two months into the military campaign against Hamas, and there is still little clarity about Israel’s endgame or the future for Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank living under occupation. (...)

It is unclear to what extent Israel’s intensive bombardment of the Gaza Strip and its ground operations in the north have undermined Hamas’s operational ability. (...)

Hamas has refused to renounce the right to armed resistance, not least because when Fatah and the PLO did this in the 1990s at the beginning of the Oslo process that put them in control of the Palestinian Authority, they got promises of a state but few real concessions in return. (...)

When Hamas broke through the Gazan border wall and killed 1,200 people, a majority of whom were civilians, the Israeli policy of containing and isolating Gaza’s population in what many describe as “the world’s largest open-air prison” became untenable. The government has since promised it will usher in a new security regime.

One model it might seek to emulate is in the West Bank. (...) The strategy has been to create a checkerboard of small, isolated Palestinian enclaves, coupled with intense pressure from Israeli security forces on any form of political expression. (...)

The current war is an existential threat to Fatah, which leads the PA and controls the patchwork of Palestinian territories in the West Bank. (...) The PA has also been disadvantaged by Israel undermining the PA’s economy and tax base by withholding tax revenues that Israel collects on the PA’s behalf, and imposing high tariffs and limiting imports and exports. (...)

Any attempt to impose a system of control similar to that in the West Bank on the remnants of Gaza will be all but impossible. Israel has stated it is going to retain overall security control of the strip but has yet to clarify what sort of administration it intends for the territory. In all likelihood, Gaza will be almost ungovernable. (...)

This leaves no good options. The outcome of the Gaza war will probably be determined by a combination of Israel’s overwhelming firepower and to what extent the US is willing to indulge its ally. Right now the most plausible outcome is that the next administration of Gaza comes about by default rather than design. (...)

Hamas will adapt to the new situation as an underground resistance group in the occupied territories with its political wing in exile. Meanwhile, the PA will limp on in the West Bank, becoming ever more ineffective and irrelevant until western states no longer see a need for it. (...)

Israel’s western allies, which have enabled Israel’s occupation through their support for the PA and the Oslo process, while permitting Israel to exponentially expand its settlements, may be left to pick up the bill for the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, together with the Gulf monarchies. And the Palestinians will, as they always have, continue to bear the costs of a seemingly endless and brutal occupation.

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Tags: #israel #gaza #palestine #palestinians #hamas #pa #palestinian_authority #occupied_territories #war #west_bank #fatah


Nahostexpertin zu Waffenruhe: Berlin sollte Haltung überdenken

Nahostexpertin - Bundesregierung sollte Haltung im Gaza-Krieg überdenken

Deutschland und die USA sind gegen eine Waffenruhe in Gaza und stünden damit angesichts vieler Opfer zunehmend alleine da, so Nahost-Expertin Kristin Helberg.#Gaza #NAHOST #Waffenstillstand #Gazastreifen #HAMAS #Fatah #Bodenoffensive #KRIEG #Raketen
Nahostexpertin zu Waffenruhe: Berlin sollte Haltung überdenken


Israels Siedlungspolitik im Westjordanland

Nahostkonflikt - Wie die Siedlerbewegung ins Zentrum von Israels Politik rückte

Israels Siedlungspolitik ist einer der Streitpunkte im Nahostkonflikt. Sie erschwert die Aussicht auf eine Zweistaatenlösung#Siedler #Siedlerbewegung #Westjordanland #WestBank #Gazastreifen #Ost-Jerusalem #ISRAEL #Palästinenser #HAMAS #Fatah
Israels Siedlungspolitik im Westjordanland


Economist Fakes Political History Of Gaza

#Economist #Fakes #Political #History Of #Gaza #Israel #US #Muhammad #Dahlan #Fatah #Palestine

"The Economist is faking history:

[Bibi Netanyahu is the wrong man in the wrong place - Economist](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/10/31/bibi-netanyahu-is-the-wrong-man-in-the-wrong-place) - October 31, 2023
In the absence of clear government direction the Israeli defence establishment is doing all the planning. Its preferred solution is to see the **PA ultimately return to Gaza, which it controlled until Hamas’s coup in 2007.
