

What kind of financial #resources are being wasted in the #Ukraine war?

I do not mean to imply that Ukraine has no right to self-defense, but only to point out how expensive #war is and that this #money will later be lacking in #education, #health, #infrastructure and #climate protection.

To defend against Russian tanks, Ukraine mainly uses the #Javelin (FGM-148) anti-tank #missile.

There are now online courses in the operation of this #weapon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At6RLV8xc0g

Hundreds of Russian tanks are said to have been destroyed with #Javelins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce7IwsfuH1c

How much does a single Javelin missile cost?

US approves Ukraine’s purchase of 150 Javelin anti-tank missiles
Notification follows the approval of $47 million worth of Javelin missiles and launch units in March 2018

Source: https://www.thedefensepost.com/2019/10/03/us-approves-ukraine-javelin-anti-tank-missile-sale/

47.000.000 / 150 = 313.333,33 <- for a single Javelin missile in dollar.

This money would be enough for a luxury carefree life of a whole family in Ukraine. Unfortunately, such sums are always released by the military industrial complex only for war and never for social purposes.

#weapons #arms #news #finance #defence #conflict #problem #capitalism #politics #military #antiTank


#ACCC takes #Meta to #court over #Facebook #scam #ads depicting Australian identities

source: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/mar/18/accc-takes-meta-to-court-over-facebook-scam-ads-depicting-australian-identities

The ads, which include the promotion of #investment in #cryptocurrency, have plagued the platform since 2020. Each ad depicts an image of a prominent Australian such as David Koch, Dick Smith or Andrew Forrest, claiming to have made it big with the investments in a #fake #news article that directs people to the scam investment website.

#crypto #bitcoin #btc #bitcoins #fail #economy #advertisement #crime #Australia #justice #politics #money #finance


L' #Amérique... en pire ! - Passé-Présent n°324 - #TVL

Le #professeur #PhilippeConrad et le #géopoliticien #NicolaMirkovic retracent, de 1776 à nos jours, l' #histoire des #Etats-Unis d'Amérique, #nation partie de rien avant de dominer le #monde de la #finance, de la #culture, des #technologies, des #institutions #internationales, de l' #armée, etc. Mais cet #empire pourra-t-il tenir encore le haut du pavé tout au long du XXIème siècle ? Après avoir victorieusement combattu #Indiens, #Britanniques, #Espagnols, #Mexicains, financé de multiples #rébellions, étendu sa zone d' #influence, les “ #gendarmes du monde” voient aujourd'hui le rapport des forces se modifier et leur puissance être contestée, notamment par la #Chine, la #Russie, ou même l' #Inde. Déroute #militaire en #Afghanistan, #crise #économique, #endettement, #wokisme, ne sont pas étrangers à cet affaiblissement.

#politique #guerre #géopolitique

"L'Amérique empire" par Nicola Mirkovic aux Editions Temporis.


#finance #commerce #sanctionbelarus

     Sanctions against Russia's Central Bank will be imposed by the United States, the European Union, and the UK, and SWIFT will be blocked

the USA, EU Union and United Kingdom on Saturday agreed to install region crippling sanctions on the Russian financial sector, consisting of a block on its access to the global financial system and, for the first time, restrictions on its central bank in retaliation for its invasion of Ukraine.

The measures had been announced together as a part of a new round of financial sanctions meant to “hold Russia to account and together make certain that this warfare is a strategic failure for (Russian President Vladimir) Putin.” The Central Bank restrictions target the greater than $600 billion in reserves that the Kremlin has at its disposal, supposed to limit Russia's ability to assist the ruble amid tightening Western sanctions.

Cumulatively the steps announced by way of the West considering Russia started the invasion might probably amount to a number of the toughest sanctions on any country in modern times, and if fully done as planned, might severely damage the Russian financial system and markedly constrain its capability to import and export items.

U.S. officers stated Saturday’s steps were framed to send the ruble into “free fall" and sell soaring inflation within the Russian economy. They noted that formerly introduced sanctions have already had an effect on Russia, bringing its currency to its lowest level in opposition to the dollar in records and giving its inventory marketplace the worst week on report.

Saturday’s flow consists of slicing key Russian banks out of the SWIFT financial messaging system, which each day actions countless billions of dollars around extra than 11,000 banks and different monetary institutions around the world. The nice print of the sanctions turned into still being ironed out over the weekend, officers said, as they work to limit the effect of the restrictions on different economies and european purchases of Russian energy.

**image credit:usmission.gov


La guerre en Ukraine nous l'a confirmé; un click de souris et votre pognon est bloqué comme celui des oligarques russes.
Continuez les paiements en liquides, ne laissez pas les banques devenir les maîtres du monde.
C'est suffisamment déjà bien parti comme ça.🙄
#guerre #économie #finance #banque