

The big #problem with #British #politics is that it doesn't exist. #Read some #political #history and #philosophy and you'll soon realise there is a de facto one party state in the #UK.

#Conservatives = neoliberal-globalists.
#Labour = neoliberal-globalists.
#LibDems = neoliberal-globalists.
#Green = neoliberal-globalists.
#ScotsNats = neoliberal-globalists.

The only real choice is the #colour.

The Conservatives #conserve nothing, grow #government, permit mass #immigration, support #speech crime, support thought #crime, increase #regulations, support "#multiculturalism", support "LGBTQIA+", hate #autochthonous British people, borrow #money at interest, print #currency, support #globalism, support foreign #wars, support net zero, support offshoring #industry, take part in #cronyism, don't support free market #capitalism, want to give illegal #migrants #amnesty, support the #corrupt #Ukraine puppet government, supported illegal #lockdowns, supported illegal #medical #mandates, supported #unscientific mask wearing, support illegal on-the-spot #fines, support #biometricID, support ignoring #paedophilia, support ignoring crime #statistics regarding #race, support the World Economic Forum, support #agenda2030, support "the great reset", support low #birthrates, support #miscegenation and support #depopulation.

Labour support everything the so-called Conservatives do and they don't support the #working classes and in-fact appear to hate the autochthonous British working classes and consider them, in the words of Jack Staw, a people "not worth saving."

Lib Dems are neither #Liberal, in the classical sense, or #Democratic. They wanted to overturn the #EU #referendum and reject the Democratic #vote on membership and they're #neoliberals, which is a philosophy that includes attacks on classical Liberal concepts like free speech, free thought and free inquiry. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives and Labour party do.

#Greens support the the reduction of #CO2 from the current 400ppm to zero, which will kill all life on #Earth as it will prevent #photosynthesis occurring, therefore preventing #plants growing and eliminating them as a food for #humans, #insects and #animals, destroying the food chain and the Earth's #biosphere. They don't understand how the #climate or biosphere works and are ostensibly useful idiots for plutocratic #elites and big #corporations. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives, Labour party and Lib Dems do.

The #SNP wants to take #Scotland out of the UK union and give the Scots "#independence" by signing them up to EU union. Essentially all this does is transfer dependency from #London to #Brussels and exchanges the #English for the Franco-Germans. Scotland will be no more independent and in some ways even more dependant. The SNP also support everything the other neoliberal-globalist parties do too.

In short, there is no political #choice beyond colour because there is no meaningful differentiation between political philosophies, or outcomes of voting. Whatever party you vote for, you get the same policies, the same lies, the same #corruption, the same #cronyism, the same #sophistry, the same national trajectory, the same everything, only with some minor and ostensibly superficial differences in packaging and delivery.

British politics is a total #farce that doesn't even engage in any recognisable political #debate because other than faux ad hominems, jeering and lip-service to non-existent political #principles there's nothing to debate, because they all agree...


Countering Whataboutism and Misdirection on Aggressor Russia's Unprovoked Invasion of Sovereign Ukraine

I generally avoid giving disinformational propaganda any platform at all. Others ... don't always see that way, and I often find this frustrating and distracting. The goal of such propaganda is to weaken focus, engender confusion, and derail conversations. And it frequently succeeds in doing just this.

The Aggressor-Apologists' Arguments

A recent discussion provides a counterexample, in which the propaganda talking points are demolished one by one, revealing them for the void apologia they are. I'm rephrasing slightly here, with the statements as third--level headings:

1. I deliberately ignore the history here because it is not the salient information.

Rather than focus on the present conflcit, aggression, and violation of all international norms, standards, and treaties, this attack attempts to relitigate history. History isn't being litigated, the present is. Moreover, demanding that all be dictated terms by dead men of some past age ... with all the questions over which men and which age (and yes, it's virtually always men) ... only begs the question (in the true sense of that fallacy) of which past authorities should be considered.

2. I deliberately ignore that the biggest murderers of humanity because that is not what I am talking about here.

Again, the is a naked attempt to distract from the present and appeal to the past. A past, for what it's worth, which includes the overtly genocidal actions of the Soviet era to whose greatness Putin has been appealing over past days, weeks, months, and years, in which tens of millions were killed, starved, and/or imprisoned and enslaved.

Yes, there are other examples of genocides from other parties, including states of the West. I've mentioned several of those within recent months myself, here. Those genocides are acknowledged. Those are not the topic under discussion.

3. I ignore the fact that US clearly pushed this conflict because that is a lie. We know who made the decision to invade Ukraine, after many months of preparation.

This one addresses straight up falsehood, dismisses it, and points to the overt hypocrisy and bald-faced nature of the lie.

4. Ukrainians are not using themselves as a shield. This is the most absurd and wicked “blame the victim” accusation I have ever heard, as missiles and bombs rein down upon innocent people.

The genius of this response is that it makes clear that shields, as with missile defences, are reactive responses to acts of aggression and would not be relevant at all absent that aggression.

Keep these in mind should you see or encounter these, or similar arguments

No, you're not going to change the mind of a paid propaganda agent or indoctrinated useful idiot. But you will greatly blunt the effectiveness of their message.

Keep in mind too that propaganda relies heavily on the Big Lie. It's statements or assertions absurd on their face, repeated endlessly. This means that the arguments change and adapt relatively slowly, and are used in mass. Being able to rebut or pre-but the arguments greatly reduces their effectivenss, and those living in regimes of law, information, and media where we are able to do so with minimal risk or consequence for speaking truth to power should and are morally obligated to do so.

h/t @tom grzyb

#Ukraine #Russia #Propaganda #Counterarguments #Whataboutism #Misdirection #Responses #Sophistry #SophisticalRefutations #TruthToPower #VladimirPutin #AggressorRussia #MoralObligation #Morality