

Meanwhile in Musk-ville...

It's almost comical to see Twitter banning #truth and #journalism if it rubs Lord #Muskvirus the wrong way,. "Off with their space!"
WHILE seeing an uptick in #TrumpVirus commentary (as he hopefully is imminently met with #indictment and #karma / #accountability

As presented by "The Farce Network", on #Twitter, by @PresidentTicTac - Can't make this stuff up! Drumpf #grift & #GQP 'think'.

Bonus: Lord #TrumpVirus of "all the best words" on why #NFT's should be banned along with Crypto:



Meanwhile, in Muskville....

(So you don't have to! And it's one less engagement by those of us just curious about the freak show's progress.) Poor #TwitterRIP

Seems like an adolescent schoolyard bully dressed in silk, covering up the pigskin body & brain. Nah nah nah nah nah.

This is an adult billionaire?! Leaving a space exploration company and EV industry to spend time throwing hate in his sandbox?

#MuskVirus #GQP #ElonMusk #racism #homophobia #hatespeech #psychopathology #truth


One more victory for #Karma and #GQP/#DeathSantis #accountability

GOP author of Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' bill indicted on money laundering charges

Still mourning the loss of my favorite nature preserve since childhood, totally washed over and closed indefinitely, after the sleazy & corrupt (and beloved!) governor used COVID funds to tear down a weir built in the FDR era which served its purpose, despite some aging which might have benefited from repair, not destruction, which would nearly assure mass disaster in a hurricane. ✓ First one!

So with that "bias" - plus his killing 1000s of Floridians while profiting from investing in horsepaste-grade "treatments" and preventing actual vaccine programs, scorning masks - all the while collaborating with "terrific people" like Steinberg & Goetz, plus this guy here who drafted his "Don't Say Gay" policy while doing extensive wire fraud (more COVID corruption) and money laundering.

#TrumpVirus and this variant are undoubtedly the most evil and destructive liars/sociopaths/criminals of my lifetime!* *in the U.S.


Nice. Good read -and cartoon -from Rolling Stone - on #TrumpVirus, the #GQP/MAGA cult, and signs of some 'winning' fatigue at long last. On the heels of a NY judge ordering oversight of TFG's finances @ "Trump Org" & (Crime) Family.

Far-Right Trolls Who Helped Trump Win in 2016 Aren’t Feeling Him This Time

Poor Donny... Where's a deranged criminal to go if Fox doesn't love him any more and he's tired of the Pillow Guy?

#psychopathology #cult #psychology #truth #justice #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Yes, #truth...

BREAKING: New Viral Ad MOCKS Trump’s PATHETIC Announcement for President

Putting the late-nite oddity television genre to work with "the announcement" where a captive audience cheered and exited stage left...

Nice to see the very LITTLE attention, beyond registering that he's still around spreading that old #TrumpVirus and now trying to stay out of jail. (There's probably still a window for his getting a "not guilty by virtue of [mental incompetency]" sentence...

#TrumpVIrus #GQP #democracy #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Interesting, and maybe frighteningly accurate. After #TrumpVirus and #DeathSantis demolish each other (or Trump is finally in a penal or psych institution), there will still be many angry, delusional, armed MAGATs with no cult leader to thoughtlessly follow. (DeSantis?)

Far-Right Trolls Who Helped Trump Win in 2016 Aren’t Feeling Him This Time

But if/when the #GQP party implodes altogether, and the crazy talk of rigged elections and conspiracy abates, yes, some will 'go rogue' and with so much armament and craziness out there, it may not bode well. "We'll see what happens".



Quick check on AP (was watching the CNN crawls)...

Not yet publicly AP announced, but CNN says it's over!

Democrats will keep Senate as control of House remains undecided

Still potential horrors to come in the #GQP House (#GymJordan Brooks, Gaetz et al) but hey.... Could have been 'the end of #democracy "

WHEW! Some sanity and hope in Congress!
# 🥂

#GQP #TrumpVirus #truth #election2022 #karma



Interesting piece from The Economist - not the Journal of Psychopathology, or cultism, but on-target, slight different perspective.

## What Donald Trump Understands **

He has a grim view of human nature, and he exploited it shrewdly—to a point

##### **Oxymoron defined
... Beyond reptilian self-preservation, how to get revenge, how to mobilize hate and evil

#TrumpVIrus #Psychopathology [“like nobody’s seen before”] #psychopathy #narcissism #stupidity #GQP

#truth #accountability #MentalHealth #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


NY #election results thus far .... [22:30 EST]

New York Election Results

Almost afraid to look (polls closed at 9P), but: #GQP/crazy cult candidate for Gov is losing 2:1 despite the media narrative it is close.

NYS of course does have Red(neck) spots "upstate" & in Rudy-ville (Staten Island) where their candidates won.
Schumer won Senate!


This headline is cringe-worthy, for the world of #truth and #accountability - something most #TrumpVirus fans are unfamiliar with.
Sure wish this #Twitter twit would be permanently banned! Self-banning would be fine, &/or some modicum of #mindfulness.

Musk Shares a Nazi Meme and Then Tells Twitter to Vote Republican

Life comes at you fast. Six months ago, Elon Musk wrote, “For Twitter to deserve public trust, it must be politically neutral, which effectively means upsetting the far right and the far left equally.”

#Musk #Twitter #GQP #propaganda #Disinformation #twit #racism #fascism #ElonMusk #media #SocialMedia


It just struck me that #Musk may be thinking of an option like a solidly monetized Google+, with communities, sponsors, and advertisers. Why do I think this? Because this was just posted on Twitter, "promoted", meaning a paid ad. I've already seen ads for premium Twitter services (checkmark plus "circles", basically) and now I see this, and had a flash of Google+ and sponsored communities. This was a paid/"promoted" Twitter post today which strongly suggests there's a plan for (sponsored) 'groups'.

"Ah yes, young man", says the voice of Muskius - channeling #Morbius (#ForbiddenPlanet), except for just one thing ....

(Columbo said that too)

In this scenario, the registered special people with badges (nods to Herschel for this!), they will pay $8/mo in perpetuity (through their PR or accountant firm, whatever). It's not been made clear if mere mortals &/or active social Twitter users without badges will need to subscribe and pay. It could go the way of MeWe which sells emoji packs and badges for revenue and preaches free speechl

Oh, so... Nike and Kanye, Oath Keepers and Tesla will all peacefully co-exist as millions of users stay glued to the troll-less platform.

My continuing two questions:
1. Will advertisers be willing to sponsor/promote alongside known terrorists, hate-preachers, liars and propagandists?
2. Who owns 'the data'? Years of documented communications, historical, legal, and other... 'The data' = tweets.

"We'll see what happens".™️ Ready to hop over to Twitter for an environmental community? Communities... Circles...

Meanwhile... Today America may become a shambles of an oligarch/dictatorship run by #TrumpVirus variants like MTG. 😱

#ElectionDay2022 #GQP #Musk #Twitter #disinformation #socialmedia #media #ElonMusk #communication