

They want us to forget this.

Their lives and their misery doesn't matter, it never did.

They are the voiceless people, born in the same country and wrong religion and had the wrong skin color for people to care and remember them.
PS. Remember the Ukrainian volunteers who joyfully helped invade and ravage Iraq?

#politics #iraq #invasion #Neverforget #US #NATO


US preparing to deploy 2,500 troops to Syria

The 10th Mountain Division, consisting of 2,500 troops, are being deployed to #Syria and Iraq for the next 9 months as part of Operation Inherent Resolve, the official designated military operation to defeat ISIS. (ISIS my ass).

It is truly disgusting that US #invasion of Syria is not even getting any attention from the media these days and no one is calling for arming Syria to get rid of American invaders.

#Politics #Occupation #ISIS


the Mish story via The Age (not everyone thought the destruction of the church was a tragedy) and Deadly Stories

The Fighting Gunditjmara refused attempts to move them from their country to a mission at Framlingham, near Warrnambool, bc it was someone else's country, and so the Mish came to be.
#Gunditjmara #always-was #always-will-be #Christianity #invasion


The #Iraq #Invasion 20 Years Later: It Was Indeed a Big #Lie that Launched the Catastrophic #War

Source: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/03/the-iraq-invasion-20-years-later-it-was-indeed-a-big-lie-that-launched-the-catastrophic-war/

But #Cheney and #Rice neglected to disclose that there was a heated dispute within the #intelligence community about this supposed evidence. The top scientific experts in the US government had concluded these tubes were unsuitable for a #nuclear weapons program. Only one #CIA analyst—who was not a scientific expert—contended the tubes were smoking-gun proof that #Saddam was working to develop nuclear weapons. That was all the Bush-Cheney White House needed.

#history #crime #terror #humanRights #usa #politics #problem #justice #ethics #moral #Pentagon #dod #military #fail #news


Iraq invasion, 20 years on! But don't forge the years before that!

"We think the price was worth it"
- Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Clinton, asked in 1996 about the death of 500.000 Iraqi children as a result of sanctions on Iraq.
Sanctions also had an impact on a child mortality rate - around 200 deaths per 1000 births in 1995.

#Iraq #Invasion #Inhumanity #Genocide #Clinton #NeverForget
(warning Twitter link)


Ukraine aktuell: EU und USA nehmen Russland-Unterstützer stärker ins Visier | DW | 11.03.2023

Ziel sei es, die Umgehung von Sanktionen durch Russland zu verhindern, sagte EU-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen in Washington. Der ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj lobt Norwegens Hilfe als beispielhaft. Ein Überblick.#Ukraine #Russland #EuropäischeUnion #USA #Krieg #Invasion
Ukraine aktuell: EU und USA nehmen Russland-Unterstützer stärker ins Visier | DW | 11.03.2023


Only 22 countries have never been invaded by #Britain

Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/3441/countries-never-invaded-by-britain/

According to the book "All the Countries We’ve Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To", there are only 22 countries Britain never invaded throughout history. There aren't many gaps on the map, but some of the more notable include #Sweden, #Belarus and #Vatican City. The biggest blank spots can be seen on the African continent, even though the Royal African Company founded in 1660 alone was responsible for forcibly removing 212,000 slaves from their homeland and shipping them to English colonies in the Americas between 1662 and 1731.

#history #military #politics #invasion #slavery #colonization #knowledge #problem #empire