

Dagmar Pauli legt ein fachlich fundiertes Aufklärungsbuch zu Geschlechtern und Geschlechtsidentitäten vor und liefert Denkanstöße für ein besseres Miteinander. Eine Rezension

Dieses fachlich fundierte Aufklärungsbuch zu Geschlechtern und Geschlechtsidentitäten überzeugt nicht zuletzt durch Erfahrungsberichte. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Die anderen Geschlechter von Dagmar Pauli)#Geschlecht #divers #Diversität #Androgynie #Feminismus #Gender #Identität #Geschlechtsidentität #Intersexualität #Nicht-Binarität #nicht-binär #trans #non-binary #cis #queer #Transgender #LGBT #LGBTQ #schwul #lesbisch #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Die anderen Geschlechter«: Diversität verstehen und respektieren


‘Transphobic bullying is rife’: a 15-year-old trans boy’s view of coming out at school

It’s inexcusable to say a child needs to have permission to experiment with their name or wardrobe. Cis kids do that all the time without their parents being informed.

The politicians behind this guidance don’t know what it is to be trans, they’ve never listened to a trans voice so they don’t know what damage it will cause.

#Guardian #LGBTQ #UK #Transphobia


St. Louis Police Crash Into LGBTQ Bar, Arrest Its Owner

He came down to find the police SUV in his building and an officer demanding to see his identification. 

Pence says he replied: "No you don't. That's a police cruiser in my building. You don't need to see my ID. This is not how this works."

Pence says he was spun around and placed in handcuffs. 


#STL #Police #LGBTQ #ID #Arrest


#Elon #Musk’s #Grok #Twitter #AI Is Actually ‘Woke,’ Hilarity Ensues

source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/12/10/elon-musks-grok-twitter-ai-is-actually-woke-hilarity-ensues/

Grok is #woke, too.

This has played out in a number of extremely funny situations online where Grok has answered queries about various social and political issues in ways more closely aligned with progressivism. Grok has said it would vote for #Biden over #Trump because of his views on social #justice, #climate change and #healthcare. Grok has spoken eloquently about the need for #diversity and inclusion in society. And Grok stated explicitly that trans women are women, which led to an absurd exchange where Musk acolyte Ian Miles Cheong tells a user to “train” Grok to say the “right” answer, ultimately leading him to change the input to just…manually tell Grok to say no.

#politics #technology #ElonMusk #lol #fail #conservative #politics #economy #ideology #lgbt #lgbtq


Erleichterte Aufnahme von Trans*Personen aus dem Ausland

Mit der Petition wird gefordert:
- Schaffung eines eigenen Aufnahmeprogramms gem. § 23 AufenthG, um Trans*Personen aufenthaltsrechtlich schnell/ effektiv zu helfen
- Allgemein erleichterte Visa-Erteilung unter Bezugnahme auf den Ratsbeschluss der EU
- Generelles Absehen von der Nachholung des Visumverfahrens, wenn sich Personen bereits im Inland aufhalten
- Großzügige Ermessensausübung bei der Erteilung von Aufenthaltserlaubnissen
- Schnellere Bearbeitung/kürzere Wartezeiten bei Visaerteilung

#Petition #Bundestag #LGBTQ


#BaldursGate3 #Community: please don't #support the 'ser #Aylin' #mod

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18a4ryt/please_dont_support_the_ser_aylin_mod/

on the website they state that the mod "ensures that the #gender and #sexuality of world NPCs match #medieval status quo" and I was not even slightly surprised to see that instead of just removing the references to Nocturne being trans they instead decided that the easier thing to do (it's not easier) was to turn her into a man who tried to be a #wioman and then hated it... gee I wonder why they'd do that?and imagine my surprise when I saw that they had no mods that removed any of the magical aspects and creatures in the game in order to make it match "medieval status quo."it's almost as if they don't care about realism and it's actually just about their hatred of #queer people, because if they did care about realism they'd be well aware that we have existed since the dawn of time.

#LGBT #LGBTQ #game #gamer #npc #change #news #problem #hate #tolerance #woke #diversity #humanRights #fantasy


A county spent $1.2 million in #legal fees to avoid paying $10K for #trans-inclusive #health care - #LGBTQ Nation

And they still lost and have to pay for the health care now.
By John Russell Tuesday, March 21, 2023

A county in #Georgia spent nearly $1.2 million in a years-long legal battle to deny a local sheriff’s deputy a #healthcare plan that would cover #gender-affirming care, citing the cost of the plan. But by one estimate, the change to the county’s health insurance would have cost a fraction of what it paid a private law firm.



SF Supervisor Harvey Milk, who was assassinated OTD in 1978, wasn't just "openly gay," as he is often called. He was specifically building a coalition that included working people, union leaders, the #LGBTQ+ community, people of color, disabled folks, young people, and elders. That's why he was so dangerous to the Establishment. And that coalition never recovered.
