

Surveillance under Surveillance

what this is about

Surveillance under #Surveillance shows you #cameras and #guards#watching you — almost everywhere. You can see where they are #located and, if the information is available, what type they are, the area they #observe, or other interesting facts.


Different icons and colors give you a quick overview about the indexed surveillance entries. Click on those icons on the #map to get the available information.



After the AFU made a rapid breakthrough towards Krynki, Russian troops counterattacked with the support of artillery and aviation. They were successful in squeezing the AFU out of a significant part of the positions in the village.

▪️ Despite this, the enemy still maintains a presence, but the Russian Armed Forces have managed to clear several landings, effectively pushing the AFU to the shore.

▪️ However, during the night, the command of the Katran strike group transferred additional units to the islands of Melky and Frolov. They were covered by mortar crews from the 35th infantry regiment.

🔻Additionally, four assault groups from the 88th battalion of the 35th infantry brigade of the Ukrainian Navy were transported from Nikolskoye to the northeastern part of Aleshkinsky Island. There, they dispersed and set up observation posts.

▪️ Another advance group from the 36th brigade arrived at the railway bridge. Together with the forces of the 35th Infantry Brigade to the east, they are planning another attempt to break through to Peschanivka and Podstepnoye.

❗️It seems that despite their losses, the enemy plans to continue pushing through the defenses of the Russian Armed Forces on the left bank. Based on the activity of the Marines in both the Krynok sector and at Peschanivka, it is likely that they are coordinating their attack to capture a larger settlement, such as Radensk.

#Oleshky #digest #map #Russia #Ukraine #Kherson #UkraineWar #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasfireNow



« Une carte n’est pas le territoire », a dit Alfred Korzybski
Les civilisations inventent leur propre représentation du Monde. Support d’apprentissage de la navigation, les cartes à bâtonnets polynésiennes permettaient aux piroguiers de mémoriser les courants marins et les îles (représentées par les coquillages). Celle que j’ai dessiné s’en inspire, même si elle est totalement fantaisiste. Une navigateur océanien la trouverait probablement absurde, si tant est qu’il y ait encore de nos jours des gens qui sachent lire ce type de carte.
Et pourtant, en la dessinant, j’eus l’impression un moment de me perdre doucement dans le clapotement paisible des vagues, le chant envoûtant des piroguiers…

« Ho-e a-na… Ho-e a-na... »

#carte #carteàbâtonnets #map #stickmap #stickchart #polynésie #polynesia #Oceania #Pacific #géographie #geography #cartographie #cartography #geografia #cartographia #géo #carto #inktober #inktober2023 #dessin #drawing #gribouillage #art #amateur #mywork #d3 #enjomineur
