

Islamisten in Deutschland: Der Nahostkrieg als Katalysator

Islamismus in Deutschland - Der Nahost-Krieg als Katalysator

Islamisten nutzen den Nahostkonflikt, um für sich zu werben – auf Demonstrationen und in den sozialen Medien. Experten warnen vor einem Erstarken der Szene.#NAHOST #ISLAMISMUS #Gefährder #TERROR #PROPAGANDA
Islamisten in Deutschland: Der Nahostkrieg als Katalysator


‘Pallywood propaganda’: Pro-Israeli accounts online accuse Palestinians of staging their suffering

Since #Hamas carried out its deadly attack on October 7 and Israel began retaliatory military operations in #Gaza, a parallel war is being fought online. A barrage of #disinformation, fake news and misinformation has swarmed social media feeds. Pro-Israeli accounts on social media are using the term " #Pallywood" to accuse Palestinians of faking their suffering.

#israel #propaganda #StoptheLies



A ascensão destas personagens ( #Trump #Bolsonaro e agora #Milei) é apenas o efeito colateral do mau uso do desenvolvimento das #tecnologias de comunicação, da centralização e sobretudo da monopolização da comunicação digital (redes sociais #twitter #WhatsApp etc...).

Source: https://diversispiritus.net.br/item/942f367a-addd-434f-a050-af12919a95f9


The rise of these characters (Trump Bolsonaro and now Milei) is just the side effect of the misuse of the development of communication technologies, the centralization and above all the monopolization of digital communication (social networks twitter WhatsApp etc...).

#politics #internet #propaganda #manipulation #problem #criticism #communication #freedom #democracy #society #future #journalism #press


Capitalism “gives people what they want”. If what they want is misinformation, then capitalism amplifies their idiocy and rage, turning them into murderous zombies. Sure civilization ends, but at least the capitalists get rich in the meantime.

The real reason Fox News spread false election and insurrection claims: analysis

FTA: Fox News didn’t promote conservative propaganda that downplayed an insurrection and defamed a voting machine company to the tune of $1.6 billion because of deep-rooted political beliefs, a new analysis contends: They did it for cable company cash.

#Fox #Trump #Propaganda #ItsJustProfit



When even the BBC, of all news outlets, is debunking your propaganda, you're doing something seriously wrong 😂

#BBC: israel hasn’t yet provided any evidence that Al-Shifa #hospital has tunnels & #military basements.

The BBC, upon reviewing the #IDF #propaganda video & cross-referencing it with the footage captured by BBC's reporter, revealed that the IDF had inserted an additional gun into the #MRI room during the BBC's recording.

#SaveGaza #StopTheLies #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @Palestine


Hamas und Israel: Krieg der Bilder

Die Hamas hat ihren Krieg penibel vorbereitet, um den Image-Schaden für Israel möglichst groß ausfallen zu lassen. Aber nicht nur deshalb bröckelt die internationale Solidarität mit Israel.#Gazastreifen #Hamas #Israel #Propaganda #Antisemitismus #Nahost #Politik #Schwerpunkt
Hamas und Israel: Krieg der Bilder


Worthy and Unworthy Victims

Using a propaganda model, we would not only anticipate definitions of #worth based on #utility, and dichotomous attention based on the same criterion, we would also expect the #news stories about worthy and unworthy #victims (or enemy and friendly states) to differ in quality. That is, we would expect official #sources of the United States and its client regimes to be used heavily – and uncritically – in connection with one’s own #abuses and those of friendly governments, while refugees and other dissident sources will be used in dealing with enemies. We would anticipate the #uncritical acceptance of certain premises in dealing with self and friends – such as that one’s own state and leaders seek peace and democracy, oppose terrorism, and tell the truth – premises which will not be applied in treating enemy states. We would expect different criteria of evaluation to be employed, so that what is villainy in enemy states will be presented as an #incidental background fact in the case of oneself and friends. What is on the agenda in treating one case will be off the agenda in discussing the other. We would also expect great investigatory #zeal in the search for enemy villainy and the responsibility of high officials for abuses in enemy states, but diminished enterprise in examining such matters in connection with one’s own and friendly states.

— Edward Herman & Noam Chomsky, in their book Manufacturing Consent

#UnworthyVictims #WorthyVictims #media #propaganda #PropagandaModel #ManufacturingConsent #NoamChomsky #Chomsky #EdwardHerman


Finally some good #news: #Trump's #TruthSocial site has lost millions of dollars since it launched, filing shows

The company recorded an accumulated loss of $31.6 million as of June 30, contributing to “substantial doubt that #TMTG will have sufficient funds to meet its liabilities as they fall due, including liabilities related to promissory notes previously issued by TMTG,” the filing says.

more here: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trumps-truth-social-site-lost-73-million-launched-2022-filing-shows-rcna125086

TMTG = Trump #Media & #Technology

#socialmedia #altright #politics #fail #finance #propaganda #hate #conspiracy