

Dr Cornel West Announces He's Running For President in 2024


Some key policy points i wrote down while listening:
* Abolitionism of #poverty and #homelessness
* Strong support for trade #unions
* #Medicare for all
* Indictment of #greed from the 1%
* #Decentralization
* End of mass incarceration
* Transformation of priorities from foreign #wars to helping poor people

#CornelWest #CornelWest24 #RussellBrand


#3timesasecond #information #secreted #93billionsecrets #agnogenesis #agnotology
it gets expensive, keeping things expensive.
#restoreabundance #reavailabundance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_uH_ZM_5Ds #russellbrand #matthewconnolly
no science or democracy under censorship nor under secreting classification.
#didntdoit #needtoknow #itsapuppet #deepstate #congress #courts #disclosure #education
how many of those secrets do you suspect serve to maintain a rigged game for industry?
no #emancipationtechnology for you.
only the #prisonware they tell you to be used by.

#staydownslave #remaindefeatist #orriottoprovokethenextphase #problemreactionsolution #ugh
3 times a second, a gov bod makes something secret.
what a waste of human potential, under the weight of ignorance generated by the #barricade of #secrecy

3 times a second, a gov bod makes something secret.

what a waste under the weight of ignorance by secrecy.

we could have spaceships for everybody already, you know, by now, surely, right?

or have they covered and discredited enough of that trail, that your research was truncated, along with your imagination of the range of possibilities?

srsly. i'm not joking with the #spaceshipsforeverybody stuff. you've got to look up this stuff. it's important. even just look into patent secrecy...



#CalleyMeans #Health #BigPharma #ForProfitHealthcare

#russellbrand #ForProfitMedicine #ForProfitPharma #healtchcare #bottomup #grassroots #notopdownsalvationcoming #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #wakeywakey #sicknessprofiteering #youaretheonesyouhavebeenwatingfor #wearetheoneswehavebeenwatingfor #saveyourself #mendwards #wecanstillmendthis

wishing you the best health. :)

some notable bits and comments i jotted down in irc while watching:

"the medical system now is the biggest and fastest growing industry in the united states, which is just staggering to wrap your head around" -- Calley Means. :3

heard that quote at the start of https://rumble.com/v2fmncu-were-being-poisoned-big-pharmas-dirty-secret-103-stay-free-with-russell-bra.html

"so are the doctors evil who are prescribing that statin? no. that's the system they're in. although doctors are catching on to this. doctors have the highest suicide rate, and the highest burn-out rate in the country. so i think they're getting in for the right reasons but realiing patients arent geting better."

"for better or worse" that whole bit. yikes.

and the bit about profit, reminds me of when they nearly killed me, 3 levels deep in prescriptions for side effects for prescriptions for side effects, and none of it worked, only added worse outcomes.

:O "40% of gdp" built on manufacturing sickness for profit. :O

"it's gotta be a bottom up revolution" fucking right. no top-down saviour coming.

"the problem with healthcare, is that every single lever that touches our health profits of people beins sick, and loses money when they're healthy. the problem is healthcare's the most employed industry in the country, and everyone from a pharma company to a hospital to a medical school, they make more money when more people are sick, which is exactly what's happening."

public healthcare ftw. privateering "healthcare", for sickness for profit.

"$100,000,000,000 a year for the foodstamps"... still less than a 10th, less than a 20th, and beyond, than what's spent on killing people around the world via the pentagon.

"people who ate correctly had almost a zero percent chance of dying from covid" :/ not even wrong.

:O spending more on healthcare than "defence" budget... :O and gonna double! holy crap, we have SO MUCH HEADROOM in this world, without the kleptarchy/kakistartchy robber barrons in control. that alone's into the hundreds of trillions to be unlocked, and no longer causing expense of further harms

"this is a precipice moment"

"so plainly"

lol. would love to chat with that fella, to ask him how "libertarian capitalism" can do anything other than become "croney crapitalism", given it takes money to make money, and money is power, so power(&kmoney) consolidate to monopoly...

"these are metabolic conditions", yeah, something i learned recently... anxiety and depression and all manner of psychelogical and neurological maladies, are all inflamation symptoms.

  • Digit gubs some more cbd

"embrace that you have been gaslight, and embrace that you are a product, and embrace that there are trillions of dollars to confuse you."

"highly processed grains, seed oil, sugar" <- cut out those three, and you get a long way to health. if you are going to do a seed oil, have it be organic hempseed (which has the healthiest ratios, being the most co-evolved with us).

and in another chan, also said:

miffed he included "marijuana" with pufas, sugar and whatever the other thing he said, i forgot [edit:processed grains]. but just that one fly in the ointment afaictsf. https://rumble.com/v2fmncu-were-being-poisoned-big-pharmas-dirty-secret-103-stay-free-with-russell-bra.html


#RussellBrand: Time for a spiritual revolution
Mar 13, 2023.11 min.
Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Russell Brand about his controversial appearance on “Real Time with Bill Maher” where he roasted MSNBC, Pfizer, and Big Pharma to the face of MSNBC host John Heilemann; and the true differences between conservative and progressive ways of living.-

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=LZqsRwrqLSo


Dave Rubin of “The #Rubin #Report” talks about #RussellBrand becoming the latest victim of YouTube #censorship; #Brand’s unhinged response to accusations of spreading misinformation on social media; Joe Biden’s bizarre hurricane preparedness advice for Florida residents in the path of Hurricane Ian; Justin Trudeau’s lifting of Canadian border restrictions and the elimination of other COVID restrictions; why the mainstream media is so afraid of Giorgia Meloni, the new prime minister of Italy, and why they are desperate to to connect her to neo-fascism and Benito Mussolini; Ron DeSantis shutting down a reporter who used a quote from a FEMA official who attempted to politicize the state’s preparations for Hurricane Ian; “The View’s” Sunny Hostin revealing her own bigotry by attacking co-host Ana Navarro for remaining in the Republican Party; Karine Jean-Pierre being refuted by Jen Psaki about the effect on Democrats of rising crime; Gavin Newsom’s ridiculous explanation for why so many people are leaving California; why Dave, Bill Maher, and Elon Musk aren’t the only people leaving the left; and much more!


Wim Hof is a Dutch man who, through the pain of his own personal tragedies became the Ice Shaman.

Here are two interviews with him on the Russell Brand podcast "Under the Skin".

This one is from March 2019 where he explains his philosophy and techniques on breathing and using the cold.
It is a way to activate endorphins-and canabinoid systems in the reptilian brain to boost emotional well being and the immune system.

He urged the scientific community to investigate these methods as much as possible. Wim Hof is an active participant in many university funded projects to further conduct experiments on his findings and use it for cures of physical and mental illnesses.

This is an interview from April of 2020 as an update of the previous one but also concerning COVID-19.

See his website or app Android iPhone for more info

The Cold is my master, is it merciless but righteous - Wim Hof

if you want to go straight to the breathing techniques explained click here and here.

#breathing #cold #shaman #dutch #russellbrand #wimhof #consciousness #meditation #immunesystem #reptilian #brain #covid19

Picture from Pexels