

‘Everyone looked real’: multinational firm’s #HongKong office loses HK$200 million after scammers stage #deepfake #video #meeting

source: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3250851/everyone-looked-real-multinational-firms-hong-kong-office-loses-hk200-million-after-scammers-stage

Everyone present on the video calls except the victim was a fake representation of real people. The scammers applied deepfake technology to turn publicly available video and other footage into convincing versions of the meeting’s participants.

enter image description here

#news #scam #AI #technology #trust #problem #cybercrime #crime #money #police


#quote from #pa " #ClimateChange" (AKA " #GlobalWarming ")... is it a #scam?
The scariest part of the 'alarmist' mantra is a complete disregard for facts by ‘climate scientists.’
Consider that outside the atmosphere, the sun's energy is 1300 W / sq meter, whereas at sea level, inside that 'toasty' atmosphere it is only 1000 W/ sq meter. 30% was reflected back by the 'heat trapping' atmosphere. In fact, the atmosphere keeps Earth cooler than nearby bodies in a vacuum.

  • - - TEMPERATURE DATA - - - ● #Earth max : 56.85°C (134.33°F) ● #Space station max : 121°C (250°F) ● #Lunar surface max : 116.8°C (242.33°F)

Zero atmosphere = higher maximum temperature
#How does a “heat trapping” atmosphere stay colder?

And if heat was being 'trapped,' why hasn't the maximum temperature gone up to a new record level? All they can claim is that the “average” is going up. Yeah, right.

Is the “Greenhouse effect” like a refrigerator “trapping heat”?

There is no "heating up" or trapping of heat by the atmosphere when it is COOLING the planet. And since there is no conduction nor convection of heat in a vacuum, that leaves RADIATION. The atmosphere is radiating / reflecting back energy, that COOLS the planet.

More Facts in support - - -
Earth Albedo : 0.3
Moon Albedo : 0.11

ALBEDO - The fraction of incident electromagnetic radiation reflected by a surface, especially of a celestial body.

Coincidentally, the greenhouse gases have a higher emissivity that means they COOL the planet even more. And the #1 greenhouse gas is water vapor, which has a far greater effect than trace gases like CO2 or methane.. . .

Now, let me lead you to a KARBONITE SITE:
... "A tiny amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, like methane and water vapour, keep the Earth's surface 30°Celsius (54°F) warmer than it would be without them.”
WAIT - the Earth with ‘heat trapping’ atmosphere is at least 108° F (59.95°C) cooler than the Moon without an atmosphere (242-134F). And they are claiming that trace gases are keeping Earth’s surface 30°Celsius (54°F) warmer despite the atmosphere keeping us 116°F cooler than the Space Station right outside of Earth’s atmosphere (250-134F).

Too confusing?
=> Zero atmosphere = 250°F (space station)
=> Atmosphere w/ CO2 = 134°F (Earth surface)
. . . .but the Karbonites are claiming. . . .
=> Atmosphere w/o CO2 = peak 80°F (134 - 54)


just a way to get their #world #dictatorship #sailing #NWO NO WAY


Air Canada must honor refund policy invented by airline’s chatbot

Air Canada appears to have quietly killed its costly chatbot support.


After months of resisting, Air Canada was forced to give a partial refund to a grieving passenger who was misled by an airline chatbot inaccurately explaining the airline's bereavement travel policy.

Ha ha!

Ha ha!

The myth of AI lives on. Wake up people. It may be artificial, but it is definitely not intelligent.

#hype #ai #artificial-stupidity #artificial-intelligence #scam #bezzle #air-canada #chatbot


I assure you, an AI didn't write a terrible "George Carlin" routine

by Cory Doctorow


That's four reasons for AI hype:\
I. to win investors and customers;\
II. to cover customers' and users' embarrassment when the AI doesn't perform;\
III. AI dreamers so high on their own supply that they can't tell truth from fantasy;\
IV. A business-model for doomsayers who form an unholy alliance with AI companies by parroting their silliest hype in warning form.\
But there's a fifth motivation for criti-hype: to simplify otherwise tedious and complex situations. As Jamie Zawinski writes, this is the motivation behind the obvious lie that the "autonomous cars" on the streets of San Francisco have no driver:\
GM's Cruise division was forced to shutter its SF operations after one of its "self-driving" cars dragged an injured pedestrian for 20 feet:\

#ai #botshit #hype #fake-it-till-you-make-it #artificial-stupidity #scam #artificial-intelligence #emperor-has-no-clothes #doctorow #cory-doctorow #pluralist #criti-hype #murderbots


Dan #Ariely and Francesca #Gino became famous for their #research into why we bend the #truth. Now they’ve both been accused of fabricating data.

Source: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/10/09/they-studied-dishonesty-was-their-work-a-lie

She and a collaborator (who wished to remain anonymous, for fear of professional retribution) approached Data Colada. The team had had its own doubts about Gino since 2014, but had concluded that a full investigation was more trouble than it was worth. Now, however, they scrutinized her previous work, and found multiple instances of data that seemed to be misbehaving. #Ziani said, “The magnitude of the fraud was potentially so gigantic that they didn’t want to be merely one hundred per cent sure but one thousand per cent sure.”

#news #crime #science #scam #manipulation #statistics #research #education #problem


somehow i think that the crypto scam comes from the secret service to discredit this. who clicks on something like that? nobody does that. it's supposed to be annoying. #crypto #scam



15th October 2023
ScamTech Part One - MAC, BLE, and some homework
source - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MFThZ6IuBkil/
The #tech aspect of this whole #scam is worthy of being discussed at much length, and the MAC thing could sure use some applied brain power.

Unlike the bio-micro-rRNA that is rumored to be "irreversible" ... (believe that or not) ... the tech might be.

IF there is tech stuff being forced into the #human #body ... and IF we don't want it doing what "They" say is in the plan ... then WE have a lot of work to do. Time's a-wastin'. This is a pissed-off-whacked-out-on-coffee video. Anything built by Man can be un-built by Man.
#MAC - BLE - Sabrina Wallace - Mat Taylor




If They would Just #Listen They Would #Know The #Truth!

( #EMF #PROTECTION) Fix the #World Project Maroc S.A.R.L. specializes in handmade Home Decor products for EMF protection as well as online technology education. https://ftwproject.com/ref/512 . 6G and Bey

If They would Just Listen They Would Know The Truth - #SabrinaWallace


The Hornswoggle Project

Hello friends. Are you tired of wasting your valuable time on false claims and scam products that don’t work?

Do you have better things to do than slog through pseudo-scientific articles about the benefits of the latest trendy “miracle”?

Well, we here at The Hornswoggle Project have the perfect solution.

Don’t waste your precious time reading a long article about the benefits of putting a jade egg inside your vagina. Don’t blow fifteen minutes of your day watching a video about the newest “Miracle Herbal Cure” that is really just some weeds ground up and stuck into a gel cap. Don’t bother with all those “testimonials” by people like “Scott G.” and “Jill S.’ and “Mary P.” telling you how they’ve improved their health with the new trendy breathing technique.

Yes, that’s right, you can save time and energy by simply using The Hornswoggle Method. When you feel that desperate need to get scammed out of your hard earned money, just send it to The Hornswoggle Project. That’s it! Fast, easy and no waiting. You can be ripped off instantly! Think of the time savings… no longer do you have to visit Goop. Com to find out the latest quack idiocy from Gwyneth Paltrow, waste minutes reading about it, viewing videos explaining it, reading testimonials verifying it’s “benefits”. Just send your money to Hornswoggle and get INSTANT GRATIFICATION! That’s right INSTANT GRATIFICATION!

You will feel completely scammed and ripped off, without all that reading and watching videos… and the BEST PART? You don’t have to order a thing, you don’t have to wait for that jade egg to arrive via post. You don’t have to read the instructions on how to use the “miracle formula”, or how often to take the “miracle fat burning pill”, or even how hot to make that “coffee enema”… just send us your money and feel duped INSTANTLY!

The time savings alone is worth every penny.

But that’s not all… with Hornswoggle, YOU get to choose exactly how duped you want to feel! That’s right, we at Hornswoggle won’t demand you send us $39.95, nor even $29.95… no, not even $19.95… YOU CHOOSE! Send us whatever amount will fulfill your current need to feel stupid and YOU’RE DONE! Only need to feel a little bit scammed today? Send $5.00… need a bigger dose of foolishness? Send $10.00… want to feel especially stupid, send us $50.00. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

And best of all, you will get no false claims at Hornswoggle. We promise nothing except that you will get taken, and feel stupid. And WE DELIVER ON THAT PROMISE! We won’t “burn away your fat”, we don’t promise “long life” or “better health”… no sir, we are HONEST here at Hornswoggle, we are ripping you off.

So please, save time, save energy and even dare we say it? Save MONEY! Just send whatever you need to send to feel like a sucker to the address below. We don’t promise it will improve YOUR LIFE… but it will most certainly improve OURS!

Send all payments via PayPal to fraterchaos@protonmail.com.

DISCLAIMER: This may seem like satire, and you’re right, it is…. but on the other hand, if you’re dumb enough to shove a piece of jade up your twat, you’re dumb enough to send me free money. And seriously, if you send any money, I’ll take it, and I won’t even thank you. I PROMISE!

#Rip Off


Man alleged to be behind high-interest mortgage scam living large on social media

Another #scam to watch out for. Of course they usually victimize elderly and disabled people!

Each situation is unique, but many seem to follow a pattern where homeowners — usually seniors — who have previously been duped into various door-to-door HVAC equipment rental contracts are again approached at home by people who say they can help the homeowner consolidate their debt.

In some cases, the homeowners are told they are eligible to receive money back if they buy more equipment or have renovations done on their homes. In reality, their home is used as collateral and they are allegedly tricked into signing mortgage papers that many say they did not want, or understand.

#CBC #news