

Israel Vala claims that: Earlier this week, Iran sent a message to the Biden administration through several Arab countries:

If the United States intervenes in the war between Israel and Iran, American forces in the region will be attacked.

They have not said where they got this information from and why has US, UK, Germany and France have suddenly turned into guardians of Israeli security.

But it's the time of sensationalism, anyone can come up with something and then it is turns into "fact" after a few rounds of quotes.

Soon, it will Turner not something completely different and they are going through claim that Iran have said that US targets will be attacked at the same time Iran retaliates again Israeli bombing of it's consulate in Damascus.

Just wait and see (now I'm making up the story, let's see how it goes).

#iran #Israel #Damaacus #US #journalism #Sensationalism


Will the universe be torn apart "in a few billion years"?

That's what Ars seems to think.


Our Milky Way galaxy is speeding through the emptiness of space at 600 kilometers per second, headed toward something we cannot clearly see. The focal point of that movement is the Great Attractor, the product of billions of years of cosmic evolution. But we'll never reach our destination because, in a few billion years, the accelerating force of dark energy will tear the Universe apart.

However, the person who literally wrote the book on this (The End of Everything: (Astrophysically Speaking) by Katie Mack) isn't nearly so sure.


The last time I calculated the earliest possible Big Rip, based on the 2018 data release from the Planck satellite, I got something in the vicinity of 200 billion years.

We probably shouldnā€™t panic just yet. As discussed, the data still arenā€™t that clear. Most measurements of w give a value that is fully consistent with āˆ’1, and though itā€™s true that values less than āˆ’1 are sometimes very slightly preferred, that preference isnā€™t really statistically meaningful. As for the Hubble Constant disagreement, even if all the measurements are correct, nonapocalyptic explanations for the discrepancyā€”involving weird models of dark matter, or altered conditions in the early universeā€”are very much in the running. In fact, even tweaking dark energy wouldnā€™t be enough to totally solve the problem, so itā€™s not unreasonable to assume that the solution might lie elsewhere. And even if there has been a sharp upturn in the effects of dark energy in recent cosmic history, suggesting something like phantom dark energy, we still have a lot of time before a Big Rip could possibly occur.

Shame on Ars for sloppy science journalism. We can usually expect better from them.

#big-rip #end-of-everything #the-end #the-end-of-everything #science #science-journalism #astronomy #dark-energy #sensationalism #cosmology #universe #astrophysics #dark-matter #dark-energy



#bias #behaviouralscience #psychology #groupthink #interesting #introspectioncueing

#confirmationbias #cognitiveillusions

#insuficientinformation #engagelogicalslowthinking #withholdprematureconclusion #tapthebreaks
#biastoeasyanswers #biastonarratives #narratives #inconsiderate #bullying #usvsthem #redvsblue
#cherrypicking #evidencecherrypicking #cherrypickingevidence
#seeingwhatyouwanttosee #usingreasoningtofitprejudice #illusions

#massformationpsychosis #howithappens
"We make many of our most important decisions based on what can only be called cognitive illusions. This is embarrassing for us to realise, but the evidence for it is undeniable."
so to that, i say:
"there is no shame in the truth." -- Minbari Religious Cast Elder to Student, Babylon5.
"head into the wave." -- me / old saying / unattributed
as in find your way to where you no longer defeat yourself with your subborn clinging to your self image as one who makes no such errors.
embrace the errors.
then you are on the path. then you are learning.
our confirmation bias, our cognitive illusions, are due eternal vigilance, to not succumb to their blinding arogance and mental/investigative/scrutinative sloth.

this is true whether stupid, or oh so much more clever.
especially if you are oh so much more clever.
because if you really are oh so much more clever, you will suffer more fuel on that fire.
and also, thinking you're oh so much more clever, is improbably true. not that i'm saying truth's always derivable, or even aproachable, through simple statistical analysis, but... since we're always going on a little information, and the dangerousness of how little that information is, can be worsened by how much littler we make it by our confirmation-biasing, cognitive illusions, our slothful lazy hastey grasp on shortcuts, we dont even realise, we're doing it, we dont even realise how little we have, and we tell ourselves we have a lot, we tell ourselves as much as we have, is a lot of what there is, even to the extreme, that it's all there is. unwittingly, we become know it alls, with next to nothing. and we think we're the smarty-est.

there's no shame in the truth.

we're not that smart.

we're not as smart as we think we are. no shame in the truth, that we think we're smart, and that we think that's smarter than we are.

knowing this,

helps us get smarter.


wise enough to continue learning.

wise enough to catch ourselves from short-handed thinking.

wise enough to see when we have, and wise enough eagerly accept that, and even point it out to others. wise enough to accept we'll likely never absolutely be beyond this, and even more likely are not beyond it right now, and so reapplies the humility introspective vigilance, not to identify as one who has risen above it, but to persist in plucking away and batting away all the times it has happened already, and all the times more oncoming.

"all i know is i know nothing, and sometimes i forget even that much." -- Me, often, but not often enough without vanity, not often enough really heeding what i (and socrates) mean by it.


still vulnerable to us-vs-them'ing. like you.

(ps, i forget where i got that link from, but thanks again to whoever shared it. ^ all that from merely first 20 minutes. .... lets see where it goes.)

#autopilotbiases #vulnerabletoattack #targetcues #pavlovsdog #socialmediacompanies #datamining #trolling #attentionseizing #mindcontrol #attentionplundering #sensationalism #cunninghamslaw #clickbait #fictionasfact #tabloids #attentionhacking #customerasproduct #attentionasproduct #theyareusingyou #polarisation #trustbuying #divideandconquer #uniteandconquer #familiariseandconquer #algorythm #algorythmicbias #algorythmicechochamber #echochamber #inducedignorance #comfortingignorance #ignorancesquared #arogance #appealmirror #insidetheappealmirrorball #othering #rippingappartthesocialfabric #nodiscourse #misinformation #mistruth #discourseevasion #discourseaversion #moralistic #outrage #hyperjudgementalism #hypernormalism #bonding #hypermoralism #hypermoralistic #witchhunt #redscare #introspectionevasion #introspectionaversion #disinformation #enflamingexistingbiases #existingbiases #biasmanufacturing #circularreasoning #falseflag #duped #outrage #outrageaddiction #fakenews #propaganda #hate #strengthasweakness #weaknessasstrength #irrational #irrationality #copiedirrelevancies #distraction #pantomime #monkeyseemonkeydo #smarterthanhumans #lackfilterforbadinformation #learningerrors #managedoppositions #economiccoercion #sockjocks #shockingestjockwins #clickbaitencouragement #usandthem #usandthemline #quickerthanwerealise #fearreflex #feartheother #they #cartoongeneralisation #generalisation #bigotry #poverty #unconsciousdistinctions #sympathy #iknow #autopilotprocesses #humanpotential #raisethebedrock #scarcitymindset #povertyprocupation #moneyimpoverishment #povertyiqreduction #povertystress #everybodysayingthesamethingjustdifferently #demagog #demagogs #demagoggery #conditioning #subconscious #mindhackers #sidelearnings #intentionalharms #unintentionalharms #fliesintheointment #FLYINTHEOINTMENT #hypocrisy #politicalcorrectness #freedomofspeech #makingourlivesbetter #freespeech #freethought #freewisdom
#cognitiveoverload #worry
