

#Statement by #President Joe #Biden on the #Investigation into the Origins of #COVID-19

I have now asked the #Intelligence Community to redouble their efforts to collect and analyze information that could bring us closer to a definitive conclusion, and to report back to me in 90 days.

Even if the intelligence services use #waterboarding to extort a confession from a Chinese man, that is just as implausible as the Chinese #government's denial.

#news #whitehouse #politics #coronavirus #Corona #health #pandemic


Top #cop in Black man’s deadly #arrest withheld cam #video

source: https://apnews.com/article/arrests-death-of-ronald-greene-d2868b81b5af53a62301742d1ba4b825

But Clary, the highest-ranking #officer among at least six state troopers at the scene of Greene’s May 10, 2019, arrest, told investigators later that day that he had no body camera footage of the incident — a #statement proven to be untrue when his 30-minute body #camera video of the arrest emerged last month.

#crime #police #justice #lie #fail #violence #USA #news #trust


#Israel refuses to work with #ICC on #war crimes probe, says 'no #authority

source: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210408-israel-refuses-to-work-with-icc-on-war-crimes-probe-says-no-authority

Ahead of the deadline, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu's office issued a #statement saying the #government had agreed “to not cooperate” with the ICC.

War crimes, of course, can only be committed by terrorists and our enemies. Learning from the U.A. means learning how to legalize #injustice for oneself. There are more than enough examples for it!

The difference between a freedom fighter and a terrorist is that the terrorist does not receive an official arms shipment from the #CIA.

An important democratic principle is that everyone is equal before the #law. By everyone, we really mean everyone, not just the citizens of one country. So if we condemn African or Bosnian war criminals but exempt our own soldiers from #punishment, we can forget about our Western morals.

#politics #moral #ethics #democracy #justice #warcrime #crime #humanrights #fail #society #terror #terrorism #military #usa #world #freedom #problem #news


keine AFD - Public Domain

arabisches N

#foto #fotografieren #mywork

#AFD in #Paderborn

#Nationalismus ist keine #Alternative

Der #Zulauf an dem #Stand in der paderborner #Innenstadt war eher dezent. Um nicht zu sagen gegen #Null. Nun, man hätte mich auch mal ansprechen können als ich die #Traktate studierte. Nun, so soll es mir recht sein :-)

Schön war es dann, als dort vor dem #Stand das #Plakat ausgerollt wurde. Ich habe mal alles, mehr oder weniger, unkenntlich gemacht, auch wenn die #Aktivisten die #Erlaubnis zum #Foto gegeben haben.

Keine 10 Meter entfernt, tummelten sich übrigens ein paar #Polizisten und guckten vehement in die andere #Richtung. Empfand ich auch als ein #Statement.