

Clemens Pig betont die Bedeutung eines seriösen Agenturjournalismus. Sein Buch ist gleichzeitig eine informative und gut lesbare Einführung ins Thema. Eine Rezension

Wie unabhängig sind Nachrichtenagenturen? Dieses informative und gut lesbare Buch beleuchtet die Welt des Agenturjournalismus. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu „Democracy Dies in Darkness“ von Clemens Pig)#Journalismus #Nachrichtenagentur #KI #KünstlicheIntelligenz #AI #Demokratie #FakeNews #Artificialintelligence #Information #APA #AustriaPresseAgentur #ChatGPT #Democracy #Desinformation #Informationstechnologie #News #Falschmeldung #Google #BigTech #BigData #Informationsgesellschaft #Meinungsfreiheit #Kultur
»Democracy Dies in Darkness«: Im Maschinenraum des Journalismus

Le mot « #démocratie » en #France est un sac à main, on y fourre tout et n'importe quoi et surtout de quoi #paraître...

Et comment #Acrimed a nommé son image ? - #Jeune - !!! ^^
dans : https://www.acrimed.org/Gabriel-Attal-nouvelle-star-mediatique

Question #Clone à #Macron... Et formatage, pas #seulement de l' #information et des #médias en #France...


Quand la #presse portait Macron au pinacle – et au #pouvoir

Clone ou #clown au fait ? Je ne suis plus très sûr de comment s'écrit ce mot...


Vot' profession, ce n'est pas d'être journaliste, c'est d'être #malpoli, non ?


Sur un peu plus d’une heure vingt d’émission, le temps de parole cumulé des invités oscille entre, au maximum, 8 minutes et 55 secondes dans le cas de David Khalfa et, au minimum, 2 minutes et 33 secondes pour Raphaël Morav. Pour la plupart soumis aux interruptions constantes des présentateurs, les invités ont un temps de parole moyen par intervention s’élevant... à 26 secondes [2].

Nan rien... des gens comme #BHL à répétition sur un plateau télé, et globalement, ces gens qui se disent ou se croient #journalistes, ces #médias du (non) #ServicePublic à ce point pourris, rien que cette façon de traiter l' #info en non-info, est déjà une preuve que la #France n'est pas une #démocratie. Je suis certain que si les #Français devaient décider, un bon paquet de ces #bourgeois aurait comme profession d'aller dormir dans la rue....

Pas étonnant dès lors, que tellement de gens fuient de plus en plus .. l' #Information, quand elle est faite ainsi, par... #ChienDeGarde #ChiensDeGarde #Journalisme #Pouvoir



#politics #freedom #journalism #information #Assange #Wikileaks #FreeAssange

Fighting for Julian’s freedom embodies so much more than compassion
for a brave man’s suffering.

It is a clarion call to assert and defend the inalienable rights of each human being;
to speak truthfully demanding justice and hold governments accountable for their actions;
to uphold the principles of civilised conduct in international relations;
and to strive for a just and peaceful world.

These are the aspirations and concerns which this conference will explore and advance.




Wills and Means: How #Ukraine Can Win
By Edward Lucas
December 17, 2023

..."Amid the despondency comes a shaft of light, from the #Estonian defense ministry in Tallinn. Called Setting Transatlantic Defence up for Success: A #Military Strategy for Ukraine’s #Victory and #Russia’s Defeat, its 22 crisply written pages should be required reading over the holiday break for every decision-maker.

Its opening contention is that defeatism is the product of Russian #information $warfare. The first and most urgent step is, therefore, to dump the current strategy, shaped by fears of escalation, and to concentrate instead on making it clear that victory for Russia is not, as the Kremlin would like to believe, inevitable, but impossible. “While Russia is still impervious to the logic of reason, it is continuously sensitive to the logic of force,” the report’s anonymous authors write. In other words, start increasing military and economic pressure on Russia and continue until a breaking point is reached.

That sounds daunting. But given the West’s heft, it is easily doable. The 54-member “Ramstein” group, which coordinates help for Ukraine, has a combined GDP of €47 trillion ($51 trillion). Russia’s national income is less than one-twentieth of that. The combined defense budgets of the Ramstein members are €1.24 trillion, more than 13 times bigger than Russia’s. The problem is not means, but willpower; particularly, patience.

The report implicitly criticizes past over-optimistic assumptions of speedy Russian military collapse followed by political change in Moscow. A hard slog looms. 2024 will be a year of strategic defense for Ukraine, in which it builds up its military and industrial capacity while burning up Russian capabilities. The aim, the report says, should be to kill or severely wound 50,000 Russian troops every six months, forcing the Kremlin to send soldiers to the battlefield prematurely, instead of generating coherent units capable of waging a decisive offensive. "...


The Simpsons Predictions
#pa #Quote Posted by amor (here)
Re Example 3 by Matthew: The Translator of Baby Speech (should be Thoughts of Baby).

This episode of the Simpson's gives me an opportunity to say that this is a forecast of the fact that they have engineered your computer monitor and your Television Monitor TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS. I have actually had this happen to me twice where I instantly understood what was happening and had a speech exchange with the man on the other side of the screen.

Now as to your computer, It has been engineered TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS, WHICH UNDOUBTEDLY ARE STORED AT THE NSA, ETC. In the meanwhile, it speeds up finding what you are looking for in their SEARCH section, as it shows up even before you can type it in. Further, I have found dense pages of print passing my eyes when I am in the bathroom facing the white floor tiles. This brings up the distinct possibility that they are PROGRAMMING YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS. A good way to produce HUMAN COMPLIANT ZONBIES!

The print is passing my eyes so quickly that it is not possible to read it or even identify individual words as spaces between words seem to have been omitted (I suspect as an energy saving device).

Many decades ago, while reading a Popular Mechanics Magazine, I read a small paragraph reference as to the fact that experiments were being done towards thought reading and having it register on a computer screen, first as words, then as pictures. I realized this would allow them to do all they are doing today, reading the thoughts of ALL ANIMAL LIFE as well as programming the subconscious minds of humans, and collecting and storing their thoughts. NO! I AM NOT CRAZY, JUST OBSERVANT, KNOW WHAT IS POSSIBLE AND AM VIGILANT.
I've have had similar experiences.

Hackers could get inside your BRAIN: Experts warn of growing threat from monitoring and controlling neural signals


"About 1.5 weeks ago I was sitting on my stationary exercise bike and pondered that the seat was rather narrow. Within the hour I was on the #internet and got hit with advertisements for bicycle seat covers that I never searched for. If they're #reading my #thoughts and sending that #information somewhere then where's the receiver? Is it local, cell tower, satellite or do I have #brain implant(s)? "

#Guerre, #MoyenOrient, #Palestine #Israel #Technopolice #Technique #Drones #information #Gaza

Israël tue des Palestiniens avec des «drones snipers»

Gaza : terrain d’expérimentation de l’horreur dystopique

«Des ‘drones snipers’ tirent sur des cibles autour des hôpitaux de Gaza, selon un médecin britannique». C’est le titre d’un article paru dans le journal anglais The Telegraph, le 13 novembre. Comme d’habitude, la presse étrangère mène un vrai travail d’information sur l’attaque de Gaza, pendant que les médias français relaient les éléments de langage de l’armée israélienne. [...]


GDP & GDP Per Capita of all Muslim Majority Nations, 2023.

These 47 nations collectively represent:

7.51 trillion GDP in USD
10.67 million square miles of land
20.6% of the world's land area
1.61 billion population
19.95% of the world's population
1.27 billion Muslims
72.8% of the world's Muslims
518 mean population density
80 mean population IQ
2.64 homicides per 100k of pop.

#islam #muslim #muslims #ummah #gdp #gdppercapita #wealth #economics #stats #statistics #demography #anthropology #culture #religion #islamicworld #usa #uk #muslimworld #data #information #money #culturalanthropology #comparativereligion #population #land #landarea #homicide #iq #homiciderate #intelligencequotient #israel #palestine #israelpalestinewar #migrants #globalism #refugees #asylees


Religious Belief Systems by Continent Region, 2023.

Due to there being no data for just over 900 million people, each figure given for each belief system should be considered as being around 89% accurate. This could, for example, swap the most prevalent religion position between Christianity & Islam, or could further extend Christianity's lead.

#religion #metaphysics #philosophy #belief #faith #ideology #dogma #beliefsystems #religiousideology #data #statistics #stats #information #demography #anthropology #culture #god #gods #spiritualism #spirit #ontology #abrahamism #judaism #usa #christianity #uk #islam #hinduism #un #buddhism #folklore #folkreligion #eu #irreligion #athiesm #agnosticism #hindu #christian #muslim #jew #buddist