

Jahrestag: Ukraine gedenkt den Toten von Irpin und Butscha

Jahrestag der Massaker - Irpin und Butscha: Die Bilder des Grauens sind unvergessen

Die Massaker-Bilder von Irpin und Butscha seien schwer zu vergessen, so die Journalistin Karina Beigelzimer. Zum Jahrestag seien viele Veranstaltungen geplant.#Ukraine #Russland #Krieg #Irpin #Butscha #Kriegsverbrechen
Jahrestag: Ukraine gedenkt den Toten von Irpin und Butscha


The fact that the Ukrainian forces had to abandon those territories in the first place was the result of a miscalculation. They had been taken by Russian forces in the early days of the invasion. According to Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National #Security and Defense Council of #Ukraine, as he noted in a Liga.net article on June 18, Ukraine had expected the main Russian attack to come from the territory of the self-proclaimed #DNR and #LNR and consequently concentrated its most combat-ready units there.
This blunder left the south relatively unprotected for an invasion from #Crimea, which enabled the rapid Russian advance toward #Mariupol and the occupation of #Kherson and #Zaporizhzhia regions. It also created the threat of #Mykolaiv and #Odesa being occupied, while for some time part of the Russian strategy seemed to be to take the entire Black Sea coast of Ukraine, in effect creating a land bridge from Russia all the way to #Transnistria in #Moldova.
Though that has not been achieved and is unlikely to be achievable in light of the successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, what Russia did achieve after the fall of Mariupol is a land corridor to Crimea, which was among #Moscow’s key strategic objectives from the beginning.

https://russiapost.net/politics/occupation #war #un #osce #military #irpin #bucha #culture


As soon as the full-scale invasion began, Ukrainians everywhere asked only one question: “Why? Why do they hate us so much? ”
Then the whole #society united in one movement, to tell the truth to so-called ordinary Russians.
We would massively send them photos and videos of the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers in #Ukraine. We would call our acquaintances and relatives in #Russia to explain the horrors of this #war. Hoping to arouse their sympathy. We thought that when the Russians saw all the atrocities, they would definitely condemn this lawlessness.
Instead, we saw en masse the absence of any #compassion.
Not to a 1-year-old boy from the city of #Izium, who was raped by two Russian soldiers simultaneously and died. Not to a 16-year-old girl from #Irpin, whose nails were torn off by Russians, then she was raped and shot in the head.
The majority of Russians have not condemned all these #warcrimes. They begin to show #pride and approval.

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/06/25/how-ordinary-russians-were-turned-into-murderers-and-rapists-through-tv-and-smartphones/ #nationalism #propaganda #media #fakenews #racism #nato #georgia #crimea #genocide


Kommen wir zum Schluss noch auf die #Schweiz zu sprechen, die zwar offiziell neutral ist, aber zugleich als Drehscheibe für den Ölhandel und als Hort für Oligarchengelder dient. Welche Forderungen sollte die #Linke in der Schweiz stellen?
Tschernata: Vielleicht für den Anfang, dass diese ganzen Konten mit dem geklauten #Geld geschlossen werden? Die Neutralität finde ich heuchlerisch. Der Ehemann meiner Tante ist Schweizer und er hat die Neutralität über Jahre verteidigt, sagte, dass ihn der #Krieg in #Syrien nichts angehe. Doch, das tut er! Er ist einer der Gründe, warum er komfortabel leben und all die teuren Dinge kaufen kann. In einer modernen, globalisierten Welt gibt es keine echte Neutralität. #ukraine #militär #solidarität #russland #butscha #irpin #spanien #brd #anarchismus #nato



The Kastus Kalinouski Battalion has seen active service in the Russo-Ukrainian #War and contributed to Ukraine’s victory in the Battle for #Kyiv. Belarusian troops reportedly played a particularly prominent role in fighting to the north of the Ukrainian capital around #Irpin. While most of the battalion remains based in the Kyiv region, some elements have since redeployed to the front lines in eastern Ukraine.
In addition to the Kastus Kalinouski Battalion, Belarusians are also fighting in the Pahonia unit, which was founded by Belarusian former businessman and army officer Uladzimir Prakopieu. This formation is composed of men with military backgrounds and is primarily located in the Kyiv region. There is also a Belarusian contingent within #Ukraine’s Brotherhood Battalion which includes one fighter from #Belarus whose distinctive moustache has helped make him something of a front line celebrity with popular #Instagram and #TikTok accounts covering daily life at war.

https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/belarusalert/belarusian-volunteers-see-ukraine-war-as-stepping-stone-to-a-free-belarus/ #russia #poland


"Ein Weg des Grauens" - Evakuierte Bewohner aus Kiewer Vororten berichten | DW | 31.03.2022

Verängstigt, schockiert, erschöpft. So beschreiben Psychologen den Zustand der Bewohner der Kiewer Vororte Hostomel, Butscha, Irpin und Makariw, die im März evakuiert wurden. Mit einigen von ihnen konnte die DW sprechen.#Ukraine #Russland #Kiew #Vororte #Hostomel #Irpin #Krieg #Evakuierung #russischeSoldaten #Zivilbevölkerung
"Ein Weg des Grauens" - Evakuierte Bewohner aus Kiewer Vororten berichten | DW | 31.03.2022


Ukraine aktuell: Russland und Ukraine wollen in Istanbul verhandeln | DW | 28.03.2022

Vertreter Russlands und der Ukraine sprechen in der Türkei erneut über eine Waffenruhe. Die EU ist weiter uneins, wie die vielen Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine am besten verteilt werden sollen. Ein Überblick.#Ukraine #Russland #Waffenruhe #Flüchtlinge #EU #Irpin #JoeBiden #Schweden #Krieg
Ukraine aktuell: Russland und Ukraine wollen in Istanbul verhandeln | DW | 28.03.2022