

PGP Schlüssel generieren wie ein Experte

Im heutigen Beitrag geht es etwas erweitert daher, und die Zielgruppe sind diejenigen, die bereits PGP nutzen, oder das Basiswissen erweitern möchten.

Normalerweise, wenn Sie einen #Schlüssel generieren, erhalten Sie standardmässig einen RSA Schlüsselpaar (meistens mit einer Länge von 2048 oder 4096 Bits), wobei der Hauptschlüssel zertifizieren und signieren kann, und ein separater Unterschlüssel für die #Verschlüsselung generiert wird. Standardmässig laufen keine der Schlüssel ab.

Wir können das jedoch optimieren!

Ich muss aber klar bemerken, dass es hier nicht um eine 08/15 Anwendung von #PGP geht, sondern um eine erweiterte Anwendung, die für die meisten Menschen vermutlich eher als «unpraktisch» empfunden wird. Wer jedoch interessiert daran ist, zu wissen, wie es theoretisch gehen könnte, oder meint dies zu benötigen, darf gerne weiterlesen. Ich habe euch aber gewarnt!



Moderna surveille 150 millions de sites #internet avec des agents du FBI !


Les espions de Moderna

Ce n’est pas un canular. La société #Moderna recrute des anciens agents secrets et possède son propre service de renseignements, le “Global Intelligence”. L’entreprise a confié la direction de ce nouveau département à une ancienne analyste des services américains Nikki #Rutman, qui a travaillé 20 ans au #FBI et a participé à la #cybersécurité de l’opération #WarpSpeed (le développement des vaccins Covid par les militaires américains) en organisant les réunions entre l’agence de renseignements et Moderna.

Sa mission est de mettre fin à la “désinformation”, en détectant les “récits anti-vaccins” qui constituent une menace pour l’entreprise. Son département travaille avec le Public Goods Project qui est financé en grande partie par un don de 1,27 million de dollars de la Biotechnology Innovation Organization, un lobby #biotech qui représente #Pfizer et Moderna.

En pratique, #PGP s’est associée à l’entreprise #Talkwalker pour exercer une veille et une analyse permanente de l’information à l’aide d’un outil d’intelligence artificielle nommé Blue Silk GPT. Cette application serait capable d’analyser les ‘sentiments’ exprimés par les utilisateurs d’un produit, par exemple le sarcasme, la méfiance ou l’enthousiasme et ceci dans pas moins de 127 langues.

PGP fournit ensuite à Moderna des rapports qui classent les “récits anti-vax” par couleur et par niveau de risque. Selon le rapport de Poulsen et Fang, les récits à faible risque ne justifient pas de prise d’action. Mais pour ceux qui présentent un risque plus élevé, l’équipe “informera les parties prenantes appropriées et formulera des recommandations”


#mafia Bigpharma #Censure #COVID #Surveillance #Vaccination #vaccins #injections #médecine #santé


In days gone by I used to use #Enigmail to #ecrypt #e-mail messages where possible (precious few of my correspondents use encryption, sadly). This used to be an addon for #Thunderbird but support for it was dropped some time ago as native support for #OpenPGP was incorporated into it. After a long hiatus, I decided to get back to seeing how to use the new interface, particularly with version 102 of Thunderbird. It looks pretty easy once you've configured the settings.

#Encryption #GPG #PGP


Damn. Looks like Google is going to enforce DMARC for email sent to Gmail now for even more sites than ever before.

DMARC is a combination of a dodgy message signing scheme (DKIM) combined with an entirely stupid and misguided way of trying to advertise the valid origins for a domain's email (SPF).

This may help cut down spam a wee bit, though I doubt it (most spam I still see is DKIM signed at least any may even be fully DMARC compliant)

However it's also going to bounce a lot of legitimate email in the near term.

Unfortunately they are not considering PGP-signed messages as "authenticated".

#smtp #email #spf #dkim #dmarc #gmail #bigbrother #pgp


Upload some #GPG / #PGP key from CLI does not work. Why?

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --send-keys FB3110E80DAA7AE33E45850DA3401A895B9295A2
gpg: sending key A3401A895B9295A2 to hkp://pgp.mit.edu
gpg: keyserver send failed: Server indicated a failure



In no particular order, web sites like OpenStreetMap, Wikipedia, Archive.Org, Sci-Hub, tools like I2P, Tor, IRC, GPG, OMEMO, OTR, and open and federated protocols like Jabber, Email, Diaspora and ActivityPub are the most important projects on the internet and should be protected and exalted.

#openstreetmap #osm #android #wikipedia #wiki #archive #archive.org #scihub #sci-hub #diaspora #email #jabber #xmpp #activitypub #mastodon #email #freesoftware #internet #thefederation #irc #gpg #pgp #omemo #otr


We Should All Have Something To Hide

Jun 12, 2013

Suddenly, it feels like 2000 again. Back then, surveillance programs like Carnivore, Echelon, and Total Information Awareness helped spark a surge in electronic privacy awareness. Now a decade later, the recent discovery of programs like PRISM, Boundless Informant, and FISA orders are catalyzing renewed concern.

The programs of the past can be characterized as “proximate” surveillance, in which the government attempted to use technology to directly monitor communication themselves. The programs of this decade mark the transition to “oblique” surveillance, in which the government more often just goes to the places where information has been accumulating on its own, such as email providers, search engines, social networks, and telecoms.

Both then and now, privacy advocates have typically come into conflict with a persistent tension, in which many individuals don’t understand why they should be concerned about surveillance if they have nothing to hide. It’s even less clear in the world of “oblique” surveillance, given that apologists will always frame our use of information-gathering services like a mobile phone plan or GMail as a choice.

-----> We’re All One Big Criminal Conspiracy


#internet #privacy #signal #moxie #pgp #security #law #gpg #encryption


Tom Ptacek on PGP/GPG alternatives

The high bit of the right answer to this question is that you don’t want to replace PGP; one of the things we’ve learned in 29 years is that you don’t want a single tool to do lots of different cryptographic things, because different applications have different cryptographic needs.

For package signing: use something in the signify/minisign family.

To encrypt a network transport, use WireGuard.

To protect a web transaction on the wire, TLS 1.3.

For transferring files: use Magic Wormhole.

For backups: use something like Tarsnap or restic.

For messaging: use something that does Signal Protocol.

To protect files at rest, use encrypted DMGs (or your OS’s equivalent, like encrypted loop mounts).

To encrypt individual files — a niche ask — use Filippo’s ungooglable “age”.

From an HN thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27430624

#pgp #gpg #gnupg #encryption #cryptography #pki #signing #privacy #dataSecurity #TomPtacek #tptacek