



#Star Trek #Level #cell #activation# technology designed for Navy Seal’s.

Tammy Wilson
BSM in Bachelor of Science Degrees & Business Management, Baker UniversityJan 7
It’s not a scam, they really work. Case in point, my husband was diagnosed with a rare form of muscular dystrophy in 2017. The neuromuscular specialist said there was no treatment, only pain management could be offered. He was taking numerous pain meds over the years and his pain continued to worsen. He became so debilitated that he was given a handicap tag, a cane to walk, and had to discontinue working for almost a year. The pain became so severe he was sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day. He became depressed and began talking about death as an end to his pain, In April 2023 we were introduced to the Lifewave X39 stem cell activation patch. For the first few weeks, my husband noticed no changes. Then, suddenly, between the 8th and 9th week of wearing X39 daily, he noticed that his legs no longer ached at night. Then he started noticing that he was not in pain when he woke up in the morning. He started noticing, improved sleep, more energy, more stamina, and he started cutting back on his daily pain meds. He no longer had leg spasms or cramps from the muscular dystophy. He began feeling so good that he went back to work full-time. He is now managing a small business and is working between 50 to 60 hours per week. His pain is under control, he has enough energy to help me take our large dog for long walks, He has eliminated one of his pain meds and dramatically reduced the dosage of the other pain med. This has been a game changer for him and made a dramatic improvement to his quality of life. To our quality of life!! X39 has been a huge blessing. Thank God for helping us find this amazing technology. As a sidenote, I spent 18 years in the pharmaceutical industry. I was very skeptical in the beginning, but gave it a try because we were running out of hope. I’m so grateful we were introduced to this product.

Melanie Slate
Registered Nurse (2000–present)Mar 3
I am a Registered Nurse. I have never in the history of my 24 year career have ever seen so many miracles happening with #LivewaveX39 #patches. $99.99/mo with 30 day money back guarantee. I was introduced to the product and started patching around the beginning of this year. They are non absorbent, non-invasive patches that shine light back into your dormant stem cells, and reactivates them. I patched 15 people around the same time, ALL had AMAZING results just to mention a few 91 yr old male no longer suffers from arthritis pain, no more tingling in his feet and legs, age spots are disappearing, 82 yr female with mobility issues is now starting dancing classes, has more energy, and overall well being. 72 yr old had multiple heart and mobilty issues along with other health issues. She has only used 10 days worth and her heart Dr said her heart “LOOKS GOOD”, AND her family GP, Dr DeSantis in Hickory, NC, is supporting her on the patches because he has had heard so many good things about them. 70 yr old male is no longer walking with cane. 60 yr old is out of pain and has total mobility in her neck after suffering from a wreck years ago. 45 YR old male, only on patches for 1 week is no longer on acid reflux medicine after 17 yrs on medication. THEY WORK, ARE PATENTED, no one else can duplicate this product. For more info visit Home | This is it info. For ordering go to #Livewave .com/ MelanieSlate


#Yamaha #SY77 / #SY99 #Free #Download #Sounds / #Patches from #Synthoxicated #Pafreak - WORK DISK 2


Hi...another video of my #WORK #DISK with Bank C and D sounds completed.

REMARK - unfinished (base) sounds ARE in Bank A and B. These sound are ...If I do not have anything specyfic in my mind I play with OSC changing their pitch, #waveform and volume.
Then I go throungh all #algorytms and try to catch some sounds or a part of it...maybe only 2 or 3 oscylators produce great sound which is worth to spend time on.
Next time maybe all will sound great...your decision :)
Then you have so many other options like add other #OSC, #envelopes, #effects, #AWM - I have a great fun :)

REMARK - for those who asked me what was the difference between SY77 and SY99 I placed short comparison at the end of the video.
I loaded sounds from SY77 into SY99 without any modifications. You can now see that SY99 has different set up of EFFECTS and AFTERTOUCH.
Sounds on SY99 may be more expresive / rich. Especially REVERB & DELAY effect is much better if adjusted well.

Bank D - 1 brand new sound
Bank C - 11 brand new sounds

#MIDI - SY77WD2.syx


#Synth #synthesizer #synthétiseur


#Yamaha #DX7, #TX81z, #SY35 and #SY77: The #Ultimate #Review - #OffTheMatrix


This review compares the #sounds of a DX7, TX81z, SY35 and SY77 side by side. Over 20 years was spent creating the Off The Matrix #patches, so the review will reveal the true strengths of each of the #instruments. The first part will be a #demonstration the DX7, TX81z and SY77 playing the same patches. To my surprise the TX81z sounded better for a couple of the patches. The #video will cover the strengths of the TX81z and SY35 over the DX7. The video will end with demonstrations of the SY77 patches as well as the new SY99 samples. A #TQ5 was used to play the TX81z patches, so through much of the video the SY35 is playing the TX81z patches.

#synth #synthétiseur #synthesizer


Zwei Ansichten zum Cyberwar

Einerseits und andererseits - Recht und Grauzone

Während der Cyberkriegs-Experte Sandro Gaycken deutsche Infrastrukturen schlecht vorbereitet auf mögliche russische IT-Angriffe sieht und "zur Verteidigung" Hackbacks empfiehlt, warnt Hauke Gierow vor den möglichen Folgen "aktiver Cyberabwehr".

Hackbacks seien Aktionismus und es sei wichtiger die vielen unerledigten Hausaufgaben der Sicherheitsbehörden zum Schutz unserer Infrastruktur anzugehen. Er verweist darauf, dass es nur wenig Software gibt, die ausschließlich von militärischen Organisationen genutzt werden. In allen anderen Fällen werden durch das Ausnutzen deren Schwachstellen die Wirtschaft oder direkt Bürgerinnen und Bürger betroffen.

Egentlich könnten wir uns entspannt zurücklehnen, denn im Koalitionsvertrag heißt es:
"Hackbacks lehnen wir als Mittel der Cyberabwehr grundsätzlich ab."

Ob wir uns nach dem 180°-Schwenk der letzten Wochen auf diese Festlegung noch verlassen können, ist jedoch mehr als fraglich.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Droht-ein-russischer-Cyberkrieg-gegen-Deutschland-6667728.html
und https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Hackbacks-Man-muss-sich-klarmachen-was-das-in-der-Praxis-bedeutet-6667761.html
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7983-20220411-zwei-ansichten-zum-cyberwar.htm
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7983-20220411-zwei-ansichten-zum-cyberwar.htm
Tags: #Cyberwar #Hacking #Trojaner #Sicherheitslücken #Patches #Verschlüsselung #Bundeswehr #dualuse #BSI #Anonymisierung #Cyber-Mobbing #sozialeNetzwerke #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Russland #Ukraine #Militär #Frieden #Krieg


Welcome #Organelle S! - #critterandguitari


The Organelle S is for #musicians who like what they see and hear in the Organelle M but don't need the portability of the M's battery power and speaker.

In all other functions, the S is identical to the M. They share same #patches, processor, RAM, audio & MIDI connections, keys, knobs, screen, microphone, HDMI output, USB ports, and power adapter.

• The Organelle S is great for #studios & pedalboards.
• The Organelle M is portable and autonomous!
• The Organelle is a powerful instrument that keeps up with your spontaneity and creativity!

Learn more about the update on our Blog!
#synth #synthesizer


it's getting worse... heading into the next layer...

Needle-free COVID vaccine patches coming soon, say researchers and makers

The human trial of the needle-free vaccine against the Coronavirus will start in Australia in April, and would be the inevitable future.
A skin patch and its applicator are already being tested to 'vaccinate' against Covid-19.
Scientists from Queensland, Australia, say they have developed a needle-free way to administer the Covid-19 vaccine in what could be a world first.

#vaccine #needle #patches #Australia #corona #bullshit


#Linux bans #University of #Minnesota for committing malicious #code

source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/linux-bans-university-of-minnesota-for-committing-malicious-code/

The move comes after a group of UMN researchers were caught submitting a series of malicious code commits, or #patches that deliberately introduced #security vulnerabilities in the official Linux #codebase, as a part of their #research activities.

These days I often have the feeling that everyone is going #crazy and has reached the end of their intellectual capacity. :(


#Fail #science #bug #exploration #software #source #opensource #floss #freedom #news