

OpenAI announces GPT-4o. The "o" is for "omni". The model "can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time."

There's a series of videos showing conversation by voice, recognizing "bunny ears", two GPT-4os interacting and singing, real-time translation, lullabies and whispers, sarcasm, math problems, learning Spanish, rock paper scissors, interview prep, "Be My Eyes" accessibility, and coding assistant and desktop app.

Hello GPT-4o

#solidstatelife #ai #openai #genai #llms #gpt #multimodal


Facial recognition AI has come to the TSA (Transportation Security Administration).

"TSA is using facial identification to verify a passenger's identity at its security checkpoints using the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Traveler Verification Service (TVS), which creates a secure biometric template of a passenger's live facial image taken at the checkpoint and matches it against a gallery of templates of pre-staged photos that the passenger previously provided to the government (e.g., US Passport or Visa). Participation is optional. Passengers who have consented to participate may choose to opt-out at any time and instead go through the standard identity verification process by a Transportation Security Officer (TSO)."

TSA PreCheck(R): Touchless Identity Solution

#solidstatelife #ai #computervision #facialrecognition


"SUQL stands for Structured and Unstructured Query Language. It augments SQL with several important free text primitives for a precise, succinct, and expressive representation. It can be used to build chatbots for relational data sources that contain both structured and unstructured information."

Ok, that's kind of a crazy concept. Let's have a look. You can do queries like:

SELECT answer("Event year Info", 'where is this event held?') FROM table WHERE "Name" = 'XXXI';

(Where was the XXXl Olympic held? )

SELECT "Name" FROM table WHERE answer("Event year Info", 'is this event held in Rio?') = 'Yes';

(What was the name of the Olympic event held in Rio?)

SELECT answer("Flag Bearer Info", 'when is this person born?') FROM table WHERE answer("Event year Info", 'is this event held in Rio?') = 'Yes';

(When was the flag bearer of Rio Olympic born?)

SELECT "Flag Bearer" FROM table WHERE "Gender" = 'Male' AND answer("Flag Bearer Info", 'did this person participate in Men's 100kg event?') = 'Yes';

(Which male bearer participated in Men's 100kg event in the Olympic game?)

SELECT MAX(answer("Flag Bearer Info", 'when is this person born?')::date) FROM table WHERE "Event year" IN ('2016', '2012');

(For the 2012 and 2016 Olympic Event, when was the younger flag bearer born?)

SELECT "Event year" FROM table ORDER BY answer("Flag Bearer Info", 'when is this person born?')::date DESC LIMIT 1;

(When did the youngest Burmese flag bearer participate in the Olympic opening ceremony?)

In addition to the "answer" keyword that this adds to SQL, they also added a "summary" keyword.

The way the system works is they have added a "large language model with in-context learning" to the SQL database system.

SUQL (Structured and Unstructured Query Language)

#solidstatelife #ai #genai #llms #sql


Free GTP4 for all ! Well, coming soon, at any rate. Doesn't show up in my account yet. But when it does, it'll have audio and visual input and image generation capabilities all for free, though rate-limited. Definitely looks promising. Not sure I'll use the audio much for the same reason I don't use speech recognition to type : it's easier to formulate more precise, meaningful sentences when typing or writing, and I don't want to annoy everyone else around me. But maybe, we'll see. Visual input looks much more useful.

Of course, you can do some of this via CoPilot already, but it tends to be lame and prone to breaking or spazzing out or whatever the hell the machine equivalent is. OpenAI's own implementation of ChatGPT tends to be more coherent across a conversation, in my experience.




13.05.2024 US Kampfjet mit KI

Autonomes Töten mus geächtet werden!

Der zivile Chef der US-Luftwaffe, Frank Kendall, ließ sich kürzlich mit einem KI-gesteuerten F-16-Kampfjet durch die Gegend fliegen - er hat es überlebt. Auf die Frage, ob er Vertrauen in die steuernde KI gehabt hätte, antwortete er laut AP: "Es ist ein Sicherheitsrisiko, sie nicht zu haben. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt müssen wir sie haben." Auch ein erster KI-gesteuerte Luftkampf fand im September 2023 statt, berichtet Telepolis.

Rüstungskontrollexperten und humanitäre Gruppen, wie das Internationale Komitee vom Roten Kreuz, sind dagegen zutiefst besorgt, wenn künftig die Möglichkeit besteht, dass eine KI autonom Bomben abwerfen könnte, die Menschen ohne menschlichen Befehl töten.

Interessanterweise sind es sogar Kostenüberlegungen, die die US Luftwaffe dazu bringen in KI zu investieren. Die Entwicklungskosten für die in der Entwicklung befindlichen F-35 Kampfflugzeuge überschreiten alle Planungen und ein funktionsfähiges Exemplar ist noch nicht abzusehen.

Unbemannte, KI-gesteuerte Jets werden gegenüber den auf rund 1,7 Billionen US-Dollar geschätzten Kosten als günstige Alternative gesehen.

Mehr dazu bei https://www.telepolis.de/features/US-Luftwaffe-testet-KI-gesteuerten-Kampfjet-9709296.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Ax
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8774-20240513-us-kampfjet-mit-ki.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8774-20240513-us-kampfjet-mit-ki.html
Tags: #KI #AI #künstlicheIntelligenz #F16 #F35 #USA #Atomkrieg #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Israel #Palästina #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Company revives Alan Turing as an AI chatbot, hilarity, no, wait, outrage ensues.

The company is Genius Group, based in Singapore, which provides "AI-powered business education."

"Software engineer Grady Booch, a former Turing Talk speaker, wrote on Twitter/X: 'Absolute and complete trash. I hope that Turing's heirs sue you into oblivion.'"

"Another user told Genius Group's CEO: 'This is so incredibly unethical, disrespectful, and disgusting. You are pillaging the image of a deceased person (who frankly has suffered enough from exploitation) and the voice of an actor to suit your purposes. Vile.'"

Company revives Alan Turing as an AI chatbot, outrage ensues

#solidstatelife #ai #aieducation #llms #genai #computervision #videoai


An AI trained to psychoanalyze people analyzes Biden and Trump. Despite the AI system being called "Jung", it doesn't appear that it is trained on Jungian psychology specifically, but psychology generally. It gives Big 5 personality traits, with the addition of autonomy and altruism which he (Nathan Rice) considers not adequately captured by the Big 5. (There are a lot of traits that have been researched by psychology researchers that are omitted from the Big 5).

I suspect this is built by giving specialized instructions to a mainstream large language model such as ChatGPT, but I don't know.

Introducing Jung, your AI powered personality analyst!

#solidstatelife #ai #psychology