

The Media and the Secret State

Image/photoharry haller wrote the following post Tue, 29 Oct 2024 00:07:08 +0100

“Unlike France, where secret service has always remained a less than respectable activity, consigned to the fringes of government, in post-war Britain it was at the very centre.” Paul Todd and Jonathan Bloch in their detailed analysis of global intelligence conclude that “Britain remains the most secretive state in the Western hemisphere.” (...) Significantly, from the 1980s onwards, a raft of legislation has both reinforced the secret state’s growing powers and protected it from probing media.

The 1989 Security Services Act (actually drafted by MI5 lawyers) placed the service on a statutory basis for the first time and provided it with legal powers to tap phones, bug and burgle houses and intercept mail.

The UK Press Gazette commented (6 September 1993): “The greatest invasion of privacy is carried out every day by the security services, with no control, no democratic authorisation and the most horrifying consequences for people’s employment and lives. By comparison with them the press is a poodle.”

The 1989 Official Secrets Act (OSA) replaced the 1911 OSA, which had proved notoriously cumbersome, particularly after civil servant Sarah Tisdall was jailed in 1983 for leaking to the Guardian government plans for the timing of the arrival of cruise missiles in England.

Then followed the acquittal of top civil servant Clive Ponting charged under Section 2 (1) of the OSA after he leaked information showing the government had misled the House of Commons over the sinking of the Argentinean ship, the Belgrano, during the Falklands conflict of 1982.

The 1989 Act covered five main areas: law enforcement, information supplied in confidence by foreign governments, international relations, defence,and security and intelligence.

The publishing of Ponting-style leaks on any of these subjects was banned. Journalists were also denied a public interest defence.

Nor could they claim in defence that no harm had resulted to national security through their disclosures.

The Intelligence Services Act of 1993 created the Intelligence and Security Committee which meets in secret to overview services’ activities, reporting to the prime minister and not parliament. Following the 1996 Security Service Act, MI5’s functions were extended to “act in support of the prevention and detection of crime.”

The incoming Labour government then moved to extend the powers allowing the intelligence services and other government agencies to conduct covert surveillance.

THE MEDIA AND THE SECRET STATE | Richard Keeble - Academia.edu — https://www.academia.edu/10766319/THE_MEDIA_AND_THE_SECRET_STATE

25 page excerpt from a book. #uk #gb #assange #press #media #mi5 #mi6 #secretservices #academiaedu #richardkeeble

#britain #england #anglo-saxons #intelligence #spying #deepstate total #censorship #1984 #hisotry #humanrights is #Western fake


Envoyé Special #Reportage #Techno "La Touche Française" - 1999


French Touch : Réalisé en 1999, "French Touch, ces Français qui font danser le monde" est un #documentaire emblématique sur la #scène #électronique #française des années 90, diffusé à l'origine sur France 2. Ce projet est l'œuvre des réalisateurs Alexis Bernier et Philippe Lévy.

À cette époque, Daft Punk est déjà une superstar de la scène électronique mondiale, et #LaurentGarnier règne sur les platines. En parallèle, Air, #Cassius, #Stardust, #AlexGopher et #BobSinclar sont célébrés dans les #médias #musicaux #anglo-saxons, qui s'enthousiasment pour "la French Touch". En #France, le #mouvement est en pleine effervescence, soutenu par une multitude de petites structures : #labels, #soirées, #magasins et #associations.

Alexis Bernier, alors journaliste à Libération, et Philippe Lévy, photographe et vidéaste, réalisent un documentaire de 50 minutes pour Envoyé Spécial sur France 2, capturant cette période vibrante. De Paris à New York, Londres, Barcelone et Montpellier, ils documentent la scène en pleine expansion avec des figures comme Laurent Garnier, Gilb'R, Cassius, Kid Loco, #LaurentHo, #Rinocérose, les organisateurs des soirées Respect, le patron du label #F-Com, et même #ThomasBangalter de #DaftPunk mixant dans l'ombre lors d'une #rave. Un retour en arrière aussi précieux qu'enrichissant.

Le documentaire "French Touch, ces Français qui font danser le monde" a été réalisé en 1999 par Alexis Bernier et Philippe Lévy pour l'émission Envoyé Spécial diffusée sur France 2. Ce reportage explore l'impact de la scène électronique française des années 90 et la manière dont elle a influencé la musique mondiale.

Contenu du Documentaire : Focus sur la Scène Électronique : Le documentaire se concentre sur les figures emblématiques de la French Touch comme Daft Punk, Laurent Garnier, Air, Cassius, Stardust, Alex Gopher, et Bob Sinclar. Il met en lumière leur rôle dans la popularisation de la musique électronique à l'échelle mondiale.

#Contexte #Historique : Il capture l'effervescence et l'enthousiasme autour de ce mouvement #culturel en France, et comment il a été reçu à l'international.

Interviews et Performances : Le #film présente des #interviews avec ces artistes ainsi que des images de leurs #performances. Il inclut aussi des #séquences de #concerts, de soirées, et des #coulisses des #événements.

Réalisateurs : Alexis Bernier : Journaliste à Libération à l'époque, il a joué un rôle clé dans la conception et la réalisation du documentaire.

Philippe Lévy : #Photographe et #vidéaste, il a apporté son expertise visuelle au projet, capturant l'énergie et l'esprit du mouvement.

Impact et Réception : Résonance #Culturelle : Le documentaire est devenu une référence pour ceux qui s'intéressent à l' #histoire de la musique électronique, offrant un aperçu précieux sur la manière dont la #French #Touch a façonné la #scène #musicale.

Archivage : Il reste une ressource importante pour comprendre l' #évolution de la musique électronique et l'influence des #artistes #français sur la scène #internationale.

Ce reportage est souvent cité comme un document clé pour quiconque souhaite comprendre l'impact et l'importance du #mouvement #FrenchTouch dans le monde de la musique.

#musique #music


Deux manières de concevoir la #liberté ( #IsaiahBerlin) - #EgoNon


La liberté est un des #concepts les plus importants de la #philosophie #politique et en même temps l’un des plus difficiles à définir de façon satisfaisante. Tout le monde aspire à être #libre, mais il n’est pas facile de parvenir à un consensus sur la définition de la liberté. Au cours de l’histoire, le mot « liberté » a été utilisé au moins de deux cents façons différentes ; et il s’agit probablement d’un des mots les plus abusivement utilisés dans l' #histoire récente, au point qu’on peut se demander parfois si certaines politiques établies au nom de la Liberté – avec un L majuscule – ne conduisent pas, paradoxalement, à un appauvrissement de la liberté réelle.

C’est pour éclaircir cette question que nous verrons aujourd’hui « les deux conceptions de liberté » mises en lumière par Isaiah Berlin, un des plus grands #penseurs #libéraux #anglo-saxons du XXe siècle. Liberté "négative" et liberté "positive", refus d'être #esclave ou désir d'être maître, ces deux conceptions de la liberté induisent des visions de la #société assez différentes, voire antagonistes parfois.

#analyse #réflection


For Europe and NATO, a Russian Invasion Is No Longer Unthinkable

Amid crumbling U.S. support for Ukraine and Donald Trump’s rising candidacy, European nations and NATO are making plans to take on Russia by themselves.


Europeans and their masters behind the puddle, want to smash themselves against Russia again.

Chronic pathology of the anglo-saxons, history teaches them nothing..

#USA #us #nato #war in #eu again #europe #western #anglo-saxons is #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #future in #poverty


Blood-flavored bananas


Blood-flavored bananas

Once upon a time, there was a company called United Fruit Company. It became famous for the fact that it began to import bananas to the U.S. en masse. Back in the mid-19th century, bananas were in America like black caviar - expensive, prestigious, and eaten only by millionaires. But "United Fruit" built a hundred ships with refrigerators, and flooded the entire American market with bananas that cost 2 cents. Behind the scenes of this action there were some pretty cool squabbles, and American buyers didn't know about them. For example, in 1911, the president of Honduras gave United Fruit all the best banana plantations. But competitors from the company "Cuyamel" (also Americans) did not slumber: they overthrew the president, replacing him with their puppet, who gave the banana plantations to them.

In 1928, Colombian banana pickers demanded that United Fruit give them at least one day off a week. The Colombian police, paid for with company money, were brought in to quell the strike, and they killed up to 2,000 people. The rest of them shut up and went quickly to pick bananas. In 1929, United Fruit bought its main competitor, Cuyamel, and began controlling 60% of banana exports to the US. They murdered union leaders in South America, bribed politicians and police, and paid almost no taxes anywhere. In some countries (like Costa Rica or Colombia) it was United Fruit that was the main power, not the local government.

In 1953, Guatemalan President Arbenz turned over United Fruit's unused banana plantations to local impoverished peasants, and offered compensation. The company demanded 25 times as much money; it was sent packing. Then United Fruit simply ordered a coup at a similar price: negotiated a deal with the CIA, and financed a military invasion of Guatemala. The main motivation was that bananas on the shelves for Americans should not rise in price, they have become a favorite treat of millions. CIA mercenaries overthrew Arbenz, and put dictator Armas on the throne. This led to a 36-year civil war and the subsequent deaths of 200,000 people to Guatemala. But bananas didn't go up in price for Americans. It was a successful democratization, one to behold.

Since then, all the presidents of Central and South America were afraid to make a sound, and gave bananas for nothing. "United Fruit paid the banana pickers a pittance and did not give a penny to the budgets of the banana republics. For the slightest dissatisfaction the pickers were killed and the corpses were dumped into the sea. The American public happily bought bananas at a discount. But times have changed. "United Fruit was told it had lost its fucking mind and was bribing officials in Honduras to lower taxes on banana exports. In 1975, the military overthrew the company's protégé in Guatemala, dictator Lopez Arellano. In the same year, the head of the company, Eli Black (the company was by then called United Brands), threw himself out of a skyscraper in New York.

The company was quietly renamed Chiquita. And I still see bananas from this company in our supermarkets. Somehow everything has already been forgotten: how this corporation overthrew presidents, introduced slave labor, and people died by the hundreds of thousands because of it: we owe it the valuable term "banana republic".

They're lucky here: bananas pumped full of blood don't taste like blood.

They are so nice and sweet.

© Zotov


#USA #us #America #history #american #anglo-saxons #capitalism #slavery #military #CIA #vassalage #war #civil-war #Guatemala #Honduras #fruits #bananas #Chiquita