

Maria Callas

Foto van standbeeld van Maria Callas in park

Athene (Griekenland) 2023

Een standbeeld van de operazangeres Maria Callas (Maria Anna Sofia Cecilia Kalogeropoulos, Grieks: Μαρία Άννα Σοφία Καικιλία Καλογεροπούλου) (1923 – 1977).

Maria Callas zingt:


#art #athene #athens #beeldende-kunst #callas #foto #fotografie #greece #griekenland #kunst #music #muziek #opera #photo #photography #standbeeld #statue #visual-art

Originally posted at: https://blog.ernste.net/2024/02/04/maria-callas/


"Wenn du nicht kämpfst, hast du schon verloren"

✍️Niklas Änsth
🎦"Terrorists - The Kids They Sentenced"
#Goeteborg EU-Gipfel 2001

📹 @kinimatini
#Athens, Generalstreik Mai 2017



🌹 #Commemoraction heute in #Athens.

#Refugees, #Migrants & Locals gemeinsam gegen das Sterben an den europäischen, griechischen Grenzen und in Erinnerung an die Opfer.
Ein Mann, der seine Frau im #Evros verlor, legte Blumen nieder.

#StopPushbacks & murders!


#migrants #EU #Greece #borders #antireport


⚠️ Das Lager #Eleonas in #Athens🇬🇷 wird endgültig geräumt!

Viele der verbliebenen Bewohner*innen, vor allem alleinstehende Männer, wurden verhaftet und in Handschellen abgeführt.

#RefugeesGR #Ελαιώνας #antireport
via @MigrantsSoli



#China Has Opened Up Secret #Police Stations in These Countries

source: https://www.newsweek.com/china-overseas-police-service-center-new-york-city-crime-1753242

In the United States, the report's open-source data indicated one such service center in #NewYork City. In #Canada, three were established in #Toronto.

In South #America, there was one each in #Quito and #Guayaquil, #Ecuador; #Rio de Janeiro and #SãoPaulo, #Brazil; #BuenosAires, #Argentina; and #Viña del Mar, #Chile.

Most of the Chinese overseas police stations were located in #Europe, including nine in #Spain, the most of any country on the list: three in #Madrid, three in #Barcelona, two in #Valencia and one in #Santiago de Compostela.

#Italy was hosting the second-most stations in Europe with four: #Rome, #Milan, #Florence and #Prato.

In #France, three service centers were operating out of #Paris. #Portugal also hosted one each in #Porto, #Lisbon and #Madeira. In United Kingdom, the report found two in #London and one in #Glasgow.

The #Netherlands was hosting two such centers in #Amsterdam and #Rotterdam, respectively, while the #CzechRepublic had two in #Prague. #Budapest, #Hungary, also had two, one for each of the #Fuzhou and #Qingtian police bureaus—a common phenomenon across Europe.

European countries each hosting only one Chinese police station included #Dublin, #Ireland; #Bratislava, #Slovakia; #Frankfurt, #Germany; #Athens, #Greece; #Stockholm, #Sweden; #Vienna, #Austria; #Odessa, #Ukraine; and #Belgrade, #Serbia.

In #Africa, #BeninCity, #Nigeria; #Maseru, #Lesotho; and #DarEsSalaam, #Tanzania, each hosted one.

In Asia, at least one police center was operating out of #Ulaanbaatar, #Mongolia; #Sirdaryo, #Uzbekistan; #BandarSeriBegawan, #Brunei; #Tokyo, #Japan; and #PhnomPenh, #Cambodia.

China wants to be the new world police 😱

#news #fail #law #problem #humanrights #international #crime #USA #UK


🇬🇷 Aus einem Community Center in #Athens:

Jeden Tag kommen .. 10-15 Neuangekommene ins Zentrum und bitten um Hilfe. Die meisten landen für Tage auf dem Victoria Square.
Polizeistationen lassen sie kein Asyl beantragen. Zutritt zu Lagern wird ihnen verweigert.

via @se_tareh
