

China’s openKylin 1.0 arrives. Our verdict? Not a bad-looking, er, Ubuntu remix: It’s certainly not the country’s ‘first homegrown open source desktop operating system’

Desktop operating system showing taskbar at the bottom and a popup window with a weather forecast
Version 1.0 of the openKylin Linux distro for the domestic Chinese market is here – and it works pretty well in English, too.

As The Reg reported last year, openKylin has been in development for some years. The FOSS desk took openKylin 0.7 for a spin soon afterwards. It reached version 0.9.5 at the start of 2023, and now the finished release 1.0 is available, codenamed “Yangtze” after the great river of China, the longest watercourse in Eurasia.

OpenKylin is an Ubuntu remix and it has the UKUI desktop. UKUI is one of the most polished Linux desktops around, and puts most of the more mainstream Western desktops to shame. The desktop looks very similar to the one in Ubuntu Kylin 22.04, but it had no problems with VirtualBox’s 3D acceleration and didn’t default to dark mode as that release did.

There was a decision made quite a few years ago at one of the BRICS summits in Brazil, that the BRICS nations would actually look at doing exactly this. In other words, they were going to each produce their own national operating system. All of those countries did in fact start such initiatives, but for some reason South Africa never did, and South Africa still sits in a very expense strangle-hold by Microsoft. Ironically enough, long before this in the mid-2000’s, South Africa did have it’s own government funded Linux distro that was called Impi Linux. Back then, South Africa had quite a big drive towards open source software, and for it to be a way of boosting local economic investment. This drive was actually what introduced me to open source software, but the difference is I stuck with that philosophy, while the government did not (I’ve saved a lot of money and learnt a lot about software in this time).

See https://www.theregister.com/2023/07/07/openkylin_is_ubuntu/
#Blog, #China, #linux, #opensource, #technology


Not from The Onion : US Air Force Command: We urge the Russian Federation forces in Syria to cease their reckless behavior and abide by the standards expected of them

WTF does US have anything to say about what is happening in Syrian airspace?

But , hey, it's not #Ukraine and US can #occupy any county on earth and give ultimatum to others as if they own the whole world, from #China, to south America and #Syria!

#Russia #Politics


Ursula might be the new leader!

A Nato source said that the US president was attempting to convince Mrs von der #Leyen, a former #German defence minister, to succeed Mr #Stoltenberg amid fears a suitable candidate will not emerge in the next 12 months.

“We’re going to have a problem next year when it becomes clear that the field is no stronger than this year,” a second source said.

Mr #Biden and Mrs von der Leyen have built “a strong bond” in recent years, fostering close transatlantic ties over #China, #Ukraine and the #climate, another source said.



Hong Kong: Warrants Aim at Activists Abroad

Concerned Governments Should Impose Sanctions, Protections for Diaspora


Hong Kong authorities have issued baseless arrest warrants and HK$1 million (US$128,000) bounties on eight exiled democracy activists and former legislators that expand China’s political intimidation campaign beyond its borders, Human Rights Watch said today.

#hong-kong #hongkong #香港 #自由 #中国 #freedom #liberty #democracy #china #beijing #xe #hrw #human-rights-watch #sanctions


Indian PM, Narendra #Modi at the #ShanghaiCooperation Organisation virtual forum attended by the Chinese president, Xi #Jinping, Russian president, Vladimir #Putin, Iranian president, Ibrahim #Raisi, Pakistani PM, Shehbaz #Sharif, Kazakh president, Kassym-Jomart #Tokayev and other SCO leaders:

“Afghan soil should not be used to destabilise our neighbourhood (…) the SCO should work for welfare of Afghan people and provide humanitarian aid”.

“extremely happy to see Iran joining the SCO as a new member today”.

“We do not see the #SCO as an extended neighbourhood, but rather as an extended family. Security, economic development, connectivity, unity, respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity and environmental protection are the pillars of our vision for the SCO”.

“The SCO must not hesitate to criticise countries that support #terrorism (…) terrorist has become a threat to regional and global #peace. There is a need for decisive action now”.
#Iran #India #China #Russia #Kazakistam #Afghanistan #Pakistan #Economy #Politics
🔗 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/sco-summit-live-updates-july-4/liveblog/101473995.cms


Saudi Minister: There will be a direct railway connection between Tehran, Riyadh, Mecca and Medina

This is the first time I have read this and wondering if the old dream of making a tunnel under the straight of Hormoz (about 8-10km long) and a bridge connecting Bandar Abbas to Hormoz Island? Is a mega billion dollars project, but if it is planned correctly, can create huge benefits for all the countries in the region and cut the carbon footprint of those countries.

Using a dual line high speed train route would create an easy access for countries in Arabian peninsula and west Asia and even Russia and China..

I for one would love to see this project become reality because it will be a bridge/tunnel of peace between the nations and helps tourism and commerce in the countries on both sides of the Oman sea and Persian Gulf.

#Iran #Oman #UAE #SaudiArabia #Yemen #Pakistan #Asia #Hormoz #StraightOfHormoz #PersianGulf #OmanSea #Train #Commerse #Economy #Politics #Russia #China


#UK #UKrain

In a hardware confrontation within the Ministry of Defence, Anthony Radakin, already a Navy protégé, has been strengthened by his desire to arrange a “pacification” of British military strategy. This means diverting scarce resources to the need for a navy – to confront #China. One of the two British aircraft carriers will be permanently stationed in #Japan. This is something the British are being actively pushed to do by the #US. If all the armour and ammunition is to be burned on the #Ukrainian front, the remnants of the British navy will have to be at the bottom for the sake of war with China.


The US Congress held a hearing titled “Dollar Dominance: Preserving the U.S. Dollar’s Status as the Global Reserve Currency”, as countries around the world join the de-dollarization rebellion against Washington’s “exorbitant privilege”.

Michael Faulkender, who served as Donald #Trump’s assistant secretary of the àTreasury for economic policy, declared in the session, “As assistant secretary, I told my team that the Treasury secretary proudly states that the dollar will never not be the world’s reserve currency, and our job is to make sure that’s true”.

Also present in the hearing was Daniel McDowell, an associate professor in the political science department at Syracuse University in New York, and author of the book “Bucking the Buck: US Financial Sanctions and the International Backlash Against the #Dollar”.

McDowell argued that, by imposing more and more sanctions on countries around the world, Washington is actually weakening the dominance of the dollar.

The US has sanctions on nations that represent more than one-third of the global population and 29% of the world’s GDP.

The two-hour hearing did not address possible plans for the BRICS bloc to create a new international reserve currency. Instead, the participants only spoke of existing national currencies like the Chinese renminbi, Russian ruble, or euro as potential challengers to the US dollar – while ultimately dismissing all of them.

The idea that BRICS could develop an international currency (similar to John Maynard Keynes’ idea of the Bancor) was not even raised as a possibility.
#US #Exonomy #Dedolarization #Sanctions #BRICS #Russia #China #Iran #Politics #Biden


Al Jazeera: A gunman was killed after an exchange of fire with security forces in front of the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

It seems like #ISIS, #AlQaeda, #Israel and #US are all busy trying to sabotage the peace process #China managed to medle between Iran and Arab countries, specially #SaudiArabia.

Who wants to be #CIA will connect it to some Shia group backed by #Iran?


Auf unserem Planeten gibt es noch viel zu entdecken

In der tiefsten Schlucht der Welt steht Asiens höchster Baum – und chinesische Wissenschaftler haben ihn gerade erst gefunden

Eine #Zypresse in #China ist der höchste #Baum, der jemals in #Asien entdeckt wurde. Es wird auch angenommen, dass er mit einer Höhe von erstaunlichen 102 Metern der zweithöchste Baum der Welt ist. In dieser Höhe würde der Baum die Freiheitsstatue überragen, die 93 m hoch ist.

🇬🇧 🔗 https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/plants/asias-tallest-tree-discovered-hiding-in-the-worlds-deepest-canyon-in-china

#natur #nature


Biden Undoes Blinken China Visit and Then Some by Calling Xi a Dictator
Posted on June 21, 2023 by Yves Smith

The Chinese were right to remain skeptical after the Blinken visit to Beijing. The short version:

Literally took 24 hours for insults to start again 🙄

What's the point of sending Blinken to Beijing to cool things down if you're going to insult Xi literally the day after? That's frankly beyond me… 🤷‍♂️ https://t.co/bLCsK8qt5D

— Arnaud Bertrand (@RnaudBertrand) June 21, 2023

#China #Blinken #Biden #USA


If true, then it means a lot of things about the history and the future.

Were they trying to weaponize COVID? Or it was just a general research? This opens up for a whole new tree of conspiracies.#COVID19 #WUHAN #Paitient0 #Conspiracy #China #US

Farhad A - 2023-06-22 03:48:44 GMT


Potential Covid Patient Zero Linked to U.S.-Funded Research in Wuhan

One of the first Wuhan researchers reportedly sickened with Covid in fall 2019, Ben Hu, was getting U.S. financial support for risky gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the transparency advocacy organization White Coat Waste Project.


backup: archive.ph/83xIw


U.S. Admits Defeat In War On Russia And China

#US #Admits #Defeat In #War On #Russia And #China #Ukraine #NATO

"Confronted with the realities of life the Biden administration has in the last days acknowledged defeat in two on its most egregious and delusional foreign policy games.

The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed. Its army is getting slaughtered on the battlefield. The 'counteroffensive' of the 'NATO trained' Ukrainian brigades has made no real progress on any front. The high level of losses of men and material make it impossible that it will ever again regain the initiative."
