

A quotation from Watterson, Bill

CALVIN: Dad, how do people make babies?

CALVIN’S DAD: Most people just go to Sears, buy the kit, and follow the assembly instructions.

CALVIN: I came from Sears??

CALVIN’S DAD: No, you were a Blue Light Special at K Mart. Almost as good, and a lot cheaper.


CALVIN’S MOM [off panel]: Dear, what are you telling Calvin now?!

Bill Watterson (b. 1958) American cartoonist
Calvin and Hobbes (1987-04-18)

#quote #quotes #quotation #babies #parenting #teasing #reproduction #disinformation
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/watterson-bill/4082/

Calvin strip


Cycle de vie des sociétés dites modernes, avec des individus dits modernes :

Naissance Croissance Reproduction ̶M̶o̶r̶t̶ Transition ^^

Ou le tabou de la #mort dans le monde dit civilisé, à l'image des #sciences :

Recherche sur schéma de cycle de #vie Searx et il apparaît très clairement qu'aucun de ces schémas n'intègre la mort.

Donc.... Bien évidemment, l' #immortalité est de mise, et donc notre mort n'est pas une option : bien sûr que nous allons " #transitionner" !!
Un peu comme le papillon, de la larve au papillon, qui lui aussi, bien sûr, ne meurt jamais, il se #métamorphose seulement :

Le #symbolisme, explique souvent bien plus que le #réel directement visible, car tout ce qui est #symbolique, dans nos actes, est bien plus profond.
Si on s'intéresse à cette approche, comment ne pas comprendre, dès lors, qu'à vouloir obstinément ne pas faire face à notre propre mort, on fait tout pour la provoquer encore plus, encore plus fortement, et encore plus vite ?

Le matraquage médiatique sur la fameuse #transition, est peut-être même un signe, de ce qu'il faut convaincre qu'il y a transition possible, parce qu'il n'y en a pas dans les faits... (Rappel FRESSOZ, chercheur au CNRS)

Si !!.. Une fin existe. À toute chose. Y compris aux empires...

D'autres #cultures humaines font une place centrale à la mort. Nous, nos morts sont mis à l'écart, loin de nos yeux, au cimetière...
#Transition #Naissance #Croissance #Reproduction #Collapse #Effondrement #Civilisation #Écologie #Meadows #ArthurKeller #Consommation #Surconsommation #Énergie #Energy #Empire #Impérialisme #Déni #Occident #Moderne #Progrès #Philosophie #Ethnologie #Anthropologie


L' #Europe sera #islamique ou ne sera pas : La #guerre des #Utérus aura-t-elle lieu ? - #lObservateur


Timeline et liste des sujets 👉
00:00:00 La #France n’est pas #victime de l’ #immigration. Elle en est l’ #acteur.
00:05:22 Comment la France a-t-elle fabriqué la #racaille de toute pièce ?
00:11:14 Le plafond de verre et reproduction #sociale : casse-toi, ou crève.
00:19:20 Le #regroupement #familial, et le #capitalisme #vicieux.
00:28:54 Pourquoi les #enfants d’ #immigrés ne réussissent pas ? Le drame de la #reproduction #sociale.
00:35:27 La France n’est pas victime, mais #coupable.
00:38:59 Le 93, un réservoir d' #esclaves pour le petit #Paris
00:43:14 La #perversité du #système #migratoire #français : quand la caste règne
00:56:45 Michel #Houellebecq et son excellente #analyse dans #Soumission.
01:02:49 Comprendre l’ #Islam : un antidote pour le chaos ( 1 )
01:17:54 Islam première #religion d’ #Europe ?
01:33:51 Islam : un #antidote pour le #chaos ( 2 )
01:38:50 Quid de l’ #implantation #future de l’islam en Europe ? Le #mythe du grand remplacement.

#politique #société #social #religion #analyse


UK Birthrates by Ethnic Group per 100,000 of Population from 2007 to 2019 based on UK government data.

This analysis demonstrates that African & Asian heritage citizens of the UK have reproduced at an average 1.89x (189%) greater rate than Indo-European (White) autochthonous British heritage citizens.

#birthrates #indoeuropean #asian #african #whitebirthrate #ukbirthrate #europeanbirthrate #europeans #brits #british #england #english #whites #whiteprivilege #fertilityrate #fertility #fertilitycrisis #lowbirthrate #study #information #stats #statistics #data #analysis #charts #graphs #un #wef #autochthonous #reproduction #uk #baby #children #offspring #white #pregnant #pregnancy #immigration #multiculturalism #multiracialism


Thus, our #critique of liberal #feminism refers to its advocacy of individual liberation only, without reflection on class. In this way, it reproduces capitalist logic when it thinks of women’s emancipation only as recognition and social mobility, for example, within a #society that remains unequal. In this conception, women would have the right to be in the same jobs as men, but when they are there, the logic of #inequality continues to reproduce itself. This liberal feminism has appropriated concepts and guidelines that are historically from the popular and women’s struggle. It appropriates, in a distorted way, many concepts to conform to liberal and neoliberal precepts. This appropriation serves #capitalism in many ways. One example is the use of the very idea of equality by the market, with its mass #propaganda, which contributes to the naturalization of a supposed “equality” that already exists, naturalizing the logics of capitalism and the #state, which remain intact. In this way, the market feeds the false illusion of #equality, preaching as “empowerment” that women can “succeed in big companies”, in State positions, etc., reaching high positions or leadership, in a meritocratic logic. However, when they are in these positions, they continue to #work for and within the system, without questioning why other women have not “succeeded”, without attributing this inequality to the capitalist system.
This process of distortion also occurred with the concept of “Empowerment”, whose contours were shaped by the work of Freirean critical #pedagogy. It is important to remember that this concept was born rooted in popular movements and was appropriated in a distorted way by liberal feminism. Therefore, when we speak of #empowerment, we must take it up from its collective root. Only collective empowerment will make a difference in the struggle of #women.

https://blackrosefed.org/feminism-and-organized-anarchism-cab/ #brazil #anarchism #lgbtq #cab #espesifismo #heteronormativity #gender #reproduction #autonomy


The Russian aggression undermines the achievements of Ukrainian feminists in the struggle against political and social #oppression. In the occupied territories, the Russian #army uses mass rape and other forms of gender-based #violence as a #military strategy. The establishment of the Russian regime in these territories poses the threat of criminalizing #LGBTIQ+ people and decriminalizing domestic violence. Throughout #Ukraine, the problem of domestic violence is becoming more acute. Vast destruction of civilian infrastructure, threats to the #environmental, #inflation, shortages, and population displacement endanger social reproduction. The #war intensifies gendered division of #labor, further shifting the #work of social #reproduction – in especially difficult and precarious conditions – onto #women. Rising #unemployment and the neoliberal government’s attack on labor rights continue to exacerbate social problems. Fleeing from the war, many women* are forced to leave the country, and find themselves in a vulnerable position due to barriers to housing, social infrastructure, stable income, and medical services (including contraception and #abortion). They are also at risk of getting trapped into #sextrafficking.

https://commons.com.ua/en/right-resist-feminist-manifesto/ #austerity #imperialism #feminism


I Invented Gilead. The Supreme Court Is Making It Real.

I thought I was writing fiction in The Handmaid’s Tale.

Margaret Atwood (The Atlantic)

(...) Although I eventually completed this novel and called it The Handmaid’s Tale, I stopped writing it several times, because I considered it too far-fetched. Silly me. Theocratic dictatorships do not lie only in the distant past: There are a number of them on the planet today. What is to prevent the United States from becoming one of them?

For instance: It is now the middle of 2022, and we have just been shown a leaked opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States that would overthrow settled law of 50 years on the grounds that abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, and is not “deeply rooted” in our “history and tradition.” True enough. The Constitution has nothing to say about women’s reproductive health. But the original document does not mention women at all. (...)

Women were nonpersons in U.S. law for a lot longer than they have been persons. If we start overthrowing settled law using Justice Samuel Alito’s justifications, why not repeal votes for women?

Reproductive rights have been the focus of the recent fracas, but only one side of the coin has been visible: the right to abstain from giving birth. The other side of that coin is the power of the state to prevent you from reproducing. The Supreme Court’s 1927 Buck v. Bell decision held that the state may sterilize people without their consent. Although the decision was nullified by subsequent cases, and state laws that permitted large-scale sterilization have been repealed, Buck v. Bell is still on the books. (...)

Thus a “deeply rooted” tradition is that women’s reproductive organs do not belong to the women who possess them. They belong only to the state.

Wait, you say: It’s not about the organs; it’s about the babies. Which raises some questions. Is an acorn an oak tree? Is a hen’s egg a chicken? When does a fertilized human egg become a full human being or person? “Our” traditions—let’s say those of the ancient Greeks, the Romans, the early Christians—have vacillated on this subject. At “conception”? At “heartbeat”? At “quickening?” The hard line of today’s anti-abortion activists is at “conception,” which is now supposed to be the moment at which a cluster of cells becomes “ensouled.” But any such judgment depends on a religious belief—namely, the belief in souls. (...)

It ought to be simple: If you believe in “ensoulment” at conception, you should not get an abortion, because to do so is a sin within your religion. If you do not so believe, you should not—under the Constitution—be bound by the religious beliefs of others. But should the Alito opinion become the newly settled law, the United States looks to be well on the way to establishing a state religion. (...)

The Alito opinion purports to be based on America’s Constitution. But it relies on English jurisprudence from the 17th century, a time when a belief in witchcraft caused the death of many innocent people. (...)

Similarly, it will be very difficult to disprove a false accusation of abortion. The mere fact of a miscarriage, or a claim by a disgruntled former partner, will easily brand you a murderer. Revenge and spite charges will proliferate, as did arraignments for witchcraft 500 years ago.

If Justice Alito wants you to be governed by the laws of the 17th century, you should take a close look at that century. Is that when you want to live?

Complete article


Tags: #abortion #abortion_rights #freedom #dicatatorship #books #atwood #reproduction #womens_rights #constitution #sterilization #forced_sterilization #reproductive_rights #human_rights #religion


They Carry Us With Them: The Great Tree Migration



When we think of migration, what often comes to mind is the seasonal movement of animals from one region to another: a repeated, patterned journey in which creatures are drawn in one direction toward a food supply or resource, and in the other direction toward breeding grounds. Humpback whales, for example, spend their summers straining krill, plankton, and small fish through their great baleen plates in the polar region of the North Pacific Ocean. Come winter, when conditions grow harsh and the food supply dwindles, the whales swim south—some as far as five thousand miles—navigating the vast ocean with incredible precision to breeding grounds in Hawaii, Mexico, Central America, and Asia, until cues from their environment beckon them north again. This pattern repeats every year of their lives.

Thousands of species of migratory creatures—at least four thousand species of birds alone—embark on epic journeys across and around the world every year as they are pulled into flowing patterns of movement that correspond to the sun’s steady pull on the Earth. Birds, insects, mammals, and fish follow felt sensory signals in currents of air and water, changes in season, the planet’s magnetic field, the position of the sun and stars, subtle changes in temperature. Earth’s ecological systems, in this way, are woven together by intricate and far-reaching threads of movement.

What about our rooted companions? The northeastern spruce-fir forests that the Bicknell’s thrush journeys to every spring, or the stands of jack pine where the eastern bluebird builds its nests? We often admire trees for their steady rootedness, their resiliency in the face of change; for the gift of shade and companionship that a single long-lived tree might offer us and then our children and our grandchildren, even our great-grandchildren. But trees—or, more appropriately, forests—are perhaps not so rooted, so reliably placed, as we might think.

Right now, around the world, trees are on the move.

Some scientists prefer the phrase “shifts in range” to “migration” when it comes to forests—ecosystems defined by long-lived, woody beings that cannot pull up their roots from beneath the forest floor and walk or swim or fly when conditions around them indicate it is time to do so. But trees do move, they simply do it through successive generations.

Trees reproduce primarily through seed dispersal, relying upon animals, winds, and waters to carry their offspring to fertile soils where they might anchor into the ground and germinate. A mature tree will send seeds in all directions. In a stable environment, where conditions are much the same as when the parent tree began its life, a forest might continue to regenerate in roughly the same location and the same configuration of species, year after year, decade after decade.

But what if a new generation of seeds is cast into the wind during a period of drought? What if winters are no longer as cold as they once were? What if a certain pest can now survive in a forest where it once could not? Suddenly, seedlings might find themselves in a less friendly environment that they are not genetically well adapted to. Perhaps the only ones that will survive are those that happen to be carried, say, northward, or to a slightly higher elevation. As the climate changes in and around forests, seeds might succeed in places where they did not before or fail where they once succeeded.

If this pattern continues, the forest will begin a slow journey in a new direction.

Thus, although they do not move in a to-and-fro pattern annually in the way of the humpback whale, “migration” still seems an apt word to describe the movements of trees, even if such patterns of movement may take several—or many—human generations to reveal themselves as patterns. Certainly, trees do not migrate seasonally in the way we normally think of seasons, but there are many things trees do that don’t fit easily into our normal human way of thinking—at least from our point of view, which tends to have a breadth of focus corresponding to our roughly eighty-year life span.

For example, if we here in the northeastern United States were to zoom out from our understanding of seasons as annual patterns, and step instead into a deeper time, we might begin to see “seasons” in a different way. From this vantage point, a season may be seen as more akin to, say, an era of glaciation.

Let’s step back to about 14,600 years ago, near the end of the Pleistocene, that phenomenal age of mile-high ice, when glaciers ebbed and flowed over the land. We might notice that as the Laurentide Ice Sheet begins its slow retreat as temperatures warm, spruce trees are flowing up from the south: we watch as pointed evergreens with splays of emerald needles work their way across present-day Maine and southern Quebec, spreading farther into Canada, settling along the rocky slopes and poorly drained soils that were recently carved from the ice. Fast-forward 3,000 years to the beginning of the Holocene. The climate is warmer and drier; the ice sheet is vanishing further; the range of the spruce is now shrinking as the trees are pushed farther northward and replaced by pine to the south. Then, in the mid-Holocene, roughly 6,000 years later, there is a period of drought. Much of the eastern hemlock disappears as the lack of water leaves the trees stressed and vulnerable to the infestation of a pest that overtakes the population. It takes 2,000 years for the hemlock to return. During this time spruce move southward again, settling into roughly the configuration that we find them in today.

#nature #environment #trees #forests #tree-migration #tree #migration #reproduction #interactive #JeremySeifert #EmergenceMagazine