#Bible #Contradictions - Part 3 - The Self-Debasing Message of the Bible
#Bible #Contradictions - Part 3 - The Self-Debasing Message of the Bible
00:00:00 - Dans cet Ă©pisode
00:01:09 - Introduction & Présentation de l'invité
00:02:39 - #FĂ©ministe de #gauche ou de #droite ?
00:06:18 - Postulat de base
00:11:06 - Le #capitalisme, allié du féminisme ?
00:15:40 - La place des #hommes et des #femmes dans le processus reproductif
00:20:20 - La #domination #masculine : un #mythe ?
00:27:28 - La question #biologique : un #tabou ?
00:30:48 - Prédispositions psychologiques VS facteurs matériels
00:36:41 - Les victoires paradoxales du féminismes
00:38:19 - Les "vagues" dans le féminisme
00:41:23 - Les deux esprits du féminisme
00:50:59 - FĂ©minisme VS Lutte des classes
00:52:48 - Le féminisme hors-sol
00:57:09 - Pourquoi ce titre ?â Pour se procurer le #livre de VĂ©ra #Nikolski :
#interview #politique #pcat #jspc
by #RDWolff
#prof #richardwolff #wolff #economic-update #democracy-at-work #capitalism #contradictions #us #labor #unemployment #student-debt #polls #public #schools #teachers #ilwu #strike
remembering conversations had in 2020, (in which someone (of identical iq to me) was reflexively scoffing at an idea and dismissing it without any apparent further investigation, and my, knowing i do not know, exploring at least some surface claims/hypothesis of (for want of better terminology) method of action (e.g. receptor site attenuation)), i did a little websearch for 5G and COVID19 correlation...
a plethora of corporate news websites simply stating outright there's no correlation, and using the scrutiny-disuading adhominem terminology of "conspiracy theories" / "conspiracy theorists" and the even more orwellianised "conspiracy" redefined as meaning some kind of laughable falsehood.
so then i took a different tact, and separately looked up maps of 5G deployment, and then also maps of covid19...
... then the claims, from those news corporations (who, incidentally, get their advertising funding from those who profit from the uptake of the so called vaccines under terror), starts to look undermining of their credibility, to have stated it so absolutely.
similar to how those news sites would state things in absolute certainty, contrary to all prior established best practices in science, where known margin of error and uncertainty would also be presented, back at the start of the scare. ... which, even if one knew nothing of event201, nor operation lockstep, should in itself have been enough to raise alarm bells of something being seriously wrong. but then, once terror is induced, rational cognition is impared and ocluded, with the survival brain's fright-mode activated loudly to the fore.
now i dont kow if there's a causal relationship between 5G deployments and the "COVID19" (which appeared, by that name, on government documents listing diseases of concern, at least as early as 2015), but there does seem to be a temporal and geographic correlation, far more pronounced than is claimed in the corporate news propaganda [(which i think is fair to call it propaganda, rather than journalistic service)]. and as such, it gets one wondering again about the assertions of some doctors, researchers, historians, of the correlations (even aledged causations) from past new electro-magnetic frequency technology deployments and widespread breakouts of disease. various radio and flu correlations for example.
but i do know you're not in the realm of science if you just bark adhominems dismissively at ideas. science requires an enquiring open mind. if you're presuming to already know, and shout down any who utter an idea that conflicts with your convictions, on the basis of their character, without entertaining the idea and exploring it further, then perhaps you're opperating from a more limbic place, than a more considerate contemplative explorative cognitive curious place. more scientism's dogma, than science. more identification with convictions, than curiousity to explore evidence. more presumption, stubbornly clung to, than ideas put to the test. more hate, than education. more official doctrine of the doubleplus goodthink to be obeyed, than true egalitarian pedagogy.
i considered adding various versions of the maps here, so you could see the correlations yourself, but then realised, if you're already habituated to being spoonfed out of your active curiousity, i might not be helping, by becoming the next truthsayer for you to unquestioningly lap up the new truth from. lool. so... i'll leave it for you to go explore some websearches on that yourself. see how much you think, from the results you find after even a couple minutes websearching, that the assertions of the corporate media and its conflicts of interest, are rightly absolute in their certainty of no correlation, or, if a correlation vividly jumps out at you, or somewhere in between, more inconclusive (which still would undermine the assertive absolute certainty of no correlation).
and then doesnt it get you wondering about all the s.m.a.r.t. technology, the patents for "warfare" and population control, and the various announced plans of the billionaire clique...
i dont know. but it seems the certainty presented is not only unfounded, but in error, from what i see when looking outside their well curated overton window.
#overtonwindow #conflictofinterest #patents #lookup #correlation #causation #certainty #unfounded #overcertainty #thecorporation #forprofitmedicine #deskillers #eugenics #thebillionaireclique #covid19 #5G #curious #consider #claims #corporations #credibility #contrary #science #scare #terror #terrorism #event201 #operationlockstep #cognition #causal #convinced #claimed #claims #convictions #contradictions #maps #journalism #epistemology #logic #adhominem #doubleplusgoodthink #hourofhate #obey #censorship #smart #control #controlgrid #iq #inteligence #arrogance #presumption #identification #conviction #arewelearningyet #counterargument #covidiacy #complicity #concentrationcamps #cowards #complicit #corruption #catastrophecapitalism #catastrophecuration #catastrophecreation #corporatism #culls #curiousity #Cwords
not to mention they have patents on the viral lines, and a string of aledged frauds on those virus patents at least as early as 2002, and there being leaked quips from middling insiders asserting things like "when the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms", and all this being outlined in the #ProjectforaNewAmericanCentury ( #PNAC ) and surrounding planning documents... just may be enough to consider, maybe it's not like the corporate news propaganda hymn sheet sings over and over to us. #cuibono just may be, maybe, worth consideration...
but, i dont know. i can imagine ways of error in this, and can imagine there are ways of error beyond my imagining. seems healthy to keep an #openmind.
as to do otherwise,
is to #totalitarianise.
it's just people.
we can still mend this.
#itsjustpeople #wecanstillmendthis #restorescience #restoredemocracy #endcensorship #freespeech
This is a #clip from the live virtual event â #Marxism-for-this-Moment,â featuring a #conversation between #RichardWolff and #DavidHarvey, two experts with long histories of applying #Marxâs #ideas to our #current #politics in #insightful and #educational ways.
#wolff #richarddwolff #capitalism #mainstream #bourgeois #economics #contradictions #socialist #society
Timeline & liste des sujets đ
00:00:00 Introduction : le contexte de cette critique
00:04:23 Le type de contenu que je consulte sur #YouTube
00:06:26 Les #banquiers vous ont déjà tout dit
00:13:30 Un YouTube de la pleurniche
00:15:57 #Hypocrisie et #incohérence du milieu #identitaire
00:23:31 Quâest ce que la #France ? Une #race ou une #idĂ©e ?
00:30:58 La dĂ©gaine de lâidentitaire moyen : #ambiguĂŻtĂ© et #contradictions
00:33:30 Les #identitaires sont des #gauchistes sous couvert
00:38:44 Julien Rochedy et le #RN : la #droite #communiste
00:46:53 La question des #aides #sociales
00:56:50 Les rares #droitards authentiques
01:06:20 Quâest ce que la droite ?
01:14:39 La droite #libĂ©rale nâexiste pas en France
01:15:55 La nĂ©cessitĂ© dâun #gouvernement limitĂ©
01:21:52 ThaĂŻs d'Escufon et les " virilistes Soja "
#politique #analyse
En pleine #Guerre froide, les pays du Tiers-monde se rassemblent et cherchent des #alternatives au #capitalisme et au #communisme. Mais le "Mouvement des Non-alignés" est parcouru de contradictions qui vont trÚs vite le fragiliser...
00:00 - Introduction
2:51 - I. #Indépendance
6:52 - II. Les non-alignés
15:08 - III. #Contradictions
21:49 - IV. La #crise
32:20 - V. La chute
42:05 - VI. #Nationalisme #internationaliste
51:34 - VII. Nationalisme #néolibéral
1:00:46 - Conclusion
#politique #économie #paysans #agriculture #Non-alignés #Tiers-Monde
Unfortunately, handling contradictions may not be sufficient to master Zen.
"...the thesis is this: The rulers of this new society will be the people who effectively control the means of production: that is, business executives, technicians, bureaucrats and soldiers, lumped together by Burnham under the name of âmanagersâ. These people will eliminate the old capitalist class, crush the working class, and so organize society that all power and economic privilege remain in their own hands." -- Orwellâs âSecond thoughts on James Burnhamâ, 1946
#managers #jamesburnham #orwell #privilege #power #leftlockdownsceptics #greatreset #pseudopandemic #fascism #Bolshevism #therulingclass #thesubservientclass #agenda #wetiko #technocracy #authoritarian #authoritarianism #totalitarianism #problemreactionsolution #hegel #rulingclass #economicinterests #sellop #psyop #wef #communitarian #decievers #usefulidiots #cynics #stakeholdercapitalism #klausschwab #libertariancommunist #oligarchy #exploitation #managerialclass #managerialsociety #capitalism #managerialrevolution #capitalistglobaltransnationaltotalitariancoup #subvert #populism #crisisindemocracy #capitalistclass #contradictions #dramaticstructuraloverhaul #GreatResetagenda #WorldEconomicForum #goodread #despitetypos #politics #consider #cuibono
L'automne est propice Ă la rĂ©flexion... đ€
Plus le temps passe et plus je trouve que le monde qui nous entoure est exigeant. Surtout en ce qui concerne l'Ă©cologie. Le mouvement zĂ©ro-dĂ©chet est en lui mĂȘme trĂšs astreignant. J'ai beau adhĂ©rer Ă de nombreux principes de ce mouvement, je n'en reste pas moins humaine. Et je faillis parfois (si on peut appeler ça faillir) đ
Je vais vous faire une rĂ©vĂ©lation. Je n'ai pas utilisĂ© de couches lavables Ă l'arrivĂ©e de ma fille. On nous en avait pourtant prĂȘtĂ©. Mais on ne les as pas utilisĂ©es. Et lorsqu'on nous a demandĂ© si nous nous en servions, j'ai ressenti un sentiment de honte et un besoin immense de me justifier. Car c'est vrai, ce n'est pas en phase avec mes valeurs et avec ce que je mets en avant sur ce blog. Et ce n'est pas ma seule conduite non-Ă©colo, il y en a pleeeinnn d'autres ! đ
Certains et certaines arrivent trĂšs bien Ă "maintenir le cap". Ce sont des modĂšles (nous en avons besoin !). Mais je n'en fais pas partie. Est-ce grave ? Je ne crois pas. Je suis une Ă©colo "imparfaite, libre et heureuse" pour reprendre le titre du livre de Christophe AndrĂ©. Nous sommes des ĂȘtres aux multiples facettes et j'essaie d'accepter tout ce que je suis, avec mes contradictions. Qui n'en a pas ? đ
Essayons d'ĂȘtre bienveillants envers nous-mĂȘme đ§Ą
TrĂšs bon week-end Ă vous ! đ€
PS : Ne vous mĂ©prenez pas. Je continuerai Ă parler d'Ă©cologie sur le blog et Ă vous proposer des astuces Ă©colos đ J'avais simplement envie de vous partager mon ressenti đ°
PS 2 : Il est pas trop mignon ce potimarron ? đ
#potimarron #cucurbitaceae #cucurbitacé #automne #orange #reflexion #bienveillance #imparfaite #ecologie #contradictions #affirmationpositive #meditation #estimedesoi #confianceensoi #visualisation #affirmationpositive #inspiration #affirmationdujour #mantradujour #energiepositive #tolerance #phrasedujour #pensee #penseepositive #texte #phrase #viepositive #positif #developpementpersonnel #motdujour #amourdesoi