

Responses to Peak Oil Denial Bingo Objections

Yesterday's peak oil denial bingo post raises the question of "well, how do you respond to those objections". This does assume a rational argument is possible, but the following may be helpful, though space limits full responses.

The inspiration to the bingo card was John Michael Greer's "Archdruid Report" blog: "The Four Industrial Revolutions" and "Mentats Wanted, Will Train"...

More at the dreddit


#peakoil #collapse #denial #bingo


Bradley's Bunch: a passel of Peak Oil protestation purveyors

In firming up the References section of the dreddit Wiki, I've been looking for a good source of idiots^Wcritics of peak oil / limits thinking. I believe I've just hit the mother lode: Robert L. Bradley's "Resourceship: An Austrian theory of mineral resources".

I ran across this looking for citations and preferably critiques of Milton Friedman's
"The Energy Crisis: A Humane Solution", itself worth a demolition critique.

Instead, hosted at GMU (Koch affiliated educational institution), I found an essay by Robert L. Bradley, Libertarian CEO of the Koch-affiliated Institute for Energy Research:...

Continued at the dreddit in "Bradley's Bunch: a passel of Peak Oil protestation purveyors"

#peakoil #energy #resources #limitstogrowth #denialism #denial #cornucopian


More on Canadian Climate Change Document Destruction

From Canada.com: "Harper government cutting more than $100 million related to protection of water"

More than $100 million in cuts are underway at the federal department in charge of protecting Canada’s water and oceans, despite recommendations from top bureaucrats that it needs to increase spending for both environmental and economic reasons.

According to internal federal briefing notes obtained by Postmedia News, Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s government is eliminating about 500 jobs at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans related to Coast Guard services, patrols to stop illegal fishing activities as well as scientific research to promote conservation, protect endangered species, and prevent industrial water pollution...

The downsizing also includes the shutdown of federal libraries and millions of dollars in reductions to climate change adaptation programs. In total, the department estimates it will cut about $80 million per year from its budget by 2014-15, and over $100 million per year in the following fiscal year.

The source memo is provided by Canada.com.

More analysis at Daily Koz: "Like a Book Burning" The Canadian government is closing scientific libraries and destroying docs.

Ping @Will Hill who'd posted an earlier piece on this from the Tyee.

#climatechange #denial #bookburning #canada #government