

#RanjeetBrar #Palestine #England #solidarity #FreeSpeech #censorship



Revealed: #KingCharles secretly profiting from the assets of #dead citizens

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/23/revealed-king-charles-secretly-profiting-from-the-assets-of-dead-citizens

Financial assets known as bona vacantia, owned by people who died without a will or known next of kin, are collected by the duchy. Over the last 10 years, it has collected more than £60m in the funds. It has long claimed that, after deducting costs, bona vacantia revenues are donated to charities.

However, only a small percentage of these revenues is being given to #charity. Internal duchy documents seen by the Guardian reveal how funds are secretly being used to #finance the renovation of properties that are owned by the #king and rented out for #profit.

Time for a #Revolution in #England!

#fail #crime #money #corruption #power #abuse #realestate #capitalism #monarchy #politics #justice


Population density of European countries with at least 5 million population, 2023.

As you can see from this data, the UK is the third most population dense country of all countries in the European continent region with at least 5 million population.

There is no necessity or justification for mass migration into the United Kingdom. The UK is a relatively small island nation & space is at a premium.

#unitedkingdom #immigration #migration #massmigration #immigrationcontrol #uk #replacementmigration #population #usa #populationdensity #ethnography #elites #overpopulation #anthropology #statistics #stats #data #demographics #globalism #ethnolinguisticfragmentation #culture #england #wales #scotland #greatbritain #northernireland #autochthonousculture


River #Thames, ancient Tamesis or Tamesa, also called (in #Oxford, #England) #River #Isis, chief river of southern England. Rising in the Cotswold Hills, its basin covers an area of approximately 5,500 square miles (14,250 square km). The traditional source at Thames Head, which is dry for much of the year, is marked by a stone in a field 356 feet (108.5 metres) above sea level and 3 miles (5 km) southwest of the town of #Cirencester. Some think a tributary, the River Churn, has a better claim to being the source; it rises near the village of Seven Springs (700 feet [213 metres] above sea level), just south of #Cheltenham.

Physical features
River Thames

The Thames is some 205 miles (330 km) long, running 140 miles (226 km) from the source to the tidal waters limit—i.e., from Thames Head to Teddington Lock—and, as an estuary, a further 65 miles (104 km) from there to The Nore sandbank, which marks the transition from estuary to open sea. Its basin, which receives an annual average precipitation of 27 inches (688 mm), has a complex structure. In its upper course the river drains a broadly triangular area defined by the chalk escarpment of the Chiltern Hills and the Berkshire Downs to the east and south, the Cotswolds to the west, and the Northamptonshire uplands to the north. At Goring Gap it cuts through the chalk escarpment and then drains the land lying north of the dip slope of the North Downs. Its last great tributary, the River Medway, drains much of the low-lying Weald area of Kent and Sussex to the south of London.


UK democracy in action : Waving Palestinian flag may be a criminal offence, Braverman tells police

Home secretary also suggests clampdown on pro-Arab chants in letter that will concern free speech advocates

Waving a Palestinian #flag or singing a chant advocating freedom for Arabs in the region may be a criminal offence, Suella Braverman has told senior police officers.

In a letter to chief constables in #England and #Wales, the home secretary urged them to clamp down on any attempts to use flags, songs or swastikas to harass or intimidate members of the Jewish community.

Her words, which follow deadly attacks by #Hamas on Israelis and a #military response, will deeply concern #freedom of speech advocates and members of the #Muslim community.

In the letter, #Braverman said police should not restrict themselves to potential offences related to the promotion of Hamas, a proscribed organisation.

#Europe #Gaza #Palestine #Israel #Hypocrisy #Inhumanity #Fascism



#Analysis of #correlation between percentage of non-'White #British#population & total #crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England & #Wales using Estimated Pearson Sample Correlation Coefficient, 2023.

There is a 0.74 (strong) correlation #coefficient between the percentage of non-'#White British' within a population & the total rate of crime per 100,000 of population.

#criminality #ons #whitebritish #migration #multiculturalism #ethnography #diversity #multiracialism #demography #globalism #racism #empiricism #mathematics #data #officeofnationalstatistics #statistics #uk #crimerate #law #justice #policing #usa #propaganda #socialengineering #ethnicity #anthropology #pearsonsamplecorrelation #crimeandethnicity #academicfraud #un #europeans


#Trends between total crime rate per 100,000 of population in 287 localities in #England and #Wales and percentage of locality population that is not '#White #British' in those 287 localities, 2023.

This is an #analysis of official #UK #government #ONS #data that shows quite clearly that as the #percentage of population that is not 'White British' goes down, so does the total rate of #crime per 100k of #population.

In other words, as the percentage of 'non-White-British' within the population of a locality goes up, the total crime rate per 100k of population also goes up.

#ethnography #correlation #statistics #un #globalism #immigration #massmigration #criminality #truth #facts #empiricism #usa #anthropology #sociology #ukgovernment #demographics #law #tories


so oz's PM suggested a public holiday should the Matildas win the World Cup. And the island exploded! Costings, warnings of societal collapse, arguments about women being able to kick a ball, it's been full on! Suddenly-experts sharing their wisdom about women's sport, women in sport, should women play sport? where are the children? who's cooking dinner? those dishes wont wash themselves yknow! oc the Tillies are all lesssbians yknow (no, i dont know any of these things..i only learnt the names of the players yesterday)

the Matildas didnt win. However what they did do was become oz's first team to reach the semifinals of the (football/soccer) World Cup
Some words from Aunty ABC about this, with explanations of various facets of the game at which we are suddenly experts.

the Matildas next play Sweden in Brisvegas/Meanjin on Saturday (19th day of August)
here's a nice song about the brown snake (Brisbane River) https://youtu.be/zbL5Rd7hNao
and some lyrics https://genius.com/Thelma-plum-the-brown-snake-lyrics

Well done, England, great game!

#YAY #Matildas #Lionesseses #Australia #England #football #sport and some #music by #Thelma_Plum