

Prior to Friday’s announcement, Brussels had already barred several Russia-associated media from engaging with audiences in member states since the Ukraine conflict escalated into open hostilities in February 2022. Even platforming content from the targeted organizations is illegal in the bloc.The new additions to the blacklist announced on Friday include the relatively small Czech-based portal Voice of Europe, RIA Novosti, a leading Russian news agency, and the veteran newspapers Izvestia and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The latter is the official paper of the Russian government, which prints new laws, presidential decrees, and other executive documents to formally announce them to the general public, before they can enter force.

In our open free democracy we cannot tolerate opposing media outlets, censorship is our tool of choice. Censorship ensure the chosen political narrative to go unchallenged.

When opposing view points and information is considered/labeled propaganda you know the promoted narrative is fragile. Learning what the ‘other side’ think and how they view things is a huge no-no. Facts has only one author (ours – decided by us) and anyone reporting something else is basically doing information manipulation, interference or something we don’t like.

#News #Media #Censorship #Russia #EU #Ban
EU bans major Russian language media outlets


#Slovakia's prime minister, Robert Fico, was shot several times outside the House of Culture in the town of #Handlova, Slovakia, while meeting with supporters.

Fico, who is currently in a life-threatening condition, was taken to a local hospital before being airlifted to a medical facility in Banska Bystrica.

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estoka described it as a politically motivated assassination attempt.

Mr Fico is a divisive figure at home - and controversial in the EU - for his calls to end military aid to Ukraine and sanctions on Russia.

But condemnation of the shooting has come from far and wide and it has been described as an attack on democracy.


#Terrorism #Politics #Europe #Ukraine #EU #Russia


They are starving them, they destroying their crops, they are setting their olive trees on fire, they prevent them from working, they destroy water and sanitation system and now they are stealing their money in the name of anti terrorism.

The occupation army announces the confiscation of millions of shekels from money exchange shops in the West Bank. According to a statement by the #Israeli police, its Unit 443 raided money exchange shops on suspicion that this money fuels “terrorism,” as it described it. The Monetary Authority issued a statement in which it confirmed that money exchange shops are subject to its supervision and that it It refutes any allegations or pretexts put forward by the occupation authorities to justify its actions in targeting the #Palestinian banking sector and considers that the continued attack on entities subject to the supervision of the Monetary Authority represents an act that violates all international norms, laws, charters and agreements, and aims to undermine confidence in the #Palestinian banking and banking sector.

In the mean time, the cowards and complicit in crime world leaders standing idle and watch Israel destroy the lives of millions in #Gaza and occupied #WestBank without any meaningful reaction and instead working hard to silence and punish those who condemn and expose those crimes.

#Israel #Politics #Terrorism #Occupation #Inhumanity #Apartheid #EU #US #AntiWar #Resistance #StopIsrael #SaveGaza #SavePalestine #PeaceNow #StopApartheid


Anlagen für erneuerbare Energien: Brüssel soll Herstellern helfen

Die deutsche Erneuerbaren-Lobby hofft auf die Unterstützung der EU. Sie fordert Hilfen für die hiesigen Hersteller von grüne Technologien.#ErneuerbareEnergien #EU #EU-Hilfen #GNS #Ökonomie #Öko #Feed
Anlagen für erneuerbare Energien: Brüssel soll Herstellern helfen


Hello #Fediverse! We're new on this server, so thought we'd introduce ourselves! We're an 🇪🇺 #EU public-private partnership funding #health #research and #innovation By leveraging the skills of a range of scientific fields - from pharmaceuticals and biotechnology to medical technology and big data - we fund projects that will address public health needs, improve patients' lives, and boost the competitiveness of Europe's health industries.

Find out more: https://www.ihi.europa.eu


Hallo SPD,

Ihr wisst es wahrscheinlich nicht aber genau dafür, dass ihr den Rechtsruck verhindert mit guter Sozialpolitik wurdet ihr damals in den Bundestag gewählt. Seit dem stellt ihr den Kanzler und alles wird noch schlimmer und jetzt sollen wir euch zur EU-Wahl abkaufen, dass wir euch noch einmal wählen sollen?
Wie wäre es denn mal wenn ihr auch was macht und damit meine ich keine inhaltslosen Wahlplakate!

#politik #Europa #eu #wahl #Wahlkampf #noNazis #noafd #protest #problem


10.05.2024 Open Source bei ARD und ZDF

Umdenken nach langer Zeit

Endlich mal eine positive Nachricht: Nach Angaben des Deutschen Fernsehrats wollen ARD und ZDF einen Streaming-Dienst auf Open-Source-Basis starten. Dass ARD und ZDF ihre Mediathekentwicklung auf Open-Source-Basis zusammenzuführen wollen ist, ein bemerkens- und begrüßenswerter Schritt, meint auch netzpolitik.org.

Gerade öffentlich-rechtlicher Medien sollten den öffentlichen, wie auch den gesellschaftlichen Nutzen von Open Source unterstüzen. Das ist zum einen Werbung für Open Source, um sie mehr bekannt zu machen. Außerdem kann es ein Schritt sein, dass auch andere Staaten in der EU allen voran die Schweizer SRG und der Österreichische ORF den Weg zu offener Software unterstützen.

Mehr dazu bei https://netzpolitik.org/2024/neues-aus-dem-fernsehrat-105-ard-und-zdf-praesentieren-streamingos-auf-open-source-basis/
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Av
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8772-20240510-open-source-bei-ard-und-zdf.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8772-20240510-open-source-bei-ard-und-zdf.html
Tags: #OpenSource #Linux #ARD #ZDF #Mediathek #Werbung #EU #ORF #SRG