

Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff has died in prison

Bernie Madoff, the financier who pleaded guilty to orchestrating the largest Ponzi scheme in history, died in a federal prison Wednesday, the federal Bureau of Prisons confirmed to CBS News. Madoff, 82, died at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina, the bureau said in a statement.

The bureau said Madoff's cause of death would be determined by a medical examiner.

Madoff defrauded investors of $17.5 billion, of which $13 billion were ultimately recovered, though the supposed asset value of $60 billion proved only a lie. Madoff and his family were stripped of assets in a $171 billion forfeiture order. One of his sons committed suicide, his brother was also sentenced to prison for his role in the investment fraud.

#obituary #BernieMadoff #PonziScheme #fraud


Pfizer Exec Caught Hoping Virus Never Ends So Pharma Can Make Bank

EDITED TRANSCRIPT - Pfizer Inc at Barclays Global Healthcare Conference (Virtual)

Carter Lewis Gould - Barclays Bank PLC, Research Division - Senior Analyst
Perfect. I think that helps bring clarity to a lot of our questions. One of the comments you guys made over the summer, and then we heard it from you, I guess, on the last earnings call, was around the longer-term business model here as we move from a pandemic to an endemic phase. Clearly got a lot of focus on the street. And in particular, some of your comments around the potential for higher pricing. I think one of the things that people point to is both the optics of that as well as some of their experience with the flu market. Now this is absolutely different. But I was hoping you could maybe give us a little bit more depth on your thoughts here and around the potential to pursue higher pricing down the road?

Here's another article on this fraud

#pfizer #vaccine #fraud #money #manipulation #war #pharma #idiocy #experiment #endemic #coroina

Pfizer Exec Caught Hoping Virus Never Ends So Pharma Can Make Bank

As Gov’t Tells Us to ‘Follow the Science’, Remember the ‘Consensus’ Once Rejected Hand Washing....

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a phrase has been thrown around by blowhards in the mainstream media and politicians alike. That phrase is “we follow the science.” However, many of the folks who constantly repeat this phrase don’t seemed too excessively concerned with actually following any science at all.
The World Health Organization and others have come out for months saying that schools are safe and that school closures are leading to a slew of horrifying childhood problems.
“Schools can reopen safely,” said Dr Ruediger Krech, WHO Director of Health Promotion, back in December.
Yet those who claim to “follow the science” continue to keep children locked down and out of school — leading to an epidemic of childhood suicide. This is just one of many examples.

Despite brutal lockdowns, mandates, the complete destruction of the economy, and putting the police state on steroids, cases still shot to record levels through December and early January. Every time they rise, the politicians take to their podiums and blame the citizens for not following their arbitrary and often entirely unscientific dictates close enough. More force is threatened and more arbitrary rules rolled out. Despite the utterly horrifying effects of the lockdowns, politicians across the world keep forcing them on the citizens. Why is that?

Are they really following the science? Does following The Science(TM) mean that scientists and experts who disagree with The Science(TM) ought to be banned, silenced, and cancelled? If not, then why is that happening despite many of these disagreements being proven right?

Throughout history, The Science(TM) has been resistant to skeptics. Anyone who challenges the established narrative is cast out, ridiculed, and shunned. Now, Big Tech has joined in and helps to silence those who are skeptical — even if they are Harvard educated experts.
It has been a week since our @Facebook page was deleted.

This happened after we posted a comment in full support of a voluntary Covid19 vaccine plan.

There has been no option to review this decision.

There is no route to appeal available for @gbdeclaration. pic.twitter.com/yTz0ue2jNk

— **_Great Barrington Declaration (@gbdeclaration) February 7, 2021_**

To be clear, a scientific consensus is not to be easily discounted. Thousands of people all coming to similar conclusions through varying applications of the scientific method is a powerful means of explaining and understanding our environment and presence on this planet and in the universe. Coming to a consensus allows humanity to make better decisions about fostering a more sustainable future and helps us figure out how to progress as a species and deal with the various woes we face — like COVID-19.

That being said, the collective is often dangerously — and deadly — wrong. Do not mistake this for a stance on vaccines, the pandemic, or any health measures. That is a moot point for the purpose of this issue. However, indoctrinating people to unquestioningly accept what The Science(TM) says as fact, through various means of information manipulation can and will have damning consequences.

Without people questioning our very reality, science would likely still be stuck in the stone ages.

This current method of cancelling, censoring, and banning, sets out to grow the herd of consensus, simply by convincing people that doing anything but unquestioningly accepting the consensus is wrong.

“Consensus messages don’t ask people to change their beliefs — they ask them to change their opinion about what other people believe, so they’re not a direct threat to their identity,” says Sander van der Linden, a psychology professor at Cambridge, who has tested the strength of “inoculation messages” in a program to manipulate people into being less skeptical.
Once people view the consensus as non-threatening, they will readily accept the science on the matter. Seems harmless enough, right?Well, it does if you haven’t studied history at all.

#consensus #eugenics #mainstream #science #lockdown #covid_19 #corruption #genocide #fraud #pandemic #censor #manipulation #disinformation


Michael Parenti ~ Democracy for the Few


'This #textbook shows how #democracy is repeatedly violated by #corporate #oligopolies, how popular forces have fought back and occasionally made gains in spite of the #system. By focusing on the relationship between #economic power and #political #power, discussing actual #government practices and #policies, #conspiracies, #propaganda, #fraud, #secrecy and other #ploys of government and #politics, this #book stands apart in its analysis of how #US Government works.'
#michaelparenti #parenti #democracyforthefew #pdf


YouTube's Fake Animal Rescue Ring

Not merely fake and fraudulent, but abusive.

Published on 3 Sep 2020
Since my latest video “YouTube's Fake Animal Rescue Channels” I decided to do a bit more digging in the fake animal rescue genre. And what I found was a disturbing connection between multiple channels, that seems to be a legitimate animal abuse ring right here on YouTube.

The Channels Discussed:

  • KM Daily
  • Happy Dog
  • The Rescue Journey TV
  • pabloxito17
  • Love Rescue Animals
  • yorquy
  • Animal Lighthouse
  • Little Furry Friends
  • Animal SafeGaurd
  • The Rescue Journey

Youtube directly incentivises, supports, and profits by this.

Triggers: animal abuse.

HN discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25007435


#youtube #fraud #AnimalAbuse


From WeMove.eu:


Have you seen what’s going on in Belarus? Hundreds of thousands of people on the streets protest against rigged elections. It looks like the days of “Europe’s Last Dictator”, Alexandr Lukashenko, are counted.

But only if people of Belarus are not left on their own! And Belarus borders on the EU, so EU’s role is key!.

I have just signed a petition to the EU leaders to act now. They must not recognize Lukashenko a President and free elections are needed in Belarus asap.

Will you join me and sign the petition too?

#wemove #activism #politics #elections #belarus #fraud #protests #2020




You know, the non-randomized study on the chloroquine/azithromycin "coronavirus cure" that Trump has been touting to the credulous?

Turns out the lead French investigator and team behind the paper _ who, by the way, has a history of faking data and being banned from journal publications — is ALSO the Editor-in-Chief of the sole journal that published it and falsely claimed it had been peer-reviewed.

What an AMAZING coincidence, huh…?

Also, you remember how the the marketing of this study and its alleged treatment claimed that 100% of the patients in the group that received the treatment recovered?

That’s because they dropped the patients who got worse, died, or couldn’t tolerate the drug cocktail.

#coronavirus #fraud


The Fat Rat gets his Youtube channel suspended after posting a video about Youtube allowing a false copyright claim on a song he wrote and produced to have adsense funds diverted to a scammer. Youtube washes their hands of it. Video accrues 3 million views. So Google removes his video from Google search. And now they nuke his channel. Wow.


#Youtube #Google #Adsense #Fraud

I'd like to the video itself but it's gone now.


WARNING: this rabbit hole is deep

The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire, is a documentary film that shows how Britain transformed from a colonial power into a global financial power. At the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

#Britain #British #Empire #CityOfLondon #London #international #financial #secrecy #tax #haven #offshore #wealth #elite #network #corruption #money #power #politics #crime #abuse #theft #fraud #lies #war #psychology #dysfunction



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