

found some links about the actual situation for #Ukraine - with all respect and admiration for their fight against Russia ...
I fear the situation has now reached a tipping point for the country...
besides being forced to sell itself to #blackrock and other #European big corporations for a reconstruction of the infrastructure, a destroyed industry, and those Western „saviours“ getting hold of their fertile soil (why always #Baerbock slips into my mind when I want to write #Blackrock ... ;)

beside all this where slowly but steadiyl I wonder what they are fighting for with all these implications ...(?)
now this

not only mines and cluster bombs from both sides anywhere but now a contaminated land ....

found this about #Kosovo #1995 and #Iraq war - about the use of #du bombs #depleted_uranium used by NATO
German #documentary from 2006 (no subtitles available)

they do not have the time to think about it.... fighting not only against the agressor but now also a barren, sold-out, devastated country at the mercy of the other side of the medal - BIG MONEY

our Eastern German guys and gals can tell the story - look for #Treuhandanstalt or read about the „toxic“ (what a word....) #EU #UE


A million lives later, I cannot forgive what American terrorism did to my country, Iraq

The ‘new Iraq’ that the warmongers promised us did not bring Starbucks or startups, but car bombs, al-Qaida and Islamic State [...]

The corporate mediascape in the US was an echo chamber for state propaganda. It wasn’t just the Manichaean worldview of post-9/11 national security hysteria, but a deep-seated colonial mentality – variations on the white man’s burden. An analysis of US TV news in the few weeks preceding the invasion found that sources expressing scepticism of the war were massively underrepresented. The media performed its function quite well in manufacturing consent and parroting official propaganda. In March 2003, 72% of American citizens supported the war. We should never forget this [...]

Today, there are 1.2 million internally displaced persons in Iraq, most of them in camps. An estimated 1 million Iraqis have died, directly or indirectly, as a result of the invasion and its aftermath. It is not just the body politic that is disfigured, but the body itself: the depleted uranium left by occupying forces has been connected to birth defects still today, especially in Fallujah, where there are also elevated rates of cancer.

#iraq #war #usa #ukraine


(now 20 years ago) Ten years ago, a major American magazine published a bombshell report about the non-existence of Iraq’s WMDs. But it was hardly noticed by a corporate press corps too busy hyping the threat from those non-existent weapons.

The story appeared in the March 3, 2003, issue of #Newsweek–a short piece with the headline “The Defector’s Secrets.” It almost seemed as if the magazine didn’t know what it had on its hands. Or perhaps it did.

Inspectors were told “that after the Gulf War, #Iraq destroyed all its chemical and biological weapons stocks and the missiles to deliver them,” Barry wrote. All that remained were “hidden blueprints, computer disks, microfiches” and production molds. The weapons were destroyed secretly, in order to hide their existence from inspectors, in the hopes of someday resuming production after inspections had finished. The #CIA and MI6 were told the same story, Barry reported, and “a military aide who defected with Kamel… backed Kamel’s assertions about the destruction of #WMD stocks.”
#IraqInvasion #Politics #20yearsOfShame #NeverForget #Bush #Blair #CollinPowel #WarCrime #CrimeAgainstHumanity



Aside from #Bush & #Cheney who is at fault for the disastrous #Iraq War? Check out this rogue gallery of war hawks.

It wasn't a war, it was an illegal invasion that is still ongoing.

Much has been said about the Iraq war and its failures over the last 20 years, including the roles of key decision makers like President Bush and Vice President Cheney. But what is perhaps not as well known is just how many people were involved in making it a reality. From White House staffers and senior officials, to allied think tank “experts” and prominent media figures, the Iraq war had many, many authors.

We asked nearly two dozen experts, journalists, former government officials, and others, which individual — outside of Bush or Cheney — was the underrated architect and promoter of the war in Iraq, and why. It’s important that we understand just how this country could end up on such a disastrous course by chronicling the widespread enthusiasm for in Washington and beyond.

#Politics #History #WarCrime #WMD #WMDlies #Politicd #Biden #Blair #Berlusconi



Hoy hace 20 años EEUU invadía Irak bajo el pretexto de que el país poseía armas de destrucción masiva. Aquellas armas no existían, y quienes lideraron la invasión lo sabían.

Lo que vino después: colapso social, terrorismo islamista, auge del ISIS y cerca de un millón de muertos.

Ninguno de los responsables ha sido imputado por la justicia internacional por aquel crimen de lesa humanidad.

No olvidemos. No perdonemos.

Via https://mastodont.cat/@Shine_McShine@paquita.masto.host

#Iraq #Açores


The United States invaded Iraq 20 years ago. The rationale for the war was a lie, and the consequences remain to this day.

The killing continues, two decades on. In February alone, at least 52 civilians died in Iraq in shootings, bombings, or other attacks. The violence is an echo of the war in Iraq, which the United States launched in the overnight hours of March 19-20, 2003.

Iraq could do little against a "shock and awe" campaign carried out by a US-led "coalition of the willing" that included the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland.

Within three weeks, Saddam Hussein and his brutal dictatorship were gone. Three weeks thereafter, on May 1, a triumphant President George W. Bush announced "mission accomplished" from the deck of the aircraft carrier, USS Abraham Lincoln.
#iraq #20yearsofshame #us #bush #politics #neverforget



20 years ago, US started the illegal invasion of Iraq, based on lies and manufacture "proof", a crime against humanity that went unpunished.

The architects of the invasion, the ones who lied again and again and those who committed war crime in the 2 decades long invasion of Iraq are all free. Except for a few "bad apples" some who received the presidential pardon from Trump. They all living their happy lives.

The got rich, either during the war, or after it when they wrote books, received 100s of thousands of dollars for speech and interviews justifying their actions or play dumb or forgetful.

The same people are now calling for prosecution of Putin and his criminal foot soldiers for the invasion of Ukraine.

#Politics #Iraq #IraqInvasion #NeverForget #20yearsofShame #Bush #Blair #WarCrime #History


Iraq invasion, 20 years on! But don't forge the years before that!

"We think the price was worth it"
- Madeline Albright, Secretary of State under Clinton, asked in 1996 about the death of 500.000 Iraqi children as a result of sanctions on Iraq.
Sanctions also had an impact on a child mortality rate - around 200 deaths per 1000 births in 1995.

#Iraq #Invasion #Inhumanity #Genocide #Clinton #NeverForget
(warning Twitter link)


In another shocking development, Basir Assad, dictator of Syria arrived in Abu Dhabi to meet with the dictators of United Arab Emirate.

The arch enemies of yesterday, seems to be shaking hands and the leaders of those countries receive military escort on arrival, the red carpet and warm welcome into the new "Arab brotherhood".

It seems like the Chinese position in negotiating peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia had some side effects as well, including the acceptance of Syria into the Arab league, group they were kicked out of over a decades ago.

Despite the nauseating image of these monsters meeting each other, it may have positive impact on the war thorn region facing the growing danger of ISIS and the radical fraction of AlQaeda (the old AlQaeda, just like the Taliban seems to be more friendly with the west and tolerant toward their former enemies).

Will this last? Can this finally end the 20 years of bloodbath ignited by the American war on terror and the criminal invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as daily bombings of countries in west Asia and north Africa by US and it's NATO "peace loving" aggressors.

Will the 2023 be the year of peace in the region? i for one am too afraid of feeling hopeful, but I honestly hope my fear s are wrong and we see a slow end of the "New World Order" that Bush and his criminal neo-con gang created.

#PersianGulf #UAE #Syria #Politics #Peace #ArabLeague #Iraq #Iran #China #US #Afghanistan #NATO #ISIS #AlQaeda

استقبال گرم رئیس امارات از «بشار اسد» در ابوظبی

🔹«بشار اسد» رئیس جمهور سوریه، در رأس هیئتی بلندپایه و با استقبال رسمی «محمد بن زاید»، رئیس امارات، وارد ابوظبی شد.

🔹هواپیمای بشار اسد در حین ورود وی به آسمان ابوظبی با جنگنده‌های اماراتی اسکورت شد


Halabja : 35 years later!

Time flies. It wasn't yesterday, but I still remember the first I heard the news on shortwave radio.

Saddam had used chemical weapons again, but this time targeting civilians in IrQi Kurdistan.

Reports were mentioning some horrifying scenes of people lying dead on the allys and pathways, door fronts or in their homes.

US and UK did everything in their power to prevent the UN to condemn the Saddam regime and put the blame first on Iran, then under pressure, changing the UN resolution to condemn both sides using chemical weapons.

Even 10 years later, long after operation Desert Storm and massive bombing campaign that followed, the no fly zone over Iraqi Kurdistan and occasional bombing of Saddam military operating there, a team of reporters from American TV channel CBS went to visit the place.

The 60 minutes team visited Halabja, met with the locals and went to see the graves. The people were desperate, 100s of people were still suffering from the aftermath of the chemical attacks. Without any help, they were suffering and dying.

Even the ground water was contaminated, partially because of the clean up operation, but also from the corps of the victims leaking deadly chemicals into the ground water that people used for drinking and farming.

The short 20 minutes or so that the CBS team used in their broadcast went missing during the lies of post 9/11, when suddenly US started to scare the world of the danger of Saddam with his WMDs and Collin Powell went to the UN and showed the world what he claimed being enough Anthrax to kill thousands of people in the most horrifying way.

What they didn't say was that Powell was one of Reagan's men working with Saddam's army to coordinate their attacks against Iranian and Kurdish forces. He was probably aware of fhd usage of a cocktail of chemical weapons given to Saddam by German chemical companies, with the help of French and Italian scientist and American helicopters and Soviet chemical bomb canisters. But Powell didn't say anything about those, he was quiet for 15 years and never ever told anyone how much help and Support Saddam received from Americans, French and Britta to fight the barbarian army of Iranians. Because after all Iran was the enemy, not Saddam.

35 years have past, none of those who provided those deadly weapons to Saddam were prosecuted nor named or shamed.

Saddam is gone, and once again, Iran is the target of the US and the memory of those victims of chemical attacks against Halbja and over 30 Iranian sites that no one even care to remember, are all gone.

US is now the savior of the free world, standing up alongside other NATO nations against the new enemy from the east, Putin and his friends Lukashenko and Reisi with the hint of help from China.

America is the source of good, and only grumpy old men like me remember the dirty history of men who are acting like they are the moral guardians of our world.

And for people of Halabja, no one really cares.

#Halabja #ChemicalAttacks #Hisgory #Iraq #Saddam #Reagan #Iran #PersianGulf #NeverForget #NeverForgive



#propeace #pivottopeace
#holdleaderstoaccount #holdrepresentativestoaccount

#warisnottheanswer #imperialismisnottheanswer #downwithimperialism

#keeptheamericanpeopleoutofpolitics #americanisolationism #americaninsularity #americanignorance #humansuffering #hegemony #puppetgovernment #hubris #whenyoudontholdleaderstoaccount #endlesswar #mccarthyism #neomccarthyism #unipolarworld #PNAC

#vietnam #iraq #afghanistan
#alessonunlearned #lessonsunlearned
#libya #syria
#ukraine #taiwan

#beyondappearances #peoplearegood


bonus, to add more context:


#projectbluebeam #fakealieninvasion

shows the continued lack of respect for truth, for you, for reality.

they want a common enemy, a flase flag event, to terrorise everybody united against a common enemy? if they keep doing these sort of things, they'll make themselves that. a small part of me satirically quips "carry on", as if wanting them to shoot themselves in the foot in that ultimate way. a much larger part of me thinks, we've no need for this. we can transcend their bullcrap, obsolete their paradigm, their philosophy, their poisonous paternalism.


Record number of states shut down the #Internet in 2022

source pdf: https://www.accessnow.org/cms/assets/uploads/2023/02/KeepItOn-2022-Report.pdf

#India made at least 84 internet blocks in 2022, according to the analysis. It thus holds the top spot for the fifth year in a row. #Ukraine suffered 22 blockages caused by the Russian #military as part of its war of aggression. #Iran follows in third place with 18 shutdowns - a new national annual record due to massive demonstrations in the country. Other countries affected included #Afghanistan, #Algeria, #Armenia, #Azerbaijan, #Bangladesh, #Brazil, #China, #Cuba, #Ethiopia, #Iraq, #Jordan, #Kazakhstan, #Libya, #Myanmar, #Nigeria, #Oman, #Pakistan, #Russia, #SriLanka, #Sudan, #Syria, #Turkey, #Tunisia, #Uganda, #Yemen and #Zimbabwe.

#politics #censorship #humanrights #problem #news #blocking #www #web #shutdown