

Forget about Israel's drone strike in #Isfahan. the missile attack against #IRGC base in #Azerbaijan or bombing of aid convoy on the way to #Syria from #Iraq, THIS is what raising the tension in the region.

According to the Iranian news agency IRNA, #Iran on Tuesday formally unveiled the world's first subterranean airbase called "Eagle 44," which can house fighter jets and long-range cruise missiles. Top military officials from Iran, including Army Commander Major General Abrolrahim Mousavi and Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri, reportedly attended an inaugural ceremony. Iranian officials emphasized how the airbase will help their military undertake a variety of missions more effectively while also adopting a tough stance toward their main foe, #Israel.


Reports of 6 trucks (allegedly carrying Iranian weapons) being targeted by an air strike while crossing Iraq’s Qaim border crossing towards Al-Bukamal in Syria.

This is fucking insanity.

Freaking Netanyahu has done it.

This is war.

#Iraq #Iran #Syria #israel


For years people have been illegally sent back from #Italy to #Greece in secret prisons on private ships.

After months of investigating, we’ve found where #asylum seekers, including children, are being detained.

While European passengers are enjoying their holiday trips on board #Superfast ferries, below deck - in metal boxes & dark rooms - asylum seekers from #Afghanistan #Syria & #Iraq are detained.

#Europe #Inhumanity #Refugees #Politics

Follo Twitter tread for full info:


One of the sad new words in Farsi/Persian language since the #IRI in #Iran is the word #Koulbar(کولبر) that literally means "Person who carries things on his/her shoulders".

It refers to men (mostly) but also women who smuggle items from Iraq and Turkey and back over the #Zagros mountains on their back. Anything from cigarettes, to medicine, fuel up to refrigerators, stoves, ovens and even washing machines.

it is an extremely hard and dangerous job as both Iran, #Turkey and #Iraq seems to go after these people and try to catch them or in many cases even shoot them from distance.

The smuggling of items is nothing new, but it was done with donkeys and mules in the old days an later replaced with trucks and 4WDs, but since the Iraq/Iran war in the 80s, the borders have been heavily mined, or controlled.

Things get extremely dangerous during winter where high mountains of Zagros can create shocking changes in temperature going from +15 down to -20 in the matter of hours, with heavy winds and snow on top of it.

Hiva Ekhtialroldini, 16 year old Koulbar from the Kurdish city of #Baneh is the latest young man who died when coming back from Iraqi #Kurdistan.

#Economy #Poverty


“The story of #Baghdad's worst #massacre

In December 2020, President #Trump #pardoned four #Blackwater security guards who committed one of the worst acts of #terrorism. Paul Slough, Evan Liberty, Dustin Heard and Nicholas Slatten were part of the convoy that killed 17 innocent Iraqi citizens including a nine year old Ali, 19 year old Ahmed and 11 year old Qasim.

On Sept 16, 2007, at approximately 12:08 p.m., in Nisour Square, Baghdad, a heavily armed Blackwater convoy consisting of four large South African­ made “Mamba” armoured vehicles with machine guns mounted on top made a surprise U turn as they entered the square. While they entered, a young Iraqi medical student named Ahmed Hathem al-Rubaie was driving his mother, Mahasin, in the family’s white Opal sedan after dropping his father Jawad at a hospital where he worked as a pathologist. Ahmed was in the third year of medical school. It was the month of Ramadan so they were fasting. Ahmed’s mother, was also a doctor--an allergist. They could've left Iraq but Jawad believed they were needed in the country.
“I feel pain when I see doctors leaving Iraq,” he said.

While the blackwater convoy proceeded to drive the wrong way on a one-way street. Ali Khalaf Salman, an Iraqi traffic cop was on duty in Nisour Square on that day. As Khalaf watched, the convoy came to an abrupt halt. He says a large white man with a mustache, positioned atop the third vehicle in the Blackwater convoy, began to fire his weapon “randomly.”

Khalaf heard a woman screaming, “My son! My son!” The police officer sprinted toward the voice and found a middle-aged woman inside a vehicle holding a 22 year old man who had been shot in the forehead and was covered in blood. “I tried to help the young man, but his mother was holding him so tight,” Khalaf recalled.

Another Iraqi policeman, Sarhan Thiab, ran towards the car. “We tried to help him,” Thiab said. “I saw the left side of his head was destroyed and his mother was crying out, ‘My son, my son! Help me, help me!’”

While Khalaf was yelling, “Don’t shoot, please!” But as he stood with his hand raised, a gunman from the fourth Blackwater vehicle opened fire on the mother gripping her son and shot her dead before Khalaf’s and Thiab’s eyes. “I saw parts of the woman’s head flying in front of me, blow up,” Thiab said. “They immediately opened heavy fire at us”.

Within moments, Khalaf says, so many shots had been fired at the car from “big machine guns” that it exploded, engulfing the bodies inside in flames, melting their flesh into one.

“Each of their four vehicles opened heavy fire in all directions, they shot and killed everyone in cars facing them and people standing on the street,” Thiab recalled.
The victims were identified as Ahmed Hathem al-Rubaie and his mother, Mahasin. Ahmed’s father, Jawad, has a brother, Raad, who worked in a nearby hospital where victims of the shooting were being taken. “He heard the shots,” Jawad recalls. “It was a battle, a fight, a war. And of course, it didn’t occur to him that his mother and brother were the victims--among the victims of the incident.”

Raad “went to the morgue, and the person who was responsible for the morgue told him that they received 16 bodies as casualties from the incident that day.
They were all identified,
identifiable, except for two. Two bodies completely burnt. . . . They were put in black plastic bags.”

Raad suspected that it could be Ahmed and Mahasin but, he said, “my heart didn’t want to believe it.” He and his wife drove to Nisour Square and ound a badly burnt white sedan. The license plate was not on the vehicle, but Raad’s wife found an imprint of the numbers in the sand. Raad called Jawad and began reading the numbers on the vehicle and confirmed his worst fears.

Jawad raced to the morgue and found out that were some forty bullet holes in their vehicle.

Seventeen Iraqis died and more than twenty wounded in one of the worst acts of terrorism.

Another Iraqi officer on the scene, Hussam Abdul Rahman, said that people who attempted to flee their vehicles were targeted. “Whoeve tepped out of his car was shot at immediately, he said.

“I saw women and children jump out of their cars and start to crawl on the road to escape being shot,” said Iraqi lawyer Hassan Jabar Salman, who was shot four times in the back during the incident. “But still the iring kept coming and many of them were killed. I saw a boy of about ten leaping in fear from a minibus--he was shot in the head. His mother was crying out for him. She jumped out after him, and she was killed”

Mohammed Abdul Razzaq and his 9 year old son, Ali, were in a vehicle immediately behind Ahmed and Mahasin, the first victims that day.

“We were six persons in the car - me, my son, my sister, and her three sons. The four children were in the back seat,” Razzaq said. He recalled that the Blackwater forces had “gestured stop, so we all stopped. . . . It’s a secure area, so we thought it will be the usual: we would stop for a bit as convoys pass. Shortly after that they opened heavy fire randomly at the cars with no exception.” He said his vehicle, “was hit by about thirty bullets. Everything was damaged.


#Iraq #politics


Will Blair's words unkill the 100,000 Iraqi civilians? No. The Judeo-Anglo-American elites wanted the inevitable #terrorism, so it could be brought to the West & function as a tool for the erosion of Westerner's #rights & the implementation of the #surveillance state. Westerner's didn't even get cheap energy from Iraq, it was a massive transfer of wealth from taxpayers to plutocratic elites & their political puppets. Mass murderer #Blair is a multimillionaire with multiple homes; he's warm in #winter.

#tonyblair #iraq #iraqwar #weaponsofmassdestruction #technocrats #collateraldamage #massmurder #georgebushjr #criminals #puppetpoliticians #uk #usa



One #Football stadium is in #Basra, Iraq, the other is in #KhorramShahr, Iran, only 15km from each other. Both built by Iran's regime.

Can you guess which one is which?

As the icing in top of the cake, the Iraqi team playing a match in the Iran built football stadium, referred to Persian Gulf as "Arabian Gulf" just like the shit hole countries in the Persian Gulf region.

And people wonder why Iranians are pissed off at this criminal gang ruling the country.

#Iran #Iraq #PersianGulf #DumbFuckistan #IRI


1.32M subscribers

"The only thing more bizarre than a 16ft, or nearly 5-meter tall statue, depicting a 5 legged human headed Bull with Wings, (which btw, was carved out of one massive piece of stone, and weighing some 40 Imperial tons, or 80 THOUSAND POUNDS). – Yes, the only thing stranger than this statue and the few others like it, is how and where they found them…Buried and consumed in earth, almost as if they were devoured by some sort of Cataclysmic mud-flood like event. These spectacular, yet ominous Winged-Bull sculptures are known as the Lamassu, and are among the remnants of the Assyrian Empire which made up the heart of #Ancient #Mesopotamia, or commonly referred to as, the Fertile Crescent. And I have to say that, the only thing more bizarre than the statues themselves, or how and where they found them, - is the deliberate, continued, and systematic destruction of Ancient #Iraq. Which let’s not forget, just so happens to be the very land that has long been referenced as the so-called, ‘The Cradle of Civilization’, the very place where the #Sumerians emerged."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=V8y7_pVX30E


John Bolton heckled over Julian Assange, Iraq, Afghanistan, US war crimes.

At an event about current National Security threats—

I asked AmbJohnBolton hy he lied about #WMD’s in #Iraq, covered up #warcrimes in #Afghanistan, and celebrated when Julian #Assange was arrested.

I was immediately detained and removed from the event.

#Activism #Politicd


"Mr Bolton, how do you expect us to trust you when you lied about WMDs in Iraq?"

WATCH: John Bolton is confronted by an activist who was immediately detained and removed from the event.
#Bolton #WMD #Iraq #politics