

Reality of life and death in #Gaza
This world empire of the satanic deathcult is anything but civilized !
civilization is not civil but an evilization
people are just pawns in the great game played by the super rich vile villains

In Killing Gaza, journalists Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza.
Yet this film is much more than a #documentary about #Palestinian #resilience and #suffering.

It is a #chilling #visual #document #of #war #crimes committed by the Israeli #military, featuring direct testimony and evidence from the survivors.

"Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen’s powerful new film, 'Killing Gaza,' offers an unflinching and moving portrait of a people largely abandoned by the outside world, struggling to endure." - Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, best-selling author and activist Chris Hedges.
#Killing Gaza - #Behind The #Headlines


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#nasty world ,

orders compliance with the #evil #agendas of the #insane ones

you must take the poisons or else

Booster Jab is a #money-grab

Vax-pushing #EU chief Von der Leyen's husband is an executive in the #COVID-19 #vaccine #business, and there are major #crimes being #committed by her and the EU over this.

There are already court filings in #Europe, which EU media and EU NGOs - nearly all in Soros' pocket - are trying to hide.

It's also coming out that Von der Leyen - #Germany's former defence minister - is pushing for the #war, and #killing all those tens of #thousands of untrained Ukrainians #dying in the #minefields - apparently to #enrich her friends in the #weapons #industries. Von der Leyen hints she has friends in NATO who can whack people dead if they don't shut up about her crimes.

The 4th Reich's new twist is that it's led by criminal women, German women at the top. EU offices are largely female.

From a brief filed with Judge-President Lenaerts of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg: "Ursula Von der Leyen seems to be in major financial crimes involving millions, with her husband in the covid vaccine business ... Belgium has jurisdiction over crimes in EU offices, so OLAF and EPPO [EU prosecutors] would need to use Belgian officials to prosecute.

"Von der Leyen shields herself by engaging in open corruption with Belgian gov't ministers ... Belgium operates a bribery-extortion scheme over EU Citizen Rights, openly violating important CJEU Court Order C-535/19 of 15 July 2021, guaranteeing universal EU Citizen national Health System Access ... Belgium demanding bribes from EU citizens

"Honest EU Commission staffers are being intimidated and terrorized by Von der Leyen---"Von der Leyen, corrupt to the core regarding both covid vaccine contracts and her joining in crimes with Belgium and violation of Court Orders, is thought by some at the EU to be under blackmail by foreign powers, and this is related to Von der Leyen's continuous posturing and promotion of military conflict in Ukraine."



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Mirrored from Humanity is under attack https://rumble.com/v2lz7gy-edited-bbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-stew-peters-goes-head-to-head-with-b.html
Source: https://rumble.com/v2lw3e0-bbc-doesnt-want-you-to-see-this-stew-peters-goes-head-to-head-with-bbc-watc.html Links: Stew Peters goes into the lion’s den and teaches the BBC a lesson.
Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn’t want you to see.
The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary “Died Suddenly”.
Stew financed and released “Died Suddenly” to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.
Throughout the #interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the #mainstream #media.
The BBC continues to promote a #bioweapon #injection that is #killing #children.
The fake news “journalists” were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew’s questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.
Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin’s sudden collapse on national television.
The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.
In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.
The United States is funneling #money into the fake construct of a country called #Ukraine.
The #Covid-19 #pandemic was used to enact a massive #worldwide #depopulation event.
People must be held accountable for their blatant #crimes #against #humanity and that also includes lying journalists.


new normal ? is #Killing #Children for Profit:

Europe Suffers 1580% Spike In Child Deaths Following EMA Approval of COVID Vaccine for Children

Feb. 12, 2023

The alleged COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of our lives, and the approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for children was seen as a ray of hope by those who believe everything that their television tells them.

However, recent statistics given to EuroMOMO by the official authorities of 27 countries across Europe, including the UK, France, Italy, Spain and most of Germany, have shown a significant increase in excess deaths among children ever since the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the COVID-19 injection for 12 to 15-year-olds in 2021, and then 5 to 11-year-olds just a few months later.

So much so, that they have increased by a worrying 1,580% compared to the same period of time when it was both the height of the alleged pandemic, and the Covid-19 injection was not being offered to children.

Prior to the approval of the Covid-19 vaccine for children, the number of excess deaths among children in Europe was non-existent.

According to EuroMOMO, in the first 21 weeks of 2021, there were 346 fewer deaths than expected, meaning there were minus-346 or 0 excess deaths.

However, as soon as the EMA approved the Covid-19 vaccine for 12 to 15-year-olds in week 22 of 2021, the number of excess deaths began to rise, significantly.

This increase in excess deaths was of course not publicised in the mainstream media. But came as no surprise to those who were already aware of the heavily censored damage that Covid-19 vaccination was doing to adults.

If it had been publicised, instead of being swept under the carpet, it would have sparked widespread concern among parents who had chosen to vaccinate their children due to believing everything they are told on the television.

It would have also prevented other parents from forcing their children to get a vaccine they simply did not, and do not need, when the European Medicines Agency (EMA) extended the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection for use in 5 to 11-year-old children just a few months later.

This may have, therefore, prevented the shocking increase in excess deaths that have been recorded among children in Europe up to the end of 2022.

But as it stands, the consequences of the choice to extend the emergency use authorisation of the Covid-19 vaccine to children has had far-reaching implications.

And it is evidence of the authorities' priorities and inhumane approach to public health due to so carelessly disregarding the health and safety of children in the pursuit of a vaccine campaign that has done nothing but cause widespread devastation and created huge profits for Big Pharma.

According to EuroMOMO, there were 466 fewer deaths than expected among children in Europe throughout the whole of 2020 at the height of the alleged pandemic.

However, as we know the alleged pandemic didn't really hit Europe until around March 2020.

Unfortunately, for the authorities, this makes the decision to jab children even worse, as 616 fewer deaths were recorded among children at the height of the alleged pandemic.

Couple this with the fact this trend continued in 2021 up to the EMA extending the emergency use authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 injection for use in 12-15-year-old children, then you can see why these figures raise serious questions as to why Governments, NGOs, Medicine Regulators, and tax-payer funded scientists and doctors were so eager to get an experimental mRNA gene therapy into the arms of children.

The figures prove that the alleged Covid-19 virus was posing no risk to children, and they were in fact in better shape than ever.

This is why it is truly unbelievable that children have been subjected to experimental vaccines with known side effects and unknown long-term consequences.

Tragically, following the emergency approval of the Covid vaccine for children, a staggering 1,953 excess deaths were recorded between week 22 of 2021 and week 52 of 2022.

For comparison, there were 334 excess deaths recorded among children between week 22 and week 52 of 2019.

Therefore, between week 22 of 2019 and week 52 of 2020, there were 132 fewer deaths than expected among children aged 0-14 across Europe.

This allows us to do a side-by-side comparison against the post-Covid-19 vaccine authorisation figures.

But due to the fact a negative number of excess deaths were recorded prior to authorisation of the Covid-19 vaccine for children and at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is hard for us to equate the exact increase in excess deaths.

The percentage increase of 1,953 excess deaths between week 22 of 2021 and week 52 of 2022 against -132 excess deaths between week 22 of 2019 and week 52 of 2020 equates to -1,580%. Of course, we know that excess deaths have in fact increased and not decreased so we could say that excess deaths have increased by 1,580% / 16.8x.

Or we could turn the -132 excess deaths in 19/20 into the number 1, and add the same difference to the 1,953 excess deaths in 21/22. This equates to 2,086 excess deaths. The increase in excess deaths then equates to a shocking and unbelievable 208,500% / 2,086x increase.

But whichever way we look at it, both the figures and correlation are clear. EMA approval of the Covid-19 vaccine for children caused a significant increase in excess deaths across Europe when they were suffering fewer deaths than expected prior to the approval.

In conclusion, the increase in excess deaths across Europe since the approval of the COVID-19 vaccine for children raises important questions about the safety of the vaccine and the choices made by authorities.

The fact that authorities continue to push for the vaccination of children, despite the overwhelming evidence of harm, is both inhumane and a betrayal of public trust.

It is imperative that an immediate investigation is launched to uncover the reasons behind this tragedy and to hold those responsible accountable.

We cannot allow this to continue any longer. The safety and well-being of our children must be our top priority. We must demand transparency, accountability and an end to this ongoing vaccine experiment on our children.

It is time for parents, educators, and healthcare professionals to unite and take a stand against this devastating reality.


Killing Children for Profit: Europe suffers 1580% spike in Child Deaths following EMA approval of COVID Vaccine for Children


WW3? #Ukraine/US vs. Donbass/Russia

who`s #phone is going to hit by their #drone tone
bang your #dead
When all the human battalions of selectively gathered fight capable men are dead and defunded, and the war is conducted by autonomous drones, using a global satellite intelligence and control network, how will anyone know 'who' is doing it ? The combatant distinctions are already becoming blurred as more remote controlled devices are deployed.

The current rules and diplomatic trigger points will be obsolete by then, just as the law has not kept up with silicon valley's developments and big pharma's developments. When all of these sectors become one big corporate technological unity it will be a #global #technological #killing #machine active in all regions, versus low social credit score humans.

#death cult culling any dissenters world wide with one click of a mouse
who knew that mouse`s could be so deadly ?
Drone use is widening in Ukraine, bringing with it potential dawn of robotic killing machines
Tuesday, January 10, 2023 by: JD Heyes



"The existence of wolves contributes to a richer animal and plant life. Human survival depends on healthy ecosystems."
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Last winter, #Sweden authorized the #killing of 27 #wolves, while hunters in neighboring #Norway had permission to kill 51 wolves—about 60% of the lupine population—and #Finland approved the culling of 27 wolves.