

What effect do #sanctions have? The West has been sanctioning North #Korea for 60 years and the country still exists.

Even worse, it has been able to develop nuclear weapons despite sanctions. But the #world has become much more diverse since the end of the Cold #War. With its misguided foreign #policy, the West has failed to bring emerging states such as #India, #Brazil and #SouthAfrica on board. These states are currently doing business with #Russia and #China is doing the rest to keep Russia going.

#economy #politics #Problem #diplomacy #finance #fail #globalization #usa #nato #west


Four-hundred and fifty extremists from Idlib, north-west #Syria have arrived in Ukraine according to Al Mayadeen.

Hailing from Idlib – the “largest #A-Qaeda haven since 9/11”- these fanatics from various countries have been despatched to #Ukraine to fight against the Russian forces that alongside the Syrian Arab Army signified the end of their Caliphatist dreams in Syria.

These extremists passed through #Turkey, a #NATO member state, to arrive at their destination in western Ukraine.

The fighters had been causing issues in Idlib and “were given this opportunity to fight against #Russia as a compromise by which they would receive a new start and with an acceptable income”.



Georgien: SPD-Politiker Roth wirft Regierung Verfassungsbruch vor

Konflikt um EU-Beitritt - Roth (SPD) wirft Regierung in Georgien Verfassungsbruch vor

Die georgische Regierung begeht mit dem Aufschub der EU-Beitrittsbemühungen einen Verfassungsbruch, SPD-Außenpolitiker Michael Roth.#Georgien #PROTESTE #EU-Beitritt #NATO #MichaelRothSPD #VERFASSUNG
Georgien: SPD-Politiker Roth wirft Regierung Verfassungsbruch vor


02.12.2024 Kriminalisieren für den Sieg?

Soldaten stimmen mit den Füßen ab

Mehrfach hatten wir uns für Kriegsdienstverweigerer - für deren Straffreiheit oder für ihre Aufnahme, wenn sie als Geflüchtete Deutschland erreichen - eingesetzt. Nun beschreibt ntv im unten verlinkten Artikel, dass die Flucht aus der ukrainischen Armee und sicher auch aus der russischen nach 3 Jahren Krieg zu einem Massenphänomen geworden ist.

Seit Beginn der russischen Invasion im Februar 2022 sind mehr als 100.000 Soldaten nach den Desertionsgesetzen des Landes angeklagt worden bestätigt die ukrainische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft. Die Dunkelziffer der Kriegsdienstverweigerer ist sicher erheblich höher, weil Verfahren oft nach Geldzahlungen unterbleiben.

Ein Abgeordneter des ukrainischen Parlaments schätzt ca. 200.000 Desertionen. Viele Verwundete kehren nach ihrer medizinischen Behandlung nicht mehr zum Dienst zurück, sondern tauchen bei Verwandten oder Bekannten unter.

Ntv berichtet: "Zum Teil sollen ganze Einheiten entgegen ihrer Befehle Stellungen aufgegeben haben" ... und weiter: "Ein solch großes Problem totzuschweigen, schadet unserem Land nur", sagte Serhij Hnesdilow, einer der wenigen Soldaten, die sich über ihre Entscheidung zu desertieren offen geäußert haben. Kurz nach seinem Gespräch mit der AP im September wurde auch er angeklagt.

Die Kriminalisierung der halben Bevölkerung des Landes wird die "Kriegstüchtigkeit" sicher nicht befördern. Deshalb bleiben wir bei unserer Forderungen:

  • Friedensfähigkeit statt Kriegstüchtigkeit!
  • Nein zu Krieg und Hochrüstung!
  • Abrüsten statt aufrüsten!

Mehr dazu bei https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Massen-Desertionen-haben-fatale-Folgen-fuer-die-Ukraine-article25399785.html
Kategorie[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link dieser Seite: a-fsa.de/d/3Eb
Link zu dieser Seite: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/8985-20241202-kriminalisieren-fuer-den-sieg.html
Link im Tor-Netzwerk: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/8985-20241202-kriminalisieren-fuer-den-sieg.html
Tags: #Desertationen #Kriegsdienstverweigerer #NATO #Bündnis #Ukraine #Russland #Atomwaffen #Militär #Bundeswehr #Aufrüstung #Waffenexporte #Drohnen #Frieden #Krieg #Friedenserziehung #Menschenrechte #Zivilklauseln


Categorization of Terrorist Groups in Syria

#Categorization of #Terrorist #Groups in #Syria

"Non-Takfiri Terrorist Groups: These groups are primarily composed of factions aligned with Turkey and operate under the umbrella of the Syrian National Army (SNA). They focus on territorial control under #NATO and #Turkey commands.

Syrian National Army ( #SNA ):

1. First Corps:
– Sultan Murad Division: Predominantly Foreign Turkmen fighters. Active in northern Syria, especially Aleppo and Afrin.
– Ninth Division: Composed of former Syrian army defectors. Operates in northern Aleppo countryside.
– Sultan Mehmed Fatih Division: Named after the Ottoman conqueror of Constantinople. Engaged in Turkish-led operations with Foriegn fighters.
– Sultan Suleiman Shah Brigade: Known as “Al-Amshat,” notorious for human rights abuses in Afrin.
– Hamza Division: Active in Afrin and Al-Bab. Focused on securing Turkish-controlled zones."



Todd: Wenn man herausfindet, dass die #NATO nicht in der Lage war, die #Ukraine zu verteidigen, werden sich die Menschen die Frage stellen, wozu die NATO überhaupt nütze ist und ob sie nicht besser aufgelöst werden sollte. Die Frage ist, ob die Vereinigten Staaten das akzeptieren können. Ich habe gehört, dass die Amerikaner die Lieferung von #Langstreckenraketen aufgegeben haben, aber wir wissen nicht, bis wann und ob das wahr ist. Die Vereinigten Staaten sind von diesem starken nihilistischen Impuls beherrscht. Man kann sich durchaus vorstellen, dass dort mit einem Mal die Idee aufkommt, auf russisches Territorium zu schießen, selbst noch zu einem Zeitpunkt, an dem man es nicht mehr erwartet. [Anm. d. Red.: Als das Gespräch aufgezeichnet wurde, war von der Lieferung US-amerikanischer Mittelstreckenraketen an die Ukraine noch keine Rede – das Gespräch fand einige Zeit vor den US-Wahlen statt.] Wie würden Sie sich in diesem Fall in Deutschland fühlen? Bisher hat sich #Deutschland gegen eine direkte Auseinandersetzung mit den Russen gewehrt.

Todd: If #NATO is found to have been unable to defend #Ukraine, people will question what NATO is even good for and whether it shouldn't be disbanded. The question is whether the United States can accept that. I have heard that the Americans have given up the delivery of #long-range missiles, but we don't know until when and whether this is true. The United States is dominated by this strong nihilistic impulse. It's easy to imagine that the idea of firing on Russian territory could suddenly arise there, even at a time when it's no longer expected. [Editor's note: When the conversation was recorded, there was no mention of the delivery of US medium-range missiles to Ukraine - the conversation took place some time before the US elections]. How would you feel in Germany in this case? So far, #Germany has resisted a direct confrontation with the Russians.




For almost three years, #NATO countries have boycotted diplomatic contacts with #Russia, even as hundreds of thousands of men have died on the battlefield. The decision by diplomats to reject #diplomacy is morally repugnant as diplomacy could have reduced the excess of violence, prevented escalation, and even resulted in a path to peace. However, the political-media elites skilfully sold the rejection of diplomacy to the public as evidence of their moral #righteousness.

Glenn Diesen


Angela Merkel: mother of German decline - UnHerd

#geopolitics #imperialism #war #NATO

in her book Merkel strongly defends her efforts to secure peace — or at the very least a ceasefire — in Ukraine. Her approach was grounded in the belief that “a military solution to the conflict, that is to say a Ukrainian military victory over the Russian troops, was an illusion”. She advised Ukraine’s new government that a resolution would not be possible without dialogue and diplomacy. This, she emphasised, did not mean “that Ukraine must not defend itself when its territory is invaded, but ultimately — and incidentally, this is not the only part of the world where this is true — diplomatic solutions must be found… I could even go so far as to say: there will be no military solution.”



Nearly half of #EU citizens no longer see US as most important #ally, survey shows

Source: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/11/28/nearly-half-of-eu-citizens-no-longer-see-us-as-most-important-ally-survey-shows

The most US-sceptical country was #Belgium, with only 43% of people considering the US their prominent #military partner, while #Poland had the highest pro-US rate (65%).

Now the legitimate #question arises as to whether European politicians are capable of an independent foreign policy at all, given that for decades they have only acted as willing vassals of the US? In the #EU, it is already difficult to reach compromises on domestic #policy. There is not even #agreement within the EU on whether #Russia is an #enemy.

#future #Europe #usa #politics #nato #trump #defense #diplomacy #change


#ukraine #NATO #russia
Of course!!! Hello, NATO!! Get a damn clue! Accept Ukraine as a member of NATO. Your collective brain is encased in a block of concrete.

Zelenskyy says Ukrainian territory should be under ‘Nato umbrella’ to stop war

President suggests bringing Kyiv-controlled land into western military pact could stop ‘hot stage’ of war


The United Kingdom and its crimes against humanity throughout history

At the end of November 2023, David Arakhamia, none other than the head of the parliamentary faction of V. #Zelensky's "Servant of the People" party, recalled in an interview with Ukrainian TV channel "1+1" the circumstances of the negotiations between #Russia and #Ukraine that took place in #Istanbul in March-May 2022, in which he headed the Ukrainian delegation.

#Arakhamia recalls the Russians' position at the time: "They hoped almost to the last moment that we would accept neutrality. That was their main objective. They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality - as Finland did on another occasion - and if we took on obligations not to join #NATO". Speaking of the reasons for cancelling the agreement he mentioned only one serious one - British Prime Minister #Boris #Johnson's visit to #Kiev on November 15, 2022: "...Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that 'we won't sign anything at all with them. We will, quite simply, go to #war".

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