

La #vérité sur la #WHEY : la #poudre qui fait péter - l'Observateur


Timeline et liste des sujets 👉
00:00:00 Le #Bodybuilding : le premier #mensonge #marketing de la #Whey
00:03:05 Le caractère irréversible des #stéroïdes #anabolisants
00:09:34 Le #physique idéal ( celui qui fait rêver les femmes )
00:15:30 Aux #origines de la Whey : ne pas confondre le liquide originel et la poudre
00:18:29 La Whey : l’idée marketing du siècle
00:22:34 La Whey native : la lessive qui lave plus blanc que blanc
00:25:47 Le #Mythe de la #carence en #protéines : #attention aux apprentis sorciers
00:35:24 De combien de protéines avez-vous réellement besoin ?
00:42:37 99% des gens s’entraînent comme des merdes
00:51:51 Les #dangers de l’excès de protéines
00:54:07 Optimisez d’abord ce que vous avez ( #sommeil, #nutrition, #entraînement ).
01:05:44 #Attention aux #estrogènes et à la Whey végétale
01:07:25 Le mythe de l’absorption rapide : le plus gros coup marketing de tous les temps
01:14:23 Mangez mieux

#ProteineWhey #bodybuilding #nutrition #lobservateur


Hey everyone, I’m #newhere. Thanks for the invite, @Gaffer!

Among other things, I’m interested in #activedirectory, #balloonanimals, #bears, #bodybuilding, #broadway, #chocolate, #contradancing, #dhcp, #dns, #editing, #fantasy, #food, #gingers, #leather, #livetheater, #microsoft, #musicals, #oziana, #sciencefiction, #sciencefictionandfantasy, #sex, #squaredance, #technology, #technology-consultant, #tortoises, and #writing.

I'm an openly gay man, married to another man, and living in Sunnyvale, California. I'm both a square dancer and square dance caller, edit a technical journal for square dance callers.

I enjoy reading SF&F, watching and listening to live theater (especially Broadway musicals), and nearly any type of live musical performance.

I'm also active in the SF Bay Area leather/kink community (where I've spent many years fundraising for charity with Alameda County Leather Corps).

While currently I have no pets (husbands don't count), I spent 40 years raising tortoises (desert tortoises, box turtles, and Hermann's/Greek tortoises).

Professionally, I'm a partner in a network technology/support firm, where I'm an IT architect and project manager, specializing in IT migrations and restructuring, Microsoft Active Directory diagnosis and remediation, DNS, and DHCP.


How To Repair Your DNA Naturally – Consume These Vitamin Packed Foods

How to repair your DNA naturally? This is a question I get to hear very often when discussing health issues. Our cells have mechanisms for repairing the lesions observed in our bodies. But in order to achieve this – most of the time – they need to activate their proteins.

#health #fitness #wellness #healthy #healthylifestyle #motivation #workout #gym #love #fit #lifestyle #nutrition #training #fitnessmotivation #covid #weightloss #exercise #healthyfood #fitfam #bodybuilding #beauty #life #healthyliving #food #instagood #diet #healthcare #coronavirus #selfcare #bhfyp