

Leiser Protest der Soldatenfrauen in Moskau

Russland - Leiser Protest der Soldatenfrauen

In Moskau legen Mütter und Frauen russischer Soldaten jeden Samstag am Grab des unbekannten Soldaten in Moskau Blumen nieder. Es ist ein stiller Protest.#Russland #Soldatenfrauen #Protest #Ukraine #Krieg
Leiser Protest der Soldatenfrauen in Moskau



De Groene Amsterdammer

Iedereen ziet wat er in de wereld gebeurt, en toch verandert er niets. Koop vooral wat leuks. (...)

(Tekst loopt door onder de illustratie.)

Illustratie: tekening van persoon vol pijltjes die op smartphone kijkt en uit beker drinkt

Tegenwoordig trekken via sociale media de gruwelijkste beelden voorbij, Israëls slachtpartij in Gaza wordt al maanden live uitgezonden, een uiteengereten meisjeslichaam hangt aan een muur, een jongetje werpt zich op zijn stervende vader, hoeveel dode baby’s zijn genoeg? Iedereen kan het zien, iedereen kan weten wat er gebeurt, en toch verandert er helemaal niets.

‘This is what our ruling class has decided is normal’, sprak de Amerikaanse militair Aaron Bushnell twee weken geleden in de camera. In een aanklacht tegen die normalisering filmde hij zijn tocht naar de Israëlische ambassade in Washington, hoe hij zich daar met benzine overgoot, de aansteker haperde een paar keer. ‘Free Palestine’, bleef Bushnell vanuit de vlammen zo lang mogelijk roepen. (...)

In de reguliere media werd de reden van zijn protest zelden genoemd, The Guardian schreef dat hij ‘iets schreeuwde over Palestina’. Bij de Volkskrant en de NOS verdween zijn dood in de liveblog ‘Crisis Midden-Oosten’, zonder dat hij bij naam werd genoemd. (...)

Zelfs in mijn pro-Palestijnse internetbubbel ging het vooral nog over de vraag of Bushnell nu wel of geen ‘verwarde man’ was. (...)

Tegenwoordig blijken veel mensen zo afgestompt dat ze zich niet eens meer kunnen voorstellen hoe diep het leed van anderen iemand kan raken. De wanhoop die Bushnell kennelijk voelde, om elke dag de meest verschrikkelijke dingen te zien, daar een gedwongen toeschouwer van te zijn, alsof er luciferstokjes tussen je oogleden zitten, en dan: te weten dat ‘de heersende klasse’ het ook ziet, weet wat er gebeurt, en desondanks gewoon doorgaat met het geweld tegen onschuldige burgers. Dat is toch ook gekmakend?

Nee, zeggen degenen die zich hebben aangepast: zo is het altijd al geweest.

Hele artikel

> Zie ook: Ik hoor u al: schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest. Maar Gaza doet mijn zorghart bloeden

Tags: #nederlands #gaza #israel #palestijnen #palestina #oorlog #protest #aaron_bushnell #zelfverbranding #mensenrechten #oorlogsrecht #wapens #vn #verenigde_naties #bezette_gebieden #unrwa #rafah #oorlogsmisdaden


Kommentar zu Nawalny - Es ist Zeit, seine Forderungen umzusetzen

Nawalnys Beerdigung - Kommentar: Es ist Zeit, seine Forderungen umzusetzen

Wer ein demokratisches Russland wolle, sollte Nawalnys Forderung umsetzen, kommentiert Gesine Dornblüth: Gegen illegale Vermögen des Putin-Clans vorgehen.#Nawalny #OPPOSITION #PROTEST
Kommentar zu Nawalny - Es ist Zeit, seine Forderungen umzusetzen


The damage control to distance from the semi official Mossad Twitter account is all over the internet

The disgusting post of the account that is either run by or very close to Israeli Mossad have caused an uproar among both Americans and antiwar activists on social media

But the posts of others are much worse:

He killed himself for what? Hamas or Palestine? It could be similar to what suicide bombers think when they commit suicide. Aaron Bushnell didn’t kill anyone but himself, so I’m not calling him a suicide bomber, but I am comparing the thought process and anyone who encouraged this to a suicide bomber.

Another poster said:

Someone was involved with this. Who posted it? The video was streamed on Twitch for about one hour. An independent reporter named Talia Jane found it on Twitch before it went down. Did someone tip Talia Jane @Taliaotg off? You can watch the video of Aaron Bushnell walking to the Israeli embassy and then a blurred visual of him burning himself to death on this link.

Followed by:

I don’t see honor in suicide for a cause or most reasons. I am Catholic, and this is considered a mortal sin. It’s not for me to judge. However, no one should praise someone for doing such a terrible thing to himself. It hurts too many people who care about the person. This wasn’t the way to make a statement. This method of protest should be discredited.

Laura Loomer, who is Jewish, wrote on X:

“This is what mental illness looks like. It’s sad to see people are celebrating what this man did when he clearly has severe mental issues.

“I don’t care if he’s a veteran. His behavior is unacceptable and dishonorable. There is no honor in supporting Islamic terrorists. *&$# him.

“He is a traitor to his country who lit himself on fire to support HAMAS. GAZA is controlled by HAMAS, and we need to stop supporting people who whitewash Islamic terrorism.

“If he wanted to end genocide, he should have asked Hamas to stop killing Jews. There is no such thing as Genocide in GAZA. The only people who have been genocided are Jews and Christians. Counter-terrorism isn’t genocide. I know it’s hard for those with Low IQs to understand this. But this “soldier” is very clearly a Hamas sympathizer.”

Her most recent comment to those who say she’ll want to delete what she wrote:

“No. I mean what I said. I am entitled to my own opinion. I don’t care if people are mad at me. What I said is the truth. And I will keep speaking truth. Suicide is dishonorable and so is self immolation for a HAMAS campaign.”

#AaronBushnel #Mossad #Gaza #Genocide #Protest
#SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Reactions on extreme right and pro Israeli accounts goes from sadbes, to condemnation and mostly ridicule and calling him "deeply disturbed individual".

Both CNN and News Week were forced to edit their initial posts about Aaron Bushnell's tragic protest action to include some parts of his final words but removed the reference to Palestine there.

Other articles refute that he might have been Jewish, his LinkedIn and Facebook pages have been removed, together with his final post where he explained why he chose to protest the ongoing Genocide in Gaza and American complicity in it by setting himself on fire.

Images of DC police holding a gun against him instead of trying to put out the fire have been deleted and accounts posting them receiving up to 2 week ban on Facebook and Instagram.

#AaronBushnel #Protest #Genocide #Gaza #Israel #StopIsrael #Media #SaveGaza


Suicide vs genocide: Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell

Bushnell’s extreme act of protest has put Western corporate media to shame.

On Sunday, February 25, 25-year-old active duty member of the United States Air Force Aaron Bushnell set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in the US capital of Washington, DC, in a one-airman revolt against the US-backed slaughter currently being perpetrated by the Israeli military in the Gaza Strip.

Over the past 143 days, Israel has killed nearly 30,000 Palestinians in the besieged coastal enclave. In video footage recorded prior to and during his self-immolation, Bushnell states that he will “no longer be complicit in genocide” and that he is “about to engage in an extreme act of protest – but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonisers is not extreme at all”.

To be sure, Palestinians have long been accustomed to, well, burning to death at the hands of Israeli weaponry, ever since the state of Israel undertook to lethally invent itself on Palestinian land in 1948. The Israeli military’s use of skin-incinerating white phosphorus munitions in more recent years has no doubt contributed to the whole Palestinian “experience”.

After pertinently observing that US complicity in the genocide of Palestinians is “what our ruling class has decided will be normal”, Bushnell plants himself directly in front of the Israeli embassy gate – in full US military fatigues – and proceeds to douse himself with flammable liquid. As he rapidly burns to death, he repeatedly shouts: “Free Palestine”, while security personnel order him to get “on the ground”. One particularly helpful individual points a gun at the blaze.

In the aftermath of Bushnell’s self-immolation, the New York Times announced: “Man Dies After Setting Himself on Fire Outside Israeli Embassy in Washington, Police Say” – a rather strong contender, perhaps, for the most diluted and decontextualised headline ever. One wonders what folks would have said in 1965 had the US newspaper of record run headlines like: “Octogenarian Detroit Woman Dies After Setting Herself on Fire, Police Say – An Event Having Nothing Potentially To Do With Said Woman’s Opposition To The Vietnam War Or Anything Like That”.

Speaking of Vietnam War-related self-immolations, recall renowned US historian and journalist David Halberstam’s account of the 1963 demise in Saigon, South Vietnam, of the Vietnamese monk Thich Quang Duc: “Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring. In the air was the smell of burning flesh; human beings burn surprisingly quickly… I was too shocked to cry, too confused to take notes or ask questions, too bewildered even to think”.

And while such an intense and passionate form of suicide is no doubt bewildering to many, genocide should be all the more appalling; as Bushnell himself said, self-immolation is nothing “compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine”, where people know all too well how quickly human beings burn.

In Bushnell’s case, the US political-media establishment appears to be doing its best to not only decontextualise but also posthumously discredit him. Time Magazine’s write-up, for example, admonishes that the US “Defence Department policy states that service members on active duty should ‘not engage in partisan political activity’” – as though actively abetting a genocide weren’t politically “partisan”.

Furthermore, the magazine specifies, US military regulations “prohibit wearing the uniform during ‘unofficial public speeches, interviews’”, and other activities.

Perhaps Bushnell’s ashes can be tried in military court.

At the bottom of the Time article, readers are charitably given the following instructions: “If you or someone you know may be experiencing a mental-health crisis or contemplating suicide, call or text 988” – which naturally implies that Bushnell was simply the victim of a “mental-health crisis” rather than someone making a most cogent and defiant political point in response to an extremely mentally disturbing political reality.

At the end of the day, anyone who is not experiencing a serious “mental-health crisis” over the genocide going down in Gaza with full US backing can be safely filed under the category of psychologically disturbed.

Of course, the US also perpetrated its very own genocide against Native Americans – another bloody phenomenon that has not been deemed worthy of diagnosis as a severe collective mental disturbance or anything of the sort. As per the official narrative, if you think it’s crazy for the US or its Israeli partner in crime to commit genocide, you’re the crazy one.

Coming from a family of US Air Force veterans myself – both of my grandfathers participated in the carnage in Vietnam – I have personally witnessed the psychological fallout that can attend service as empire’s executioners. Aaron Bushnell was meant to be a cog in the killing machine, but his principles cost him his life.

Indeed, according to a former colleague of Bushnell’s who worked with him to support the homeless community in San Antonio, Texas, he was “one of the most principled comrades I’ve ever known”. And while we journalists are supposed to be the ones speaking truth to power, suffice it to say that Bushnell has put Western corporate media to shame.

Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell.

#AaronBushnell #Protest #Gaza #Genocide #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#USpolitics #Palestine #Media