

#battle #heaven
The Fall of the Rebel Angels

Artist: Renaissance artist, Pieter Bruegel the Elder.
The Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels, Belgium


How #Israel helped create #Hamas

source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2014/07/30/how-israel-helped-create-hamas/

The Israelis saw Qutb's adherents in the Palestinian territories, including the wheelchair-bound Sheik Ahmed #Yassin, as a useful counterweight to #Arafat's #PLO.


Yassin's Mujama would become Hamas, which, it can be argued, was Israel's #Taliban: an #Islamist group whose antecedents had been laid down by the West in a #battle against a leftist #enemy.

#politics #history #conflict #war #terror #military #news #fail #middleEast #Palestine #Gaza

Hop hop ! J'ai besoin de l'aide des herboristes, jardiniers, experts en planplantes. :)

J'ai parié un petit pot de sa tapenade (s'il perd) contre une bouture de ma menthe chocolat (s'il gagne) avec un charmant vieux monsieur qui vend ses petites productions (confitures, sirops...) sur le marché du vendredi soir, à LespinassiÚre.
-> Il me dit que la mélisse c'est de la menthe. oO'
Je lui dis moi que c'est la mĂȘme famille (lamiacĂ©es), mais que ça n'est pas la mĂȘme plante ; mais il insiste que si. ^^
D'accord, je peux avoir recours Ă  internet, mais j'aimerais bien des avis plus perso...
Et de toute façon, je lui donnerai une bouture. :)

Ps. Je redescends lundi soir, alors c'est pas pressé.

#plantes #herbes #lamiacées #menthe #mélisse #jardin #battle


#ww11 #germany #battle
Many relatives in the US Army died in this German forest.

"How many soldiers died is not known; there were some 10,000 German and 30,000 American dead in the Huertgen Forest battle area. While the German dead are interred at the local military cemetery, U.S. soldiers cannot be buried on enemy soil. U.S. soldiers found their final resting places at the American Cemeteries in Belgium, or the Netherlands.

In February 1945, when the evacuated inhabitants returned to the Huertgen Forest in the Eifel Mountains after the end of the battle, they were greeted by a picture of horror: The villages were in ruins, the forest full of dead soldiers, and the landscape a desert of mud and wrecked equipment. The terrain was extensively mined, a deadly danger for the people. Until well into the 1950s, many mine-clearing experts and also civilians were killed by accidents involving ammunition.