

Spanien lässt Anklage wegen Rebellion gegen Carles Puigdemont fallen | DW | 12.01.2023

2017 scheiterte sein Versuch, Katalonien von Spanien abzuspalten. Seitdem musste der nach Belgien geflohene Separatistenführer eine lange Haft fürchten. Diese Bürde hat der Oberste Gerichtshof Puigdemont nun genommen.#Spanien #ObersterGerichtshof #Katalonien #CarlesPuigdemont #JuntsperCatalunya #Rebellion #Belgien
Spanien lässt Anklage wegen Rebellion gegen Carles Puigdemont fallen | DW | 12.01.2023


A quotation from Snow, C. P.

When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find that far more, and far more hideous, crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.

C. P. Snow (1905-1980) English novelist, physical chemist, bureaucrat [Charles Percy Snow]
“The Moral Un-Neutrality of Science,” speech, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New York City (27 Dec 1960)

#quote #quotes #quotation #anarchy #atrocity #compliance #crime #lawandorder #obedience #rebellion
Sourcing / notes: https://wist.info/snow-c-p/57963/


Les scientifiques multiplient les actions de désobéissance civile partout dans le monde.

« Si les scientifiques ne deviennent pas des militants, les gens ne sauront pas ce qui est en train de se passer, ni ce qui va arriver. Ils ne sauront pas que ce qui arrive est la nouvelle normalité et que ça empire chaque année au point de ne plus avoir de civilisation telle que nous la connaissons aujourd’hui. »

En 2022, le collectif mondial Scientist Rebellion prend de l’ampleur. Après une première action majeure en 2021, où plus de 100 scientifiques ont collé des copies des articles du géant de la publication scientifique Springer Nature et de la British Royal Society sur leurs bureaux, les actions se poursuivent cette année partout dans le monde : aux Etats-Unis, en Suisse, en Allemagne, ou encore en France.

#sciences #écologie #changement-climatique #scientifiques #désobéissance #réaction #rebellion


#politik #gesellschaft #rebellion #feminismus #klassenkampf #iran

Es geht um mehr als die Kleiderordnung und liberale Freiheitsrechte...

Iran: Massenaufstände gegen Patriarchat und Klassenherrschaft

Hierzulande zeigen Menschen sich solidarisch mit den Protesten gegen den Tod von Jina Amini durch die sogenannte Sittenpolizei im Iran. Solidarität sollte aber vor allem mit einer ehrlichen Anerkennung der Progressivität der Kämpfe und einer Reflexion der eigenen Lage hier in Deutschland einhergehen. In Deutschland ist das Problem von Faschismus, Sexismus und Gewalt nämlich auch lange nicht gegessen. Was ist das Besondere am kurdischen Aufstand im Iran und was kann man aus den Erfahrungen der mutigen Frauen und Männer in einem faschistoid-theokratischen System für die hiesigen Kämpfe lernen?

...Um die Klassenfrage und die Geschlechtsfrage zusammenzudenken, kann man die Hauptstadt Teherans als Paradebeispiel nehmen; Im Norden Teherans, in den reichen Stadtvierteln, können die Frauen seit langem die Rechte genießen, die den Frauen der mittleren und unteren Klasse vorenthalten werden. Die sogenannten „Rich Kids of Tehran“, über die auch eine Twitter- & Instagramseite existiert, die diese kritisch kommentiert, posten seit Jahren Bilder und Videoaufnahmen von ihrer luxuriösen Lebensweise, die offensichtlich von der islamischen Regierung toleriert wird. Wohlhabende Männer und Frauen baden und tanzen zusammen, ohne sich an islamische Kleidervorschriften zu halten. Diese Bilder nehmen die Rechts- und Linksliberalen im Westen als ein Zeichen der Liberalität, die mehrheitliche iranische Gesellschaft aber als Affront gegen all diejenigen, die nicht über diese Freiheitsrechte verfügen. Diejenigen, die Kontakte in der Regierung, Kapital und kulturelle Macht haben, erhalten Sonderrechte, die den Frauen wie Jina, die in Teheran die kostengünstigste Mobilitätform (Bahnfahren) nutzen müssen, vorenthalten werden. Um es etwas salopp auszudrücken: Die Regierung traut sich nicht, sich mit der Klasse der Kapitalbesitzer anzulegen. Der andere vereinende Grund war daher die sozioökonomische Herkunft von Jina, mit der sich die Mehrheit der iranischen Frauen und Männern identifiziert haben.

...was die Demonstrationen betrifft, ist es kristallklar, dass es die ökonomisch benachteiligten Gruppen sind, die Veränderungen in einer Diktatur herbeiführen können. Wenn eine Demonstration sich, wie im Fall des Irans, in einen Straßenkampf verwandelt, dann bleibt nur die:der auf der Straße, die:der nichts zu verlieren hat. Die Obdach- und Arbeitslosen, die Lastenträger, kurzum all diejenigen in prekären Verhältnissen, die kaum ihr Nachtbrot verdienen können, sind die tragenden Säulen der Auseinandersetzung mit den bis an die Zähne bewaffneten Sicherheitskräften. Die Klasse der Unternehmer und Kapitalisten, die jahrelang von dem kapitalistischen Wirtschaftssystem profitiert hat, beobachtet die Entwicklungen mit großer Besorgnis. Während die Sanktionen der USA die unteren Schichten in die Armut getrieben haben, hat die herrschende Klasse sich durch das Umgehen der Sanktionen mehrfach bereichert und macht sich gerade ernsthafte Sorgen um den Erhalt dieser Gewinne.

Was die Forderung der Frauen angeht, versuchen die Liberalen, die Proteste auf oberflächliche Forderungen nach Aufhebung der Kleidervorschriften zu reduzieren. Die linken Feministen dahingegen heben andere geschlechtsbasierte Unterdrückungsformen wie Lohndiskriminierung, die Nicht-Beteilung der Frauen im Erwerbsleben und ihre Unterrepräsentation in allen gesellschaftlich-produktiven Sphären hervor.

Das, was man aus den Protesten im Iran lernen kann, ist, die Macht der Massenorganisationen anzuerkennen, den Schnittpunkt zwischen Geschlecht, Ethnie und Klasse zu berücksichtigen, sich mit ernsten politischen Angelegenheiten mit radikalem emanzipatorischem Potenzial auseinandersetzten und nicht in betroffenes Schweigen zu verfallen, wenn den Zugehörigen der Minderheitsgruppen Gewalt angetan wird.
- vollständiger Artikel: https://lowerclassmag.com/2022/10/14/iran-massenaufstaende-gegen-patriarchat-und-klassenherrschaft/


This is an outstanding #documentary from #TruthstreamMedia produced in 2019 which looks at the #spiritual, #psychological and #thought #doctrine behind the Extinction Rebellion #cult which is now matching actual policy implementation being rolled out globally by politicians in an attempt to address “climate change”. There is a large element of occult ritual, as well as flawed “science” such as the claim that humans are causing it all, while the major pollutant role of the mega corporations are completely ignored.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ci9rD2N1P-E

#Extinction #Rebellion 'The #Truth#Documentary


This is an outstanding #documentary from #TruthstreamMedia produced in 2019 which looks at the #spiritual, #psychological and #thought #doctrine behind the Extinction Rebellion #cult which is now matching actual policy implementation being rolled out globally by politicians in an attempt to address "climate change". There is a large element of occult ritual, as well as flawed "science" such as the claim that humans are causing it all, while the major pollutant role of the mega corporations are completely ignored.

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ci9rD2N1P-ESee less

#Extinction #Rebellion 'The #Truth' #Documentary


#Iran’s #rebellion spreads, despite lethal #repression

source: https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2022/09/26/irans-rebellion-spreads-despite-lethal-repression

In seeking to shore up the #regime, though, the men in power have also undermined it. If it survives this round of #protests, it has no redress for the grievances that caused it; more will follow. With no prospect of reform, Iranians have no choice but to take the streets and demand radical #change. With no hope for a better economy and a measure of integration into the #world, they feel they have nothing to lose.

#politics #Islam #Religion #HumanRights #Democracy #riot #protest #news #future #problem


#art #movie #politics #exploitation #rebellion #poetry #afrofuturism #cameroon #usa

What a film. Saul Williams shows himself here as a worthy spiritual descendant of Sun Ra, Octavia Butler, Malcolm X and Audre Lorde.

Neptune Frost

In the hilltops of Burundi a group of escaped coltan miners form an anti-colonialist computer hacker collective. From their camp in an otherworldly e-waste dump, they attempt a takeover of the authoritarian regime exploiting the region's natural resources – and its people. When an intersex runaway and an escaped coltan miner find each other through cosmic forces, their connection sparks glitches within the greater divine circuitry.
- Released: 2022-06-03
Genre: Science Fiction, Music, Drama
Casts: Eliane Umuhire, Ekaterina Baker, Cheryl Isheja, Bertrand Ninteretse, Eric Ngangare
Duration: 105 min
Country: France, Rwanda, United States of America
Production: Sopherim, swan films, Quiet, Lizland Films, Redwire Pictures, Carte Blanche, JMK Films, Knitting Factory Entertainment, MartyrLoserKin, Spkn/Wrd

Here's the Trailer: https://yewtu.be/watch?v=acfBNIXovww&feature=emb_title
Full Movie: https://himovies.top/watch-movie/neptune-frost-full-86067.8859195


A quotation by McCloy, Helen

Civilization is a fiction which becomes a fact only as long as everyone can believe in it. It is the cynic, rather than the rebel, who pulls down the whole flimsy structure periodically throughout history.

Helen McCloy (1904-1994) American writer [pseud. Helen Clarkson]
A Question of Time, ch. 6 (1971)

#quote #quotation #belief #civilization #cynicism #faith #rebellion
More notes and sourcing: https://wist.info/mccloy-helen/55310/


The Russian “protest” #culture continues its procession down the road of moderateness and carefulness. First we witnessed the ROAR almanac, edited by Linor Goralik, which took in only the works by “correctly”, “humanely”, and moderately rebelling authors according to the principle “just don’t cause any inconveniences”, while also publishing poems by poor souls showing compassion to Russian jingoists. Now this tradition is continued by a band from a seemingly different cultural cluster: Russian import-oriented popular #music. It’s doubtful that the members and the vast majority of #LittleBig fans are reading Neo-modernist works, or even authors like Vera Polozkova, but this band’s new music video exhibits the very same thing: a half-hearted #rebellion.
The anti-war music video “Generation Cancellation” came out on 24th of June. This song, like many other songs of theirs, is performed in English; Little Big here tries to appear as part of the global cultural context and seemingly distance itself from the realities of “provincial” #Russia. But what we have is nothing new: cowardly pseudo-rebelliousness has become a defining characteristic of many Russian cultural figures.

https://www.nihilist.li/2022/07/06/little-big-s-pacifist-music-video-as-a-case-of-half-hearted-rebellion/ #subculture #lenin #yokoono #war #biden #putin #women


A quotation by Jefferson, Thomas

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) American political philosopher, polymath, statesman, US President (1801-09)

“Declaration of Independence” (4 Jul 1776)

#quote #quotation #despot #despotism #endurance #government #overthrow #put-up-with #rebellion #revolution #suffering #tyranny

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/jefferson-thomas/22061/


« Nous refusons de servir ce système » : des ingénieurs diplômés d’AgroParisTech appellent à déserter

Huit jeunes ingénieur.es d’AgroParisTech ont appelé leurs camarades de promotion à déserter de leurs « jobs destructeurs » et à ouvrir « d’autre voies », lors de leur cérémonie de remise de diplôme, le 30 avril. Parmi elles et eux, figure une ancienne stagiaire de Basta, Lola Keraron. Nous publions leur déclaration inspirante, pleine d'espoir et qui fait du bien. https://basta.media/AgroParisTech-nous-refusons-de-servir-ce-systeme-ingenieurs-diplomes-declaration

Tous les articles de Lola Keraron 👉 https://basta.media/Lola-Keraron

#AgroParisTech #Ingénieurs #Diplome #Bifurcation #Bifurquer #Vivant #Nature #Espoir #Discours #Appel #Deserter #Sciences #Agronomes #Agroecologie #Agriculture #MondeVivant #Engagement #Alternative #Inspiration #Plaidoyer #Anticapitalisme #Agroindustrie #Revolte #Rebellion


Scientific-academic strike and educational disobedience / Let's take back the university.

RÉBELLION SCIENTIFIQUE GLOBALE Grève scientifique et académique_

From 4-9 April 2022, Scientist #Rebellion calls for the largest global #scientific and #academic strike in history, demanding immediate and radical action in the face of the #Climate #Emergency. Simultaneously, we propose the "Take Back the University" campaign to the student body.

1.5ºC is dead. We need a climate revolution.


Face à la #gravité et l’#urgence de la situation, nous posons la question suivante : nous paraît-il cohérent de poursuivre le travail de #recherche ou d’#enseignement sans prendre en compte cette réalité alors que l’#humanité affrontera un #effondrement systémique massif dans les années à venir comme conséquence de la crise #climatique ? Quel rôle voulons-nous jouer dans l’#histoire ? #XR


New York’s Stylish Slide Into #Despotism - The Return of the Roaring #Twenties

Source: https://modernheretic.com/

The text is so fitting that this time I have to reproduce very long passages.

concern about the supposed risk posed by “the unvaccinated,” who apparently no longer merit consideration as human beings worthy of compassion; we’ve become in the minds of people like him just a filthy amalgam of contagion and stigma.

They are not, as they have styled themselves in their own delusional minds, the hip Cagney-esque mobster with a heart of gold making gin in the bathtub or the wild flapper dancing the charleston on the roof with a skirt short enough to scandalize the matronly landlady below; they are the scandalized landlady who will snitch to the #police the first chance she gets or the sanctimonious #politician who is building his profitable career on compelled temperance.

#Rebels and #Posers

Despite lusting after subversive non-conformity, these mere re-enactors are content to live in the shadows of their rebel icons, resigned to merely creating the palest imitation of the lives of truly adventurous people from the past instead of having the courage to live their own adventures today. With their obsession for safety, these people can only infuse their lives with the adventure they still crave by living vicariously through others more daring than themselves.

That is why when finally faced with the #opportunity to rage against the machine, these imposters got behind the machine and helped push it along instead. Lacking the moral courage to stand for their supposed convictions, they sublimate their own desire to be deviant into movies and make-believe. From the #punk enthusiast with a shaved head and ripped pants to the John Waters fan who identifies with the Drapes in Crybaby–many of these people who lust after subversive non-conformity and style themselves after countercultural icons are ironically, laughably, pathetically devoted to fitting in.

When it comes to the dichotomy of maestro versus tribal character types, they are #tribal people through and through. In essence, the tribal personality is the #conformist who is conventional, strives to fit in with others, and is great at tasks requiring unity and standardization. The maestro is the aloof non-conformist who is comfortably on their own wavelength, who is not afraid to think outside the box, and prefers to work independently. According to a popular career guidance book, the vast #majority of the population are tribal types, and maestros comprise a tiny minority.

It is easy to see this dichotomy illustrated in the #pandemic. We see it amply demonstrated in mask compliance, with tribal individuals basing the strictness of their mask-wearing, not on any supposed concern about germ prevention— but solely based on what others around them are doing. They are stringent about mask wearing when around others who also appear to be strict in their compliance. But when around others who defy the custom, they let their masks slip down to their chins or even take it off altogether because they know the risk of social ostracism is low. For most people, the mask serves as a social tool rather than a tool of supposed #hygiene.

Tribal people’s sense of values is relative and changes based on their social environments. All the societal evils that have taken place in the United States (and elsewhere) have occurred by the hands of an #establishment with the consent and complicity of masses of otherwise good, tribal-minded people who lacked the #independence and courage to be deviant. If it looks like the majority are going along with something, even something in retrospect that would clearly be deemed wrong or evil, the tribal person will go along with it as well by rationalizing their guilt and responsibility away. These rationalizations, collectively, become mass delusions that are later used to excuse the complicity in the wrong-doing. “We did not now any better,” or “it was a different time,” they will say. Hogwash. They knew exactly what they were doing, but they lacked the courage to stand apart from the crowd. For every mass atrocity that was committed, there was a strident minority that not only knew better but tried to hold the majority to task for its actions. These minorities were #historically and are currently dismissed, ignored, laughed at, socially ostracized, or even penalized.

Progressive #ideology teaches that we are better than previous generations, that we have learned our lessons from past mistakes, and that we will not repeat those mistakes. This is a load of crock, and the past two years have shown that humans are no more evolved now than they were at any previous period, that they are more willing than ever to persecute others for their differences and to subjugate people into #conformity. If nothing else, the pandemic revealed that most people today have no deep understanding of why various past persecutions were wrong, and if persecution today does not look exactly like a persecution of yesterday they cannot recognize it for what it is. Their understanding of persecution as a moral wrong is a reductionist list of rote memorization rather than an innate value borne of an underlying moral #philosophy.

These tribal-minded people, these supposed lovers of #rebellion and #subversion, are going to rationalize their culpability and cowardice away. They always do. They will say that they were operating on the best information they had at the time, that no one could have known, that even the experts were fooled, that they simply followed the leaders and experts.

We cannot let them get away with these lies.

Their complicity was not an innocent mistake as they will try to make us believe, but a willful effort to persecute the rebel #opposition.

Declared emergencies are the most expedient way for governments to seize power and the method by which many military dictatorships come into existence. A medical #dictatorship is a new twist on an old classic. Emergency powers enable politicians to do things they otherwise do not have the power to do and to severely trample on the rights of the citizenry

#history #society #today_like_yesterday
