

In Austria, the Government Pays to Repair Your Stuff
"Taking the “right to repair” one step further, a Viennese repair bonus is going national — and keeping thousands of items out of the junkyard

..Now a national repair bonus, which will kick off this April, will adopt the same approach focusing on E-waste, which is the fastest growing waste stream in the developed world. 83,000 tons of it land in Austrian landfills every year, of which only around 17 percent is recycled. The national repair bonus will subsidize 50 percent of repair costs for electronic and electrical equipment, capped at €200 per repair.

..The repair bonus model is gaining in popularity as a bridging measure. Both the German state of Thüringen and the city of Portland followed Vienna’s example with their own schemes in the spring of 2021. Eisenriegler, who has spent the better part of 30 years lobbying for sustainable solutions in Brussels, already sees the first signs of an EU-wide repair bonus. It is being discussed in connection with eco-social tax reforms, but he points out that the desired systemic change would make the repair bonus obsolete: “If we have a tax reform where labor is taxed less while resources become more expensive, we won’t be needing this crutch anymore.” "

#Austria #Germany #Portland #repair #eco-social #reform


I hit the jackpot!

Bought this hammer drill on the french site LebonCoin for 35 euro, it was supposed to come with 2 batteries, but was surprised to see 3 batteries in the box when I opened it.

Was hoping to fix at least one of the batteries so I can use it with the drill but none of them would charge.

Found out that the charger didn't work and when I opened it, I saw that a wire wasn't connected properly to the PCB, soldered it and tried to charge one of the batteries, and to my surprise, it works.

I will let it charge until it is full and then try it out. I'm really excited. 3 heavy duty batteries are 90 euro each when new.

#PowerTools #Bosch #Repair #SecondHand


Réparation sympa cette semaine.
Un musicien m'a porté un pédalier Tech21 "FlyRig5" avec une tranche d'effet ("PLEXI" - distortion) HS, et des potards crachotant.

Le problème venait d'un micro switch complètement oxydé et en court-circuit.
Nettoyage et désoxydation des partie électroniques et mécaniques, recollage d'une piste arrachée (pâte UV), remplacement du micro switch, rechargement des soudures des connectiques et potards avec de l'étain neuf... et enfin test !
Tout est OK, disto retrouvée, plus de crachotements, client ravi :-D

#electronique #electronic #musique #music #effet #guitare #guitar #rig #effect #tech21 #gear #soudure #microsoudure #soldering #microsoldering #reparation #repair #shop #fr #monotron #mywork #myjob


Bonjour à tous-tes.

Je suis #nouveauici #newhere.

Je suis une boutique de réparation d'appareils de communication située à Salies de Béarn (64).
Je propose des services de réparations et de reconditionnement pour les téléphones, tablettes, ordinateurs portables, enceintes et autres appareils sans fil, consoles de jeux... Je vends des appareils et des accessoires neufs et reconditionnés.
Par ailleurs, je propose des services de conception et d'impression 3D.

Mes centres d’intérêts sont: #technique #reparation #reconditionnement #electronique #telephones #tablettes #ordinateurs #consoles #objetsconnectes #soudure #microsoudure #PCB #BGA #composants #ESS #economiecirculaire #vieprivee #numerique #licenceslibres #hack #android #ios #windows #gnu-linux #linux #DIY #impresssion3d #CAO
#tech #repair #refurb #electronic #phones #laptop #videogames #iot #soldering #microsoldering #privacy #digital #floss #opensource #3dprinting #CAD

Vous pourrez en apprendre un peu plus sur mon site vitrine: atm64.fr. Mon dépôt de travail public est sous Gitlab: Ici.

IRL (donc derrière le comptoir) je suis @regisburin@diaspora-fr.org (Coucou ! )

À bientôt, ici ou là ;-)